KFC’s Colonel Gets Axed–Literally

Colonel Sanders got a taste of his own medicine when PETA marked the Association of Kentucky Fried Chicken Franchisees Convention in Maryland last month by “slaughtering” the Colonel outside a nearby KFC restaurant. Luckily for the brave actor portraying Colonel Sanders, our slaughter methods are a bit more humane than those employed by KFC’s suppliers. … Read more »

‘Naked Chef’ Gets Naked (and Pregnant) Surprise

If you’ve been keeping up with your British celebrity chefs lately, you’ll know that Naked Chef star Jamie Oliver has been pushing pork products on the public (try saying that three times fast). He’s encouraging people to “save our bacon” by buying British pig meat instead of the cruel other kind. Wait. What? Now, we … Read more »

PETA Enlists the Luck of the Leprechaun Ladies

Top o’ the mornin’ and happy St. Patrick’s Day to you! Since you’d never find a real leprechaun at a KFC (leprechauns are far too smart for that), PETA sent out our own sexy Leprechaun Ladies to encourage passersby to opt for pots of gold, not buckets of chicken. Check out these photos for a … Read more »

Must-See HBO Documentary Premieres Tonight

workdogpro / CC When animals receive the attention they deserve from TV networks, it’s a grand occasion. HBO has once again stepped up to the plate—remember when the network aired I Am an Animal, which followed PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk in her daily work to save animals? Well, tonight, the network will be airing … Read more »

The Curse of Colonel Sanders?

quid / CC As a lifelong Red Sox fan, I’ll be the first to admit that baseball “curses” are a bit overblown. All that the infamous “Curse of the Bambino” ever did was sell a trillion copies of a certain curly-haired sportswriter’s books. The Red Sox didn’t lose all those years because Babe Ruth was … Read more »

Pig Farms and Flesh-Eating Bacteria

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof usually writes about Darfur and other far-off lands, but this week, he ventured into America’s heartland to talk about a plague that is afflicting a small town in Indiana that happens to be home to factory hog farms. The plague is MRSA—methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, aka “flesh-eating bacteria.” You can … Read more »

KFC Chief’s Speech Add-On

Just as David Novak, CEO of KFC’s parent company, Yum!, stepped up to address a crowd of Louisville business owners yesterday, two animal rights activists entered the stage, commandeered the mic, and told the assembled captains of Kentucky industry that “David Novak tortures animals,” a reference to the millions of chickens who have their wings … Read more »

Louisiana to Open Chicken Empathy Museum?

scienceblogs / CC After Pilgrim’s Pride announced that it will be closing its slaughterhouse in Farmerville, Louisiana, Gov. Bobby Jindal immediately put together an emergency task force to strategize a way to stop the plant from closing. We realize that in this unstable economy, losing 1,300 jobs can definitely be scary, so PETA has written … Read more »

Kentucky Fried Contamination

It should be no surprise to regular readers of this blog that we keep an eye on happenings at KFC, so this caught our eye: According to news reports, the manager of a KFC in Manchester, New Hampshire, received a hoax phone call from someone who claimed to be from KFC’s corporate offices and told … Read more »

Paul Harvey Harnessed Air Waves to Help Animals

theirvins / CC It’s with deep regret and sadness that we announce the passing of Paul Harvey—a man who for decades used his voice to speak up against the injustices suffered by animals. As America’s most listened-to radio personality, Mr. Harvey formed a connection with his audience like none other. His quirky delivery style and … Read more »

The Naked Truth About KFC

As the Midwest’s snowy winter drags on, PETA beauties have been heating things up. They recently flocked to a KFC in Champaign, Illinois, to tell customers the “naked” truth about how cold-hearted KFC abuses chickens. After hearing the gruesome details, I think it’s safe to say that many would-be customers were seriously thinking about flying … Read more »

McCruelty–We’re Hatin’ It

Eight years ago, we suspended our McCruelty campaign against McDonald’s (by placing an indefinite moratorium on the campaign) after the company agreed to adopt some basic animal welfare measures. Since that time, we’ve worked behind the scenes with McDonald’s to improve conditions for its animals … and we’re hatin’ what we’re seein’. What’s got our … Read more »

Quiznos Helps Animals!

claytonguiltner / CC I travel a lot for work, and between going to meetings, catching flights, and trying to get to hotels at a reasonable hour, I’m always on the lookout for a quick bite to eat. Quiznos has saved me many a time with its delicious toasted veggie sandwiches—but I’ve been troubled by its … Read more »

Victory: First-Ever Felony Charges of Cruelty to Factory-Farmed Birds

In a huge victory for animals, a grand jury has issued 19 indictments for cruelty to animals against three former employees of Aviagen Turkeys, Inc. And it gets better—11 of the indictments are on felony charges. This marks the first time in U.S. history that factory-farm employees have faced felony cruelty-to-animals charges for abusing birds. … Read more »

Bravely Going Where No Bikini Has Gone Before

All across our great nation, bikini-clad PETA members have been out in full force, snatching media attention and educating the public about cruelty to animals. If only math classes used such brilliant strategies, we’d all be calculus whizzes! From the International Putrid … excuse me, Poultry Expo in Atlanta to the slushy streets of Flint, … Read more »

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