Winning Essay: The Effect of Factory Farming on the Environment

The following is the winning PETA article on and was written by Amanda Day. Factory farms’ presence increased significantly over the past fifty years. Continued growth will cause further environmental damage. Factory farms also known as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) are defined by the Environmental Protection Agency as facilities that confine and feed … Read more »
“President Bush” Shows Support for Turkeys

This year, in response to the gobbledygook that is offered on Butterball’s Thanksgiving hotline (tips for stuffing a murdered bird? No, thank you!), you’ll never guess who is greeting 1-888-VEG-FOOD callers and asking folks to pardon all turkeys from the horrible fate of being Thanksgiving dinner. A clue? He’s “decided” to give the birds a … Read more »

Hunting Contributes to Highway Deaths

pbase / CC A new report by the auto insurance–funded Highway Loss Data Institute finds that fatalities in collisions between vehicles and animals—mostly deer—have more than doubled in the last 15 years. Hunters are undoubtedly tripping all over themselves in the hope of using this to rationalize killing even more animals—but we believe that the … Read more »

You’ve Been Punked! By an Octopus

csudh / CC It’s not often that we post an entry about octopi, but this story is definitely worth the mention. When employees at the Sea Star Aquarium in Coburg, Germany, were puzzled by the constant short-circuiting of lights, they thought it was a result of technical difficulties. It turns out, however, that Otto the … Read more »

We (Heart) Dr. Izzy Stevens

Katherine Heigl wearing our “Have a PETA Day” T-shirt OK, if you’re like me, you cancel all your plans, shut off your cell phone, lock your door, and glue yourself to your couch every Thursday at 9 p.m. for none other than the greatest hour of television all week: Grey’s Anatomy. Well, last night was … Read more »

Our Halloween Treat for You

Happy Halloween, animal lovers! I hope you all took our costume advice this year. I’m planning to see tons of Trollsens and Colonels wandering the streets tonight in search of fab vegan candy. Before your teeth begin to ache from too much sugar and your costume gets retired for another year, check out the best … Read more »

We Spooked KFC–Now Scare Your Neighbors!

Back in January, we told you about one of our cheekier stunts in our ongoing quest to help chickens who are raised and killed for KFC. Long story short: It involved the cemetery where KFC founder “Colonel” Sanders is buried and a headstone for PETA’s own Matt Prescott (who, don’t worry, is still among the … Read more »

Agriprocessors Fined $10 Million; Sholom Rubashkin Arrested

If you’re looking for a truly scary haunt this Halloween, look no further than Postville, Iowa–based Agriprocessors. Seriously folks, it’s a real house of horrors for all living creatures. The kosher slaughterhouse is severely lacking when it comes to humane treatment of animals and humans. Here’s a perfect example from one of our undercover investigations: … Read more »

A Pat on the Back

There’s a great editorial titled “PETA’s Undercover Agents Deserve a Pat on the Back” in the Post-Bulletin that’s well worth reading. We don’t generally just push people over to another site, but when something is good it’s good—so we’ll let someone else do the writing this time. Check out the editorial here. Written by Joel … Read more »

Have a ‘Fowl’ Halloween–Be Colonel Sanders!

Still don’t have a Halloween costume? Too tall to pass for a Trollsen Twin? Take a tip from PETA VP Dan Mathews: be the Colonel. “Impersonating a scary guy like Colonel Sanders at Halloween is a great way to get a PETA point across at parties and become a frontrunner in costume contests,” says Mathews, … Read more »

22 Charges Filed Based on PETA Investigation at Hormel Supplier

It’s with a proud and ecstatic heart that I report this news today! Our investigation into an Iowa pig farm that breeds piglets destined for Hormel has resulted in 22—that’s right, count them—22 criminal charges. The Greene County Sheriff just announced in a news release that six individuals employed by the farm at the time … Read more »

New Video from Investigation into Hormel Supplier

One month ago, we released shocking footage from an undercover investigation of a factory farm in Iowa that raises pigs who are destined for Hormel. The public was rightly outraged by the horrific findings of PETA’s investigators, who found that workers repeatedly hit pigs with metal gate rods and canes, a worker slammed the heads … Read more »

What Do Zombies Have in Common With a Pleather Fetish?

They’ve both been featured in killer PETA street demonstrations this month! Now, we’re known for being clever, sexy, and interesting when it comes to our eye-catching demos, but in my opinion, the last few weeks have really taken the cake. Check it: These hottie-boom-botties have teamed up at San Francisco’s annual leather-fetish festival to remind … Read more »

Stella McCartney’s Fur Feud with Karl Lagerfeld

PETA President Ingrid Newkirk‘s new book One Can Make a Difference is a collection of essays by some pretty awesome people—and one of my favorites is the wonderful Stella McCartney. You can’t help but love Stella; she is not only a fabulous (and award-winning!) fashion designer but also a staunch opponent of fur and leather. … Read more »

Buying Leather Pants Supports Terrorism?

As if there weren’t already enough terror attached to the loathsome leather trade, the notoriously cruel Indian leather industry has now been linked to Islamic terrorists groups. According to a recent article in The Times of India, the illegal cattle-smuggling trade, an integral part of the leather supply chain, has been funding terrorism in India. … Read more »

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