PETA President’s Response to Sarah Palin’s Book

stalwartcom / CC Former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin‘s new book is hitting bookstores this week, and the advance word is that the lady who never saw a wolf, polar bear, or moose she wouldn’t like to see ground up into burgers doesn’t have many nice things to say about vegetarians. As … Read more »

Electric Polar Bears Light Up Saint Louis Zoo

How could we not plug the new, adorable polar bears at the Saint Louis Zoo? After all, we are all about the zoo of the future, and this zoo exhibit is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Instead of flesh-and-blood bears, the zoo is currently displaying electric proxies, and we couldn’t be more thrilled.   … Read more »

Victory! Teacher Commits to Keeping Animals Out of the Classroom

Classrooms are for students, not animals. This is the conclusion that Margaret Barthel, the head of the science department at Tampa, Florida’s Freedom High School, has finally come to after an appearance in court this week resulted in Barthel’s being punished for cruelty to the animals she kept in her classroom.   PETA was outside … Read more »

Fox News Features Graphic Pig-Farm Video

When I was 16 years old, I was invited to a picnic. When I arrived, I was shocked to realize that I’d actually been invited to a pig roast—big difference. The sight of a whole charred pig turning on a spit with an apple stuck in his mouth was all I needed to convince myself … Read more »

Victory! Selfridges Says ‘No’ to Foie Gras / CC Two years ago, PETA UK began urging Selfridges to drop foie gras from its shelves so that it would stop contributing to the fatal force-feeding of ducks and geese. PETA UK and its supporters dauntlessly demonstrated, sent more than 5,000 e-mails to Selfridges, and placed thousands of phone calls to the retailer. … Read more »

Surprise Seal Spotting at Santa Claus Parade

A Christmas gift just isn’t a Christmas gift if it’s not sealed with a kiss, which is why our snuggly seal jumped aboard a float at Toronto’s Santa Claus Parade:     Follow the lead of Santa’s surprise helper and urge Prime Minister Harper to end the seal slaughter. Written by Logan Scherer

Confinement of Elephants to Zoos Banned in India

Update: PETA India has just announced that it will give its 2009 Proggy Award for International Leadership in the Field of Animal Rights to India’s Central Zoo Authority (CZA) in recognition of the government organization’s decision to ban the use of elephants in zoos and circuses.     That’s right. India, which is home to … Read more »

Vegan Mother Earth Reigns Over Gore’s Book Signing

Yesterday, at Al Gore’s book signing in Beverly Hills, it wasn’t the former vice president who drew the most attention from the throngs of onlookers—it was our sexy Mother Earth who turned heads. The crowd showed Mother Earth all the love she’s not getting from Gore, whose hypocritical addiction to meat is getting in the … Read more »

Burrs vs. Horses: Horses Win!

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but when it comes to the picture of these horses, I’m still at a loss—this photo is worth a thousand chills:     When I was a child, I had a recurring nightmare that I was covered head-to-toe with needles that paralyzed me. I had no way … Read more »

Tyra Viewers Warned: Monkey See, Monkey Do … Not Buy One!

weblogs.wpix / CC When it comes to weekday talk-show fare, it’s no surprise that I’m partial to Ellen and Oprah. Today, however, some props go out to Tyra Banks for following up on a feature that set off alarm bells here at PETA. A few days ago, The Tyra Banks Show aired a segment about … Read more »

Woman Mauled by Chimpanzee Appears on ‘Oprah’

Earlier this year, Travis, a 15-year-old “pet” chimpanzee, was stabbed repeatedly, pounded with a shovel, and finally shot to death after he attacked a Connecticut woman named Charla Nash. Yesterday, Ms. Nash, who has been in a hospital since the attack, appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and spoke for the first time about her … Read more »

Hurricane Ida Won’t Stop Us

Rain from Hurricane Ida is bearing down hard on us here in Norfolk, Virginia. And while we have recently been alerted that the post office might not be delivering our mail, (whatever happened to “rain or shine,” guys?) at PETA, we don’t let a little inclement weather keep us from saving animals!   Our dog … Read more »

Redemption for Rocky

Underfed and tied to a shed 24/7, Rocky wasn’t really living—just existing. Rocky was only a puppy, yet his owner never let him inside the home and allegedly beat him in an effort to try to turn him into a better “guard dog”. After witnessing the abuse that Rocky was forced to endure, a concerned … Read more »

Ringling Cancels Visit to Valencia

On the heels of Ringling’s recent cancellation of its tour in Germany comes another triumph in Europe. Following a campaign by PETA U.K. and other animal protection organizations against cruel Ringling Bros. shows across the pond, Ringling has called off its visit to Valencia, Spain. PETA U.K. and AnimaNaturalis sent joint letters to Valencia officials … Read more »

All in a Day’s Work: Confinement, Torment, Killing in University’s Labs

For more than eight months this year, a PETA investigator worked undercover inside University of Utah animal labs, where she documented the miserable conditions and daily suffering of dogs, cats, monkeys, rats, mice, rabbits, frogs, cows, pigs, and sheep. Today, The Salt Lake Tribune ran a story about the investigation, including the response from Tom … Read more »

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