Top 10 Reasons to Pardon a Turkey This Thanksgiving

wikimedia / CC Did Sarah Palin’s recent interview in front of a turkey-slaughter operation almost cause you to lose your lunch? If so, you’re not alone. Even conservative pundit Joe Scarborough says he may well skip the bird this year. With Thanksgiving upon us, here without further ado are PETA’s top 10 reasons to pardon … Read more »

PETA’s Road Warriors

Our fearless campaigners have been hard at work exposing cruelty to animals—and sometimes quite a bit of themselves—all across the country! A Lowe’s in San Diego received a visit from a bikini-clad “mouse,” who lay in front of the store on her own glue trap. In case you didn’t know, Lowe’s still sells hideously cruel … Read more »

Turkey Pardon Fail, Starring Sarah Palin

The moose-hunting, fur-wearing, pro-aerial-wolf-gunning governor is in the news again. On Thursday, Sarah Palin visited a turkey farm in Wasilla for the traditional pre-Thanksgiving turkey “pardoning.” Now, most people probably don’t think about exactly how the turkeys raised for Thanksgiving dinner every year meet their maker. But not to worry. Sarah has that under control. … Read more »

Sexy Pilgrim Costumes Go Missing!

It’s a chilly South Dakota afternoon. You and a friend are scheduled to help save turkeys from a horrible fate at the latest head-turning PETA demo, but your sexy pilgrim costumes have yet to arrive. How do you resolve this nail-biter? Do you (A) go home and have vegan hazelnut hot cocoa? (A cop-out, yes, … Read more »

Cooking Mama Responds to PETA Parody

Earlier this week, when PETA released our parody of Majesco’s Cooking Mama video game series, we wondered how the game would go over with the folks at Majesco. We were extremely happy yesterday when we received Majesco’s public response, which included the following: Cooking Mama World Kitchen includes more than 25 vegetarian-friendly recipes including delicious … Read more »

PETCO Ends Rabbit Sales

DailyHamster / CC OK, so a bit of good news for bunnies. For years, PETA has been pushing PETCO to end the sale of animals in its stores. This week, the company finally announced that it will no longer sell rabbits in it stores. The phase-out begins immediately. By early 2009, the only rabbits at … Read more »

Gwyneth Paltrow Explains Fur Faux Pas

Babble / CC This weekend in Miami, with friends from Ocean Drive magazine (which runs PETA ads free of charge), I attended the grand reopening of the swanky Fontainebleau Hotel. I was able to chat with vegan mogul Russell Simmons and had a word with fur offender P. Diddy, but the nicest surprise was hearing … Read more »

John Salley Slams Cruelty to Elephants

97.1 The Ticket / CC When PETA told basketball star John Salley of an opportunity to help elephants in Chicago—the city that he helped lead to multiple victories while playing for the Bulls—he jumped at the chance. There’s currently a piece of legislation before the Chicago City Council that would ban chaining elephants. So John … Read more »

Undercover Investigator Unveils New Turkey Investigation

One of four men who was seen stomping on turkeys’ heads We have a brand-new investigation of a turkey factory farm, and we wanted to let the investigator introduce it to you himself. See what he has to say, then please check out the video. The alarm clock on my cell blares out at 1 … Read more »

Elephant Cruelty: Your Government Inaction

It seems that some circus industry folks—including Feld Entertainment, Ringling’s parent company—have donated more than $40,000to certain Chicago aldermen and their respective ward organizations in an apparent attempt to derail efforts to pass an ordinance to prevent some of the worst cruelty that is inflicted on elephantsin circuses. And—what do you know?—a large amount of … Read more »

Bacon, Fake Bacon for James Bond

nilacharal / CC It looks like James Bond himself, actor Daniel Craig, is a little confused as to what makes a good breakfast. While filming Quantum of Solace, Craig decided he was going to stick with the ideal of a traditional English breakfast, no matter what—so he had bacon shipped to him on location. In … Read more »

Montreal Prisoner Can’t Fit Into Furniture

marlerblog / CC After being jailed on drug trafficking and conspiracy charges, Michel Lapointe was released early from his incarceration in Montréal. Why? Because—no joke—he was too obese to fit into the jail’s furniture. Lapointe’s lawyer argued that the prison’s mattresses, chairs, and benches were too small for a man of Lapointe’s size and therefore … Read more »

Your Mama! (Kills Animals)

Just in time for Thanksgiving and the release of the latest installment in Majesco’s popular video game series Cooking Mama, PETA has launched a parody of the game called Cooking Mama: Mama Kills Animals, the Unauthorized PETA Edition. If you’re wondering why we’re picking on poor Mama, it’s probably because you’ve never played the original … Read more »

PETA to Michael Jackson: Pay Up to Have Animals Rescued

cm1 / CC Michael Jackson is trickier to find these days than Waldo, but lucky for us (and for animals), we’ve got some mad detective skills. Do you really think any disguise would prevent us from tracking him down when animals are in danger? Heck no! PETA’s Captive Animal Rescue and Enforcement Department—otherwise known as … Read more »

Kosher Slaughterhouse Goes Bankrupt; Jewish Americans Go Vegetarian

You remember Agriprocessors, right? You know, the kosher slaughterhouse whose practices turned out to be anything but kosher? The one that lost 76 percent of its employees in an immigration raid and that filed for bankruptcy last week? Well, since Agriprocessors is (or, dare I say, was) the largest glatt kosher slaughterhouse in the world, … Read more »

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