Eight Reasons to Boycott KFC

Beachgoers in Fort Myers and Pensacola today got the envious privilege of being able to see planes hired by PETA flying up and down the shoreline towing signs reading “8 REASONS TO BOYCOTT KFC,” and featuring a demonic, blood-soaked “Colonel Sanders” in the act of stabbing a chicken. So without further ado: 8 Reasons to … Read more »

Pam Anderson Goes Down Under

Pamela Anderson Visits a KFC in Australia OK, how predictable was that title? Here’s something else that’s predictable (in a good way this time): Devoted PETA supporter Pamela Anderson has taken yet another opportunity to speak up for animals. The walking fantasy with a heart of gold is in Australia for the filming of the … Read more »

Five Great Things About Rising Fuel Costs

I know what you’re thinking: There’s an upside to rising fuel costs? We won’t see it at the fuel pump or in the grocery story, but perhaps there really is a silver lining—and not just for the Saudis and the speculators.This isn’t news to loyal readers of The PETA Files, but fattening and killing animals … Read more »

We Love Famke Janssen!

Famke Janssen has played a gamut of roles on the big and small screens, including her upcoming appearance in the highly-buzzed indie film The Wackness, which comes out on July 3. While this Netherlands-born beauty can play everything from a Bond girl to an X-men mutant to an indie star, we love her most for … Read more »

Running of the RED Bulls

Now imagine the spectators’ surprise if the corner was rounded not by tortured animals but by Formula 1 racing cars. The mighty, 600-kilogram (1323-pound) masses of metal are operated by professional drivers who squeal their tires on the cobblestones and maneuver around corners so tightly that spectators are forced to scramble to safety. How freakin’ … Read more »

Jessica Biel Enters the Blogosphere

evilbeetgossip / CC I have a confession to make: I’m a huge fan of Jessica Biel, and way back in the day, I never missed an episode of 7th Heaven. And c’mon, her role in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was down-right terrifying.So it was great to read on this morning that the actress and … Read more »

Pam Anderson Sells One Viper to Benefit Many

Our very own Pam Anderson has auctioned off her Dodge Viper. Why did she give up this super speedy racer? Because she cares more about real reptiles—and all other exotic animals whose skin is torn from their flesh for fashion. (Don’t you love the alliteration bug that I caught today?) Pam has pledged to give … Read more »

A Superhero for Chickens!

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! Wait! It’s a plane looking to help birds—chickens, to be precise.Beachgoers flocking (geddit?) to Panama City’s crowded beaches had something far more interesting to gawk at this weekend than women in skimpy bikinis, as an airplane hired by PETA flew overhead, towing a banner that read, “Boycott KFC Cruelty.”Now … Read more »

Cruelty Charges Filed Against Pig-Farm Worker

You might remember when we broke the news back in December about our undercover investigation at a pig farm in Garland, North Carolina, owned by Murphy Family Ventures, which supplies pig meat to Smithfield Foods. Murphy Family Ventures workers were documented cutting off piglets’ tails and pulling out piglets’ testicles without any pain relief, among … Read more »

Imogen Bailey Says, ‘Chicks Are More Than Breasts and Legs’

news / CC PETA supporter and all-around smoking-hot animal advocate Imogen Bailey is joining the almost-global (thanks, KFCs in Canada!) campaign against KFC. PETA Asia-Pacific’s supermodel buddy wrote a letter to Albert Baladi—managing director of Yum! Restaurants International South Pacific, the parent company of KFC in the Asia-Pacific region—asking him to adopt the same animal … Read more »

An Open Letter to the Citizens of Iowa

An open letter to the citizens of Iowa: It’s too late to save the poor pigs who were killed after they escaped a flooded southeastern Iowa farm after being left to drown, swam several miles through raging floodwaters, and scrambled atop a sandbag levee, where sheriff’s officials shot them for fear that they would weaken … Read more »

Boots for Chicks

The following open letter is a response to this letter. Dear Best Week Ever, We really appreciate that you shared your suggestion with us about tiny footwear being the key to convincing people not to eat animals anymore. I don’t know why we didn’t think of this sooner. Your idea is genius.B.W.E., we couldn’t agree … Read more »

Government Investigation Confirms Butterball Cruelty

The USDA just completed an investigation of a Butterball turkey slaughterhouse in Arkansas that confirmed PETA’s findings of intentional cruelty to animals, including punching, kicking, and tormenting turkeys destined for slaughter. So what happens next? Well, not much, as far as the law’s concerned: Because there simply aren’t any federal legal protections for chickens and … Read more »

Vote for Your Favorite Anti-KFC Action

Today Canada, tomorrow the world (insert maniacal laughter here). We were totally spent from doing a victory dance over our recent KFC campaign triumph in Canada, but we’ve rested up and now we’re ready to get back to kicking the Colonel’s bucket. Continuing our Kentucky Fried Cruelty campaign in other countries, including the U.S., we’re … Read more »

KFC Scalds Chicks

Every once in a while, someone notices that women are featured in PETA’s provocative ads and demonstrations more often than men are. It’s not that PETA, as an organization, doesn’t appreciate animal-loving, nearly naked men—it’s just that usually the ads and demonstrations make more sense or will garner more attention to animal rights issues with … Read more »

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