For Adults and Kids Alike: PETA Kids Explains What a ‘Wet Market’ Is

If you’ve been hearing the term “wet market” ever since the beginning of COVID-19 but don’t know what it means, check out PETA Kids’ colorful and helpful comic strip.

Watch Out, Smithfield! PETA’s ‘Reapers’ Hover Around Animal Graveyard

As slaughterhouses reopen across the U.S., PETA protesters remind everyone that the source of future pandemics might be right next door.

Video of Dying Cows in Semi-Truck Wreckage Is Your Vegan Wake-up Call

The video of this crash is completely heartbreaking. Those cows never should have been on that truck in the first place.

Antelope County News
Shareholder Activism: PETA Takes a Seat at These Meatpackers’ Tables

What do Tyson, Smithfield, Hormel, and Maple Leaf Foods all have in common? Aside from facing closures related to COVID-19, they all have a new shareholder: PETA.

URGENT: Help Keep These Animal Abusers Shut Down Post–COVID-19

Animal exploiters are nonessential—the coronavirus pandemic proves that the world can keep on turning without the torture and killing of animals.

PETA Attacks Slaughterhouse Openings With Full-Page Ad Appeal to Consumers

Americans must start eating as if everyone’s life depends on their choices, because it does. Meat comes from filthy facilities rife with disease.

PETA Urges You to Put Down That Rancid, Sour Bodily Fluid Right Now

If everyone would recognize butter as processed fatty, stolen secretions, maybe we could move away from abusing cows and stealing their babies.

Things Cannot Go Back to the Way They Were Before COVID-19

Activists including PETA President Ingrid Newkirk brought our message to the White House.

Tyson Managers Profiting From Workers’ Getting COVID-19?

As if slaughterhouses weren’t already inherently evil, Tyson just responded after management was caught betting money on how many workers would get COVID-19.

Food Safety Inspections Have Nosedived—We Must Keep Slaughterhouses Closed

Food recalls have come to a screeching halt, as COVID-19 has completely disrupted the nation’s food-safety system.

PETA Offers to Retrain Slaughterhouse Workers to Produce Vegan Meats

COVID-19 and other deadly diseases have a major impact on the pig- and bird-flesh supply. What better time to overhaul this filthy industry?

America: The Next Pandemic Could Start at Home

The question isn’t IF slaughterhouses and live-animal markets in the U.S. will trigger the next pandemic—it’s WHEN.

Calif. and N.Y. Lawmakers Join PETA in Push to Ban Deadly ‘Wet Markets’

PETA has been calling for a ban on live-animal markets from the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. Every government body should be doing the same.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Why Is a PETA Supporter the Only One Left at Largest U.S. Pig Slaughterhouse?

This member withstands the cold in front of a Smithfield plant, the largest pig slaughterhouse in the country, as COVID-19 wreaks havoc on the meat industry.

Did PETA UK Really Just Show Kids Slaughter Footage?

Do you think your children can handle knowing where their meat comes from? We want kids to know who they’re eating.

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