PETA Prime: Viva Las Veggies!

If you find yourself in fabulous Las Vegas this weekend and want to win big, be sure to roll by table number 459 at the Sands Expo Center. There you’ll find PETA Prime at the “Vegas@50+” conference, organized by American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). Our booth features the many reasons to be “Veg@50+,” including … Read more »

Virginia and North Carolina Going the Wrong Way for Sharks

14bikeco.wordpress / CC Shark finning is one of the most disgusting practices of the already disgusting fishing industry. Sharks are caught, their fins are cut off, and they are either left to suffocate or are thrown back into the water to slowly bleed to death or be eaten by other marine animals. All this suffering … Read more »

In These Pants? I Don’t Think So

We all know that Stella McCartney’s designs put the “hot” in haute couture. Unlike some designers who paradoxically try to revive lackluster collections by tossing in the skins of dead animals, Stella creates stunning designs without so much as a scrap of hideous hides.   fameball / CC   In the November 2009 edition of … Read more »

Lindsay Lohan Goes Fur-Free! PSYCH!

aishamusic / CC   On-again, off-again fur flaunter Lindsay Lohan recently tweeted that her fur is faux:     We loved the thought of Lindsay going from fur hag to faux fab, but it looks like the tweet from this twit might have just been a passing fancy. We called a rep from her much-ballyhooed … Read more »

Protesters Get Fired Up at Olympic Torch-Lighting

The 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver are four months away, but tomorrow the torch will be lit in an elaborate ceremony in Olympia, Greece. While the torch-lightings for the past few Winter Olympics have been disrupted by weather, it wasn’t the clouds that had officials worried at today’s final rehearsal …     It … Read more »

A (Truly) Happy Cow

Actually, to be precise, Jerry’s a steer. A PETA investigator found him hobbling around a field and scrounging for weeds at the appallingly filthy Pennsylvania dairy farm we told you about last month. This is how the investigator described the 5-month-old calf in her log: [I] found a steer at the entrance to the barn … Read more »

PETA U.K. Introduces Dumbed-Down Ad for the Masses

Yesterday, the U.K.’s Advertising Standards Authority ruled against a PETA U.K. ad that the watch group feels the public is too dense to understand. The decision was sparked by a sole complainant who thought that people might be confused by this billboard:     Personally, I think it’s pretty straightforward, but moving on: How about … Read more »

Paris’s Pot-Bellied Fashion Accessory

images.eonline / CC Paris has done it again. She’s gotten herself another animal. This time she’s purchased a pot-bellied pig who will surely be tossed aside faster than last year’s “it” bag when the skeevy socialite tires of her. Pot bellied pigs are inquisitive animals who require a lot of care and attention. Paris has … Read more »

Larry King: Should We Be Eating Meat?

Ever since The New York Times reminded Americans of the devastating effects of meatborne illnesses, the topic has been at the center of discussion around many a dinner table. It was also the hot topic on Monday night’s episode of Larry King Live, in which panelists debated: Should Americans be eating meat? The answer: No, … Read more »

Why America’s Favorite Pottymouth Swore off Meat

Wherever Sarah Silverman goes, she seems to leave a stream of puzzled people in her wake. Are she and longtime beau, Jimmy Kimmel, on or off today? Is she really getting it on with Matt Damon? Is she Tom Selleck’s long-lost sister?   thecinemasource / CC   But there is one thing that Sarah makes … Read more »

Michigan Bans Battery Cages and Crates

Yesterday was a momentous day for animals living on farms in Michigan, where Gov. Jennifer Granholm signed a bill into law that phases out veal crates, battery cages, and gestation crates on farms across the state!   greenbudget.wordpress / CC   Michigan farmers have been given three years to phase out veal crates and 10 … Read more »

‘Dump Dairy’ Demo Delights

This week, PETA’s cavorting cow has been urging people in cities across the U.S. to dump dairy from their diets with a not-so-subtle hint. Why’s this heifer in a huff? Last week, PETA released undercover footage of cows who were kept on a Land O’Lakes supplier’s factory farm in pens covered with feces. They were … Read more »

NHL Player Gives a Puck for Animals

… and you can win it! Our favorite hockey player is at it again. This time, Georges Laraque of the Montréal Canadiens is joining the many other athletes who have stepped up to show how going vegan doesn’t just do a body good—it does a body great. Just in time for (Canadian) Thanksgiving, Georges is … Read more »

Alcor’s Cryonics Experiments: Cold-Hearted

blogs.venturacountystar / CC Alcor Life Extension Foundation, which claims that dearly departed Aunt Suzie may be brought to life one day if she’s freeze-dried via cryonics, is under media fire, thanks to a former chief operating officer’s published tell-all. But it’s the account of Alcor’s horrific cryonics experiments sent to PETA by the author that … Read more »

Erysipel-What … ?

Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae is a bacterium that infects pigs—usually on crowded, inhumane factory farms, where infectious diseases such as swine flu spread like wildfire. Erysipelas causes fever, chronic arthritis, heart inflammation, painful skin lesions, and often death. Up until a few weeks ago, most of us at PETA had never heard of erysipelas either.   blogs.venturacountystar … Read more »

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