Police Footage Reveals Pigs Suffering at Tyson Facility—PETA Seeks Charges

A renderer admitted that one pig “probably should be euthanized” but that Tyson was trying to sell the animal in an attempt to make “five bucks.”

Full-Page Ad Calls For Complete Egg Boycott, Blasts Walmart Supplier

PETA’s ad reminds consumers that they have the power to make a change and end the needless suffering of hens by boycotting eggs now.

10 Facts Reveal How North Carolina’s Meat Industry Kills People of Color

Unregulated dumping of waste, expansion of chicken farms—North Carolina’s meat industry is a major part of the state’s environmental racism problem.

© iStock.com/pidjoe
Coronavirus Sent Around the World? Traces Detected on Meat Packaging

Although they’re virus hotspots and infected workers have died, slaughterhouses’ coronavirus responses have been weak. So are traces of the virus on meat packages surprising?

Victory! Pig-Protecting Defendants Will NOT Serve Time in Jail for Exposing a Cruel Canadian Hog Farm

Victory! The pig defenders who exposed a cruel hog farm in British Columbia, Canada, will NOT serve time behind bars.

Just Released: Cows Suffer on JBS Trucks for Hours Before Slaughter

The appalling treatment of cows killed for their flesh begins long before workers hang them upside down, slit their throats, and bleed them out on a kill floor.

Hannah Elizabeth
For Once, Be a ‘Blockhead’: Order PETA’s Exclusive Tofu Costume Today!

Here’s the perfect costume for walking the neighborhood, attending a party, or starring in your own home video! Pre-order a “Tofu Never Caused a Pandemic” costume today.

Animals Towering Over McDonald’s Exclaim, ‘Eating Us Got You Into This Mess’

Upset over rising numbers of COVID-19 cases and mandatory masks? With a towering billboard, PETA reminds people that eating animals got us into this mess.

Will ‘Human Farm’ Be the Video Game That Gets People to Go Vegan?

There’s nothing like assuming the role of a pig who slaughters humans for meat to make you think twice about supporting the pork industry, and the makers of Human Farm know it.

Canada Runs Toward a Vegan Future With This $100 Million Investment

While it’s no shocker that a country with vegetation on its flag would support living vegan, it’s nice to see Canada investing in a meat-free future.

BREAKING: Pigs Rescued From Slaughter in Activist Regan Russell’s Honor

Regan Russell spent her last moments outside a slaughterhouse, showing kindness to doomed pigs. See how PETA is honoring her life and how you, too, can turn pain into action.

PETA Condemns Hostile Man Who Threw Live Pig at Animal Rights Activists

The cruel incident of animal abuse took place at a demonstration outside Glen’s Packing Co.—a slaughterhouse in Hallettsville, Texas.

Texas Animal Freedom Fighters
Your ‘Humane Meat’ Is From a Factory Farm—and It’s Killing Us

If you think you’re eating “humane meat,” think again. Your meat is almost certainly from a factory farm, and it’s risking another deadly pandemic.

NYC Rife With Filthy Live-Animal Markets—PETA Says Close Them Today

Despite the obvious need to close live-animal markets to protect animals and human health, these filthy establishments in New York City are still open.

Hold JBS Accountable for Trampled Piglets, Mutilated Conscious Cows

How can we trust JBS to take safety measures to slow the COVID-19 pandemic when it’s apparently never cared about following the law?

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