New Jersey Gubernatorial Race Raises Some Hefty Questions

capemaygop / CC Political campaigning can get pretty dirty, and during the weeks leading up to last Tuesday’s elections, the New Jersey gubernatorial race was no exception. Democratic incumbent Jon Corzine launched an attack ad against Republican Chris Christie that hit Christie below the belt—implying that he “threw his weight around” as a public official, … Read more »

Oh, Phew, Piven Was Only Kidding

For a minute there, we thought Jeremy “Mercury Poisoning” Piven was serious when he said that he gave up soy milk for fear that it would give him “moobs.”     I mean, come on, everybody knows that cow’s milk—not soy milk—is the real culprit behind man boobs, right? According to Harvard scientist Ganmaa Davaasambuu, … Read more »

Chicken ‘Bones’

It’s not like I don’t already watch Bones religiously, but I’m definitely tuning in for this week’s episode, in which our intrepid heroes, Brennan and Booth, try to get to the bottom of the murder of a chicken factory farmer. The main suspects are the farmer’s neighbors—who are no doubt not terribly keen about living … Read more »

E. Coli Outbreak Kills

The number of cases of swine flu and E. coli is on the rise, reminding us that the dangers of factory-farm–bred pathogens and meatborne illnesses have become impossible to ignore. The most recent E. coli outbreak, which killed two people and sickened dozens more, has been traced directly to the New York–based ground beef producer … Read more »

Floridians Number Two in Nation’s Swine Flu Blues

Achoo! Swine flu? Sunshine State residents who feel under the weather should know that Florida has had 141 confirmed swine flu deaths. Sounds to me like Florida residents would do well to learn about ways to stop the spread of swine flu—hence our action in Jacksonville this morning.   PETA “pig” and his peeps, decked … Read more »

Beluga Whale Dies

A beluga whale named Nico died this week at SeaWorld San Antonio, where he was being temporarily housed while the Georgia Aquarium underwent renovations. This marks the third time in the last three years that a beluga whale from the Georgia Aquarium has died.   drake.marin.k12 / CC   The cause of Nico’s death has … Read more »

San Francisco Bans Declawing!

mediabistro / CC Purrrrr. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to make disabling declawing cats illegal, and other California cities are set to vote on similar measures this week. Painful and traumatic, declawing is really 10 separate amputations in which the last joint of every single toe gets cut off along with the … Read more »

Phillies’ Star Player Scores for Animals

My husband, Tim, thinks that I’m rooting for the Philadelphia Phillies to win the World Series because he’s a lifelong Boston Red Sox fan (i.e., Yankee hater). It’s fine with me if I get extra points for rooting “against” the Yankees, but I’m really rooting for the Phillies because of second baseman Chase Utley.   … Read more »

A Painting Is Worth a Thousand Words

If you can, pick up a copy of this week’s New Yorker. There’s a review of Jonathan Safran Foer’s new book, Eating Animals, along with a photograph of a very powerful painting by artist Sue Coe—the same painting that Coe gave to PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk. Ingrid is not ashamed to say that she … Read more »

‘Win It’ Wednesday: Jonathan Safran Foer’s ‘Eating Animals’

Thanks for all of your wonderful comments on this Win It Wednesday. The winners of Eating Animals are Kim, Jenna, Brandon, Alyson, and Rachel. Congratulations! To say that every person who picks up the latest book by bestselling author Jonathan Safran Foer walks away illuminated wouldn’t really be stretching the truth. Eating Animals, Foer’s first … Read more »

‘Exotic’ Skins: Graphic Mistakes

Do you know somebody who’s thinking about adding a Hermes crocodile-skin bag or a pair of Alexander McQueen snakeskin pumps to their Christmas wish list? If so, the graphic pictures below will probably have them sending Santa a plea for a Matt & Nat bag or a pair of MooShoes instead.     Whether your … Read more »

Jillian Michaels: Animal-Lover to a ‘Tee’

As an obsessed fan of The Biggest Loser, I just about jumped out off the couch last night when America’s toughest trainer Jillian Michaels walked onscreen wearing PETA’s ever popular “Fight Breedism” T-shirt.     For the whole first half of the show, while the contestants were filming in Washington D.C., Jillian rocked the compassionate … Read more »

Chain of Caring People Races to Rescue Pigeon

  A tree grows in Brooklyn … actually, many of them do. And from one of those trees, a pigeon dangled upside down from a piece of string that was caught around her leg and tangled on a tree branch two stories above a busy sidewalk, beside a busy street. When a caring Brooklynite contacted … Read more »

Death by Botox

On Sunday, the U.K. newspaper The Sunday Times ran a great article about a recent undercover investigation conducted at a Hampshire laboratory that tests Dysport—a wrinkle-erasing drug similar to Botox—on mice. The investigation was conducted by our friends at the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, and among the most disturbing findings of the … Read more »

Oprah: ‘That Better Be Faux!’

personalmoneystore / CC Here’s one more reason why I heart Oprah. Yesterday, during her fall fashion style makeover show, a stylist mentioned that a furry vest worn in one woman’s “after” look was faux. Oprah replied, “I was a PETA Woman of the Year so I hope that’s faux!” From celebrating vegan cuisine with Chef … Read more »

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