Tyson Busted for Polluting River–Again

wonkroom.thinkprogress / CC Oops, they did it again. Tyson Fresh Meats, a subsidiary of Tyson Foods, has been fined $2 million for pumping untreated animal waste (to the tune of 5 million gallons a day) into the Missouri River. The reason for the fine is that they agreed in 2002 to knock it off and, … Read more »

Thumbs Down for KFC’s ‘Double Down’

KFC has just started test-marketing a new “sandwich” that is sure to have customers beating down its doors (sarcasm alert).     I’m going to ignore for now that countless pigs, cows, and chickens will suffer for this sucker (and I’m betting that the “secret” in the sauce is crushed ducklings). Instead, I’m going to … Read more »

Pregnant Mother and Baby Murdered

If you visited PETA’s Web site during the month of November, you probably saw turkey slaughter footage. And no, I don’t mean Sarah Palin’s infamous turkey pardon fail. But have you ever seen slaughter footage from Turkey? Turns out animals are killed as cruelly there as anywhere else.     This video was taken in … Read more »

Chrissie Hynde Is ‘hatin’ it’ Across America

The Pretenders’ world tour landed in Salt Lake City on Sunday—and Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Chrissie Hynde was happy to use the occasion to launch her PETA campaign urging McDonald’s to require its suppliers to upgrade to less cruel slaughter methods. In addition to using her stage as a platform to advocate a … Read more »

Funny or Die?

What happens when a demented Ronald McDonald sits down with one of television’s most befuddling interviewers? Visitors to Will Ferrell’s FunnyOrDie.com are finding out today. A bizarre PETA video just debuted featuring Martin Short’s Jiminy Glick character grilling a “fried” Ronald McDonald (Andy Dick) about the company’s slaughter practices. While I’m excited about PETA’s first … Read more »

PETA India Demonstration, Sans Cops

While some PETA India members in Calcutta faced cop trouble at a demonstration outside the Calcutta Zoo earlier this week, others hit the streets in Delhi to help residents brush up on their ABCs: animal birth control.   Professor Pup calls class to order.   Delhi, Bangalore, and other parts of the country are facing … Read more »

Kids Speak Out Against Ringling

Kids love animals—so if anyone told them the truth about what goes on behind the scenes, they would have to be dragged kicking and screaming to circuses like Ringling Bros.     Over at PETAKids.com, we recently asked kids what they thought about circuses, and the results were too cute not to share! “I feel … Read more »

Alicia Silverstone Will Make You ‘Juicy’

Our favorite naked vegan has written a new book, The Kind Diet, which comes out in October. The book is all about living a vegan lifestyle, and Alicia had some great things to say to Health about the benefits of eating cruelty-free:   daemonstv / CC   “You can hear your needs and desires more … Read more »

PETA Inundated With Reports About Dying Frogs Purchased at Brookstone

Since we posted our action alert about Brookstone’s boneheaded decision to sell live frogs and snails who are confined to minuscule “Frog-O-Spheres,” we’ve heard from lots of people who’ve confirmed our worst fears about the likely fate of these animals.     Brookstone has admitted that they aren’t screening potential “Frog-O-Sphere” customers, and their woefully … Read more »

PETA Asks North Carolina Governor to Turn Prison Into Pig Empathy Museum

e6townhall / CC Considering how factory farms (mis)treat pigs—cramming them into filthy pens and confining mothers to gestation crates—it’s not hard to see farms as porcine prisons. So, naturally, when we heard that a prison in McLeansville, North Carolina, was slated for closure, we quickly dispatched a letter to Governor Bev Purdue to ask for … Read more »

Something Is Rotten in the State of Kentucky

Less than a month ago, we sent requests asking permission from the Louisville Department of Public Works to place our crippled-chicken statue, which was designed by renowned cartoonist Harry Bliss, on public property. I should clarify—we submitted six separate applications, asking for our statue to be placed at six different locations, to nix any issue … Read more »

‘Win It’ Wednesday: ‘Unhappy Meals’

Ah, Moe’s. Your Art Vandalay Burrito—a dee-lish medley of black beans, rice, pico de gallo, and guacamole—always ensures a “happy meal.” But you, McDonald’s, with that scary clown pimping your packages of abused and bruised chickens—you always ensure a very unhealthy, unhappy meal. For this week’s “Win It” Wednesday, we’re giving away 10 of PETA’s … Read more »

Adam and Eve Protest McDonald’s Sinful Ways

Photo © Bryan and Carla Wilson Adam and Eve speak out for chickens in their first-ever protest in behalf of animals.   You didn’t think we meant the couple from the Garden of Eden, did you? Naw. Another young pair, who just happen to be named Adam and Eve, joined other caring individuals in Orlando … Read more »

Jenna Jameson Says McDonald’s Mistreatment of Chickens Is Foul

Remember this?     Hot, right? Well, we have one more stellar Jenna ad to add to her ever-growing body of work with PETA. The super-sexy star just shot a new TV ad in support of our McCruelty campaign, and it will be hitting the airwaves this fall! In the 30-second spot, Jenna says, “If … Read more »

Helping Make a Difference–One Vegan Pancake at a Time

The following is a guest post from peta2’s Lara. Greetings from our nation’s capital! Pop quiz: What do Michelle Obama and PETA have in common? No, it’s not our toned biceps. Yes, we are both anti-fur, but that’s not what I’m getting at either. It’s that we both have volunteered with a great organization called … Read more »

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