Animal Companions
Breaking News on Iowa Pig Farm Investigation

We have just learned that Shawn Matthew Lyons, one of the men caught abusing pigs during our investigation of an Iowa pig farm, pleaded guilty to one count of livestock neglect. This charge was filed after authorities reviewed our investigators’ video, which showed Lyons beating a pig on the back at least 10 times with … Read more »

Animal Companions
The Day I Spent With Michael Vick

kiki072895 / CC On September 18, 2007, I spent eight hours with Michael Vick at PETA headquarters. He was there to participate in PETA’s “Developing Empathy for Animals” course as part of an education process that PETA hoped would ultimately lead Michael to speak out publicly against dogfighting. In one segment of the course, Michael … Read more »

Animal Companions
Men Who Stomped, Kicked Turkeys Apparently Still on the Clock

You probably remember when we unveiled our undercover investigation of Aviagen Turkeys, Inc., right before Thanksgiving. (Those horrifying images are hard to forget.) After seeing our video footage, Aviagen claimed to be working on improvements to its animal welfare policies and promised to fire all workers who were caught violating them. However, Aviagen has not, … Read more »

Animal Companions
What’s a Big Blob o’ Fat With Bacteria?

dd258 / CC Today, my love affair with Norfolk’s own Bella Pizzeria vegan pizza was solidified. As I was browsing through the morning paper and munching on my heavily soy-milked cereal, I came across this gem, which made me gag a bit. I was already aware that cheese is a glob of coagulated goo that … Read more »

Animal Companions
Pus-Filled Prison Poultry Causes Lawsuit

Getting shanked in the shower is definitely a worry, but biting into pus-filled poultry? That’s cruel and unusual punishment. Just ask the three Vermont men who are seeking $100,000 in damages from ConAgra Foods after reportedly purchasing bad chicken from the prison store at Lee Adjustment Facility in Beattyville, Kentucky. The sickening saga began three … Read more »

Animal Companions
Blow-Up Dolls With Multiple Uses

We were blown away (sorry) by the Kentucky Fried Cruelty demonstration that PETA Asia-Pacific held earlier today. Maybe it’s a cultural difference, but in that part of the world, people apparently go into giggling fits over the very idea of blow-up dolls. Go figure! Anyway, the clever folks at PETA Asia-Pacific, with the help of … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA Educates Bill Cosby About KFC

knoxnews / CC OK. So I really love The Cosby Show. The deadpan humor, family melodrama, and Bill Cosby’s tacky sweaters—how could you not? So when I found out that Bill Cosby will be performing at KFC’s upcoming annual Convention Gala, I was heartbroken. PETA reached out to Bill and let him know that more … Read more »

Animal Companions
KFC Serves Garbage. No, Really.

So we all knew that KFC has some trashy practices, but did you know just how disgusting they can be? Recently, a delivery person recorded a KFC employee in Hong Kong picking fried chicken out of a trash can, putting it on a tray, and serving it to customers. While this might be shocking to … Read more »

Animal Companions
Santa and Bikini-Clad Chicks vs. KFC

While Santa’s making his list and checking it twice, you’d better believe that KFC is getting nothing but coal, coal, and more coal—and PETA’s “Sexy Santas” want to make sure that the world knows why! Check us out at our demos handing out info on Kentucky Fried Cruelty!     Santa’s not the only one … Read more »

Animal Companions
If the Shoe Fits …

necn / CC You may have heard about the incident this weekend in which an Iraqi reporter took aim at President Bush … by throwing both his shoes at him. The footwear was flung during a news conference in Baghdad, where Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki were just about to sign a security … Read more »

Animal Companions
Stress and Obesity Killing Teenage Inmates

htmlhelp / CC Elephant inmates, that is. Two recent studies comparing the health of wild elephants to that of captive ones just concluded that—golly jeepers—free-roaming animals don’t fare very well if they’re kidnapped from their mothers and kept for life in cages—excuse me—”zoo exhibits.” You see, 8,000-pound elephants physically require exercise, including being active for … Read more »

Animal Companions
17,000 Pigs Die on Transport Trucks

Number of animals found dead each year when trucks are unloaded at Canadian slaughterhouses:2 million broiler chickens400,000 egg-layers, breeders20,000 turkeys17,000 pigs500 cattleUp to 3 million total Picture this: You’re cruising down the highway when you catch a glimpse of a truck in your rearview mirror. Your eyes focus on the white bits of feathers or … Read more »

Animal Companions
Let’s Not Get Taken for a Ride

fund4horses / CC Every visit to New York City causes me to reflect upon the misery that befalls those poor old racetrack castoffs, Amish cart-pullers, and other worn-down horses who end up between the shafts of a heavy carriage, pulling loads of tourists—and some uncaring driver—through the dirty, noisy streets of New York City in … Read more »

Animal Companions
The Aussie Government Is Talking About My Naughty Bits!

I’m pretty sure my mother has set up Google News alerts for my name. So when I saw a News of the Weird–esque article in Australia’s Weekly Times about an Aussie senator, Bill Heffernan, taking jabs at me to the media by talking about my—ahem—circumcision, I knew it was just a matter of time before … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA’s ‘Fashion Police’ Bust Leather Offenders

PETA’s sexy “fashion police” are on patrol again. Last week, they took their beat to the street – in New Haven and Providence, handing out citations to leather-wearers for “violating common decency.” For some reason, every “offender” loved being “detained.” In fact, this is pretty much what happened every time: Fashion Cop: No more leather, … Read more »

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