Turkey Abusers Convicted: One Jailed!

animalvegetablemiracle / CC Late last year, some factory-farm employees got their pink slips from Aviagen Turkeys, Inc. in response to PETA’s undercover investigation, which documented that workers were breaking turkeys’ necks, stomping on their heads, and shoving feces and feed into turkeys’ mouths. Then, in February, a grand jury handed down 19 indictments, including 11 … Read more »

Wisconsin: ‘America’s Cow Hell’

Many vegan Wisconsinites cringe at the sight of “Green Bay Cheeseheads“—not to mention their state’s standard license plate, which reads, “America’s Dairyland,” and features an image of a quaint farm. Caring drivers in Wisconsin deserve a compassionate alternative to “pro-provolone” plates, so PETA wrote a letter to Governor Jim Doyle pointing out that people who … Read more »

Smithfield Reneges on Promise to Improve Conditions for Pigs

Smithfield execs, who live high off the hog—actually, it’s more like about 27 million hogs—have just decided that they cannot keep their promise to phase out gestation crates over the next 10 years. Smithfield states, “Due to recent significant operating losses incurred by our Hog Production segment, we have delayed capital expenditures for the program … Read more »

Four More Former Iowa Pig Factory Farm Workers Admit Guilt!

indymedia / CC Shawn Matthew Lyons was the first individual ever convicted of abusing or neglecting factory-farmed pigs in Iowa, but he’s no longer alone. Four other workers who were employed at the farm—a Hormel supplier at which our undercover investigation produced video footage documenting that workers beat pigs with metal rods and sexually abused … Read more »

Is Anthony Kiedis Anti-McDonalds?

vegetarianstar / CC   We’ll let you decide. Written by Shawna Flavell

Hungry Motorists Drive by–Not Through–Golden Arches

Members of the lunch crowd at a McDonald’s in Providence, Rhode Island, probably weren’t expecting to be greeted by a giant “chicken” bearing “Unhappy Meals” when they headed out on their lunch breaks. But hardly anyone could resist the lure of our chicken, and word is that almost every driver stopped to talk with the … Read more »

Andy Dick Ain’t Clownin’ Around

We warned you that Andy Dick was going to make an appearance in Chicago dressed as “Ronald McDonald” to scare McDonald’s executives straight and try to convince them to switch their current method of chicken slaughter—which often involves scalding live birds to death—to controlled-atmosphere killing (CAK).Yesterday, Andy delivered on that promise and was out in … Read more »

Olympic Gymnast Shawn Johnson Put to Sleep

  I’m sure that once her career was over, Shawn would have been sent off to Japan and ground up into dog food anyway. Written by Shawna Flavell

PETA’s Proposed Cow Empathy Museum: Good for Cows and the Community

animalrights.change / CC Dean Foods is mooving out. It’s closing two of its PET Dairy plants—one in Portsmouth, Virginia, and another in Kingsport, Tennessee, which means that milk production at the facilities will slowly dry up over the next two months. PETA wants to lease the Portsmouth facility (located just across the river from our … Read more »

Andy Dick Makes for a Frighteningly Realistic ‘Ronald McDonald’

sfgate / CC Last month, our scalded “chickens” appeared at a Chicago-area McDonald’s to draw attention to the many chickens who are boiled to death in scalding-hot water by McDonald’s suppliers. Since the company still refuses to implement controlled-atmosphere killing to ease some of the suffering of millions of chickens killed every year to become … Read more »

Vet Convention in Emerald City Has PETA Seeing Red

agrip / CC The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)—the same group that refuses to denounce the cruel force-feeding of ducks and geese for foie gras or the confinement of mother pigs to metal crates barely larger than their own bodies—have yet again proven that their hearts are as cold as their stethoscopes. The AVMA plans … Read more »

PETA to Speak Up for Chickens at McDonald’s Shareholder Meeting

PETA is poised to take the mic on Wednesday to speak in behalf of chickens at McDonald’s shareholder meeting in Oakbrook, Illinois. We’re all set to grill CEO Jim Skinner and plan on asking him to change the way that his restaurants’ suppliers slaughter birds by switching to controlled-atmosphere killing (CAK), a less cruel slaughter … Read more »

A Gross Mistake Regarding PETA’s Olympic Gear

  Olympic official Carol Gross really wants our Vancouver Olympics 2010 T-shirts off CafePress.com. As in, she literally wants them and all merchandise bearing PETA’s anti-fur parody of the Olympic logo removed from the CafePress Web site. Gross e-mailed CafePress asking that it “take necessary steps to prevent Sellers to advertise [sic] Olympic merchandise via … Read more »

Hockey Fan Blasts McDonald’s in JumboTron Marriage Proposal

There was no love lost between the Chicago Blackhawks and the Detroit Red Wings as they battled on the ice last night in game three of the Stanley Cup playoffs, but there was love in the stands during intermission when Jason Levy asked his girlfriend, Nicole Hughes, to marry him. But wait—there’s more! While the … Read more »

Swine Flu Victim’s Family Sues Pig Farm

  trendsupdates / CC Ah, the plot thickens. Smithfield—the same folks who sent a memo to employees a couple of weeks ago claiming that the swine flu outbreak isn’t connected to pigs—has been sued by the family of Judy Trunnell, the first U.S. resident to die of the disease. In that same “spin in haste, … Read more »

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