Library Hosts Compassion This Holiday Season

Want to get active for animals, but not exactly the bikini in an ice storm type? You could take a cue from two fabulous Florida citizens and organize a “holiday compassion” display.   Carla and Bryan Wilson set up this beautiful educational exhibit in Florida’s largest public library.   The display includes an awww-inspiring photo … Read more »

Not Impressed by ‘Batmanu’

On Saturday, a bat found his or her way into the San Antonio Spurs game. (Some speculate that the animal didn’t just fly in by accident.) The bat, of course, did what anybody would do in such a terrifying, unfamiliar situation—try to get the heck out of there—which, naturally, delayed the game. Until, that is, … Read more »

Hidden Cameras–Coming to a Billboard Near You?

Yesterday, the enormously talented (and playfully goofy, but more on that in a minute) singer/songwriter Joel Gibb of the indie band The Hidden Cameras was in Ottawa to unveil a billboard reminding everyone that “Canada’s Club Scene Sucks.”     While other compassionate celebrities have opted to wear our seal T-shirt to point out that … Read more »

Glenn Beck to Al Gore: Listen to PETA

Fox News host Glenn Beck may not be ready to sign PETA’s “Pledge to Be Veg” just yet, but that didn’t stop him from dishing up some choice words about Al Gore’s continued, convenient omission of any mention of the meat industry’s devastating impact on the environment.   thepulseofrevolution / CC   “… I am … Read more »

Million Baby Crawl–What Does It Mean for Animals? / CC There’s a lot of buzz right now about proposed legislation designed to revise decades-old regulations of toxic chemicals, which could be wonderful news. Unfortunately, language in the proposed bill—known as the “Kid Safe Chemicals Act”—would protect neither children nor the environment, and it would spell death via poisoning for a staggering number … Read more »

South Park’s ‘Whale Wars’ Parody–‘Normal Like Us’

Oh, South Park. So irreverent, yet poignant! Consider last night’s Whale Wars parody, in which Stan takes Captain Paul Watson’s place in the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and steps up the conservationists’ campaign in a way only possible through cartoon violence. (Yes, there were explosions.) Amidst the world’s rightful outcry at the injustice of whaling, … Read more »

Natalie Portman ‘Top’-ples ‘Chef’s’ Meaty Ways

I know we just talked about Natalie Portman yesterday, but let’s face it, she’s kinda magical. How magical? Enough to make a steakhouse go vegetarian—at least for one night. It all went down on last night’s episode of Top Chef. (Warning: Spoilers ahead for those who haven’t seen it yet.) Like my fellow PETA Files … Read more »

A Tale of Two Emilys

That would be PETA supporters Emily McCoy and Emily Lavender (aka adorable fuzzy seal), who shook things up a bit at the fall conference of the Fisheries Council of Canada.   Check out the look on the face of the woman in the foreground.   Why were these two nice ladies attending a conference for … Read more »

Factory Farms Too Hazardous for Politicians?

rockinontheblog / CC Well, we tried—but our permit to set up a factory farm display on the steps of the U.S. Capitol has been denied. Apparently, the Capitol Police thought that such a display posed “significant public health concerns about the possible spread of the H1N1 virus.” Hmm. That just might have been our point. … Read more »

Victory! Dollar General No Longer Cashing in on Glue Traps

lpjobs / CC   It’s true: Dollar General cares—about its customers’ concerns and about animals. After we received complaints that Dollar General, which has thousands of stores across the U.S., was selling hideously cruel glue traps, we wrote to the bargain retailer. In our letter, we described how animals who get stuck on glue traps … Read more »

Travis Barker: Back to Vegetarian

hollywoodismyhood / CC Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker is vegetarian once again, and as he explained in an interview with Radio Big Boy, “almost full blown vegan.” We’re pumped for Travis’s evolving compassionate lifestyle (and we’d like to point out that “Full Blown Vegan” would be an excellent album name). It’s also great that he’s getting … Read more »

2009 Stats: Fewer Foals Equals Less Suffering

smh / CC Sure, some men joke about how to score with women, but the horse-racing industry’s use of stallions to impregnate tens of thousands of mares—in the quest for one big winner—is no laughing matter. The good news is that thoroughbred breeding stats for 2009 show a decline in the number of horses who … Read more »

Florida School Serves All-Vegetarian Meals

When I was in high school, I took a peanut butter sandwich with me for lunch every day. Every. Single. Day. For four long years. My mother probably thought I was being stubborn just to annoy her, but the truth is that even before I stopped eating animals, I couldn’t stomach the cafeteria’s nauseating (and … Read more »

Maybe the Mice Slipped Them a Mickey … ?

In a news item that dates back to late August but was just reported on in Sunday’s Boston Herald, a half dozen staff and students at Harvard Medical School became ill after they drank coffee from a vending machine that had been laced with sodium azide, a preservative that is commonly used in laboratories. The … Read more »

Hundreds of Fur Haters March in ‘City of Love’

Mais oui! The rain didn’t keep members of PETA France—or nearly five hundred other demonstrators—away from a massive anti-fur march in Paris on Saturday.   Think these “grim reapers” are scary? Try watching PETA’s fur exposés without covering your eyes. Betcha can’t.   Onlookers learned the stomach-turning truth about fur—that regardless of whether it involves … Read more »

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