Ronald McDonald Gets Creamed

This weekend, an attempt by Ronald McDonald to con San Francisco youngsters into eating more greasy, artery-clogging burgers and McNuggets was interrupted by an anonymous “chicken,” who apparently was not going to take McDonald’s abuse of chickens lying down. Here comes the wind-up … Note the artful splatter of the vegan cream. Mr. Chicken makes … Read more »

Another Horse-Drawn Carriage Accident in NYC

Earlier today on the streets of New York City, a taxi lost control and crashed into a horse-drawn carriage. The carriage driver was tossed out of the carriage, landed in the street, and was eventually taken to the hospital with the taxi driver. The horse bolted from the scene. Donny Moss, the director of Blinders, … Read more »

Internet Soup!

It’s a hazy day here on the Right Coast. As I watch leaves fall and steam rise from my soy mocha, the mood is set for a lazy (yet highly skilled) meander through gossip rags for fun stuff. Here are my faves: Warning! Seals can literally cute you to death. Kiddies catch E. coli from … Read more »

Chicken-Catching Country Crooner to Help Birds?

aceshowbiz / CC This week, Kevin Skinner—an unemployed chicken catcher from Mayfield, Kentucky—sang and strummed his way to the top of America’s Got Talent and walked away with a cool million dollars. Congratulations, Kevin! Kevin’s been given a new start on life. Wouldn’t it endear him to millions of people if he were to extend … Read more »

Mic Takeover Weekend

The tweets were flying this weekend after a certain musician took over the mic as Taylor Swift happily accepted her first Moonman. (Stay classy, Kanye.) Little did those angry tweeters know that Kanye was not the only mic takeover artist this weekend. As McDonald’s CEO was stepping up to receive an award (no, not a … Read more »

McDonalds: A Bunch of Hooey About Hoki

McDonald’s billboards boast “Billions [of patties of slaughtered animal bits] Served.” But in a recent New York Times article, the restaurant chain tries to downplay the slaughter of millions of hoki, a breed of fish sea kitten, for its restaurants each year. Why is McCruelty so shy all of a sudden?   jacksonlocal / CC … Read more »

Meat Makes Us Sick

Cruelty is sickening—in any language. Two PETA Europe members who recently fell victim to swine flu set out to show the people of Brussels that no one is immune to the diseases that are bred on factory farms—not even those who wouldn’t dream of eating animal flesh. These two lovely (and now recovered) ladies crammed … Read more »

Warning: Images of Burned Bodies

In July, thousands of pigs lost their lives when a factory farm in Alberta, Canada, was ravaged by fire. Our friends at Canadians for the Ethical Treatment of Food Animals (CETFA) obtained photos of the aftermath, which show that before succumbing to smoke inhalation, the panicked pigs frantically trampled each another in a futile attempt … Read more »

Aerosmith’s Guitarist Reveals His Shortcomings to Hunting Magazine

1019rxp / CC Aerosmith’s oldie album, Toys in the Attic, includes a naughty number, “Big Ten Inch Record,” which fans suspect wasn’t really about a record. For decades, many listeners have wondered if a certain band, er, member was the inspiration for the song. Well, after a recent interview with the pro-hunting rag-azine, Outside Living, … Read more »

One More Reason to See ‘The Cove’

From the folks at Ecorazzi comes the number-one reason for rushing out to see The Cove: It saves dolphins’ lives. The annual dolphin slaughter in Taiji, Japan, was supposed to start yesterday, but all’s quiet in the cove:   ok4me2 / CC   Compare that with last year at this time:   seashepherd / CC … Read more »

PETA Cuties Thank California Firefighters

Thank you “soy” much!   Eight raging wildfires have consumed more than 140,000 acres in California over the past week. While thousands of people have been evacuated, crews of brave firefighters have headed in to battle the flames. As a way of thanking the courageous firefighters for all their hard work, PETA sent a contingent … Read more »

You Choose the Next PETA Billboard

Everyone seemed to have something to say about our recent billboards in Jacksonville, Florida. Some people loved one or both, while others loathed the first and were bored by the second. But regardless of where you stood, please help us decide what billboard should go up next. We’ve narrowed the options down to four billboards … Read more »

Got Milk? You’ve Probably Got Gas, Cramps, and Diarrhea Too / CC A recent article in USA Today reveals why so many dairy-lovin’ adults spend too much time in the loo, cutting the cheese. According to the article, titled “Sixty Percent of Adults Can’t Digest Milk,” [P]eople who are lactose intolerant can’t digest the main sugar—lactose—found in milk. In normal humans, the enzyme that … Read more »

Carriage Horses Taken for Midnight Ride

  Horses who pull heavy loads of tourists through noisy, polluted city streets are not retired to pastures where they graze their final days away. This anonymous contribution to assures us of that. To the anonymous poster, if your conscience bothers you, our investigators eagerly await more details. Written by Karin Bennett

Male Chicks Were Ground Up Alive Because You Bought That Carton of Eggs

This new footage from an undercover investigation by Mercy for Animals shows workers at an Iowa hatchery killing 150,000 newborn male chicks every single day.

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