Super-Sized Treadmill Instead of Retirement for Ailing Elephant?

PETA and ZooCheck have been campaigning to convince officials at the Edmonton Zoo, deemed Canada’s worst zoo for elephants by African elephant biologist Winnie Kiiru, to release its sole pachyderm prisoner, Lucy, to a sanctuary. We’ve reasoned with zoo officials. We’ve enlisted support from experts and celebrities. And we’ve called on caring supporters to write … Read more »

Suzanne McCabe: Ireland’s First to Go Naked

Right on the coattails of Ireland’s fur-farm ban, here’s a sizzling fur-free first: Supermodel and longtime vegetarian Suzanne McCabe has become Ireland’s first celebrity to bare it all in an anti-fur ad. McCabe’s sexy new ad for PETA U.K. and Animal Rights Action Network (ARAN) is sure to turn heads:     A finalist for … Read more »

A Bug’s (Intellectual) Life

ace-clipart / CC Bugs are fascinating, and if anyone tries to tell you different, have them check out this article, which offers proof that many insects are tiny geniuses who are capable of counting, categorizing objects, and recognizing human faces. Recent studies show that even though their brains are oh-so-teeny-tiny, ants, bees, and other braniac … Read more »

Break Out the Bubbly: Greyhound Racing to End in Wisconsin

puppydogweb / CC On July 4, we celebrated Independence Day for greyhounds in New Hampshire when the state’s two racetracks closed. Well, get ready to toast “New Life’s Eve” for many racing greyhounds: Wisconsin’s only dog-killing racing track, Dairyland Greyhound Park, will hold its last race on December 31. Life in the fast lane is … Read more »

Thanksgiving Comes Early: Free Tofurky Roasts!

This week, PETA started a national tour to promote a cruelty-free Thanksgiving. Droves of lucky San Franciscans were the first to receive free Tofurky roasts, kindly donated by Turtle Island Foods.     The only thing I can think of that would be more worthy of thanks than gobbling (sorry, had to) up a succulent, … Read more »

Sparky the Giant Seal Unveiled

When PETA’s giant dinosaur attacked D.C., residents were shaking in their boots. But at the unveiling of our latest enormous animal, a 12-meter-tall baby seal named Sparky, Halifax residents let out a collective “Aww!” As a crowd gathered to watch the Olympic torch pass through Halifax—they weren’t able to miss Sparky, who was right on … Read more »

Turn Thomson Into an Empathy Center

The Thomson Correctional Center in Illinois is on a short list of sites that are being considered to house the Guantanamo detainees, but if the nearly empty prison doesn’t get chosen, we’ve got the perfect back-up plan: We’re asking the facility to house the Thomson All Living Beings Empathy Center. Not only would the center … Read more »

Glue-In at Lowe’s

It was literally a sticky situation for employees at one Lowe’s store in Toledo, Ohio, yesterday, when a woman dressed as a mouse entered the store and “glued” herself to the floor. As the “mouse” screamed and writhed, customers surrounded her with caution signs reading, “Lowe’s Tortures Animals.”     The “mouse” was taken into … Read more »

Utah Students Protest Animal Testing

In the wake of the recent release of our undercover investigation exposing cruelty and suffering inside animal labs at the University of Utah, students, local PETA supporters, and members of Salt Lake Animal Advocacy Movement gathered outside the university’s Park Building yesterday and urged the swarm of spectators to help put an end to the … Read more »

Canadian Politicians to Dine on Seals?!

Well, I just lost my appetite. And it’s thanks to the announcement that a “members-only” restaurant will soon be serving seal meat to politicians and journalists who work on Canada’s Parliament Hill. / CC   Back in 2008, some Canadian senators called for seal flesh to be added to the restaurant’s menu as … Read more »

Sir Roger Moore Named PETA U.K.’s Person of the Year

virginmedia / CC “I am deeply touched and thrilled to be awarded the PETA U.K. person of the year. When I first saw their video footage on foie gras production three years ago, I felt compelled to do something to help put a stop to this cruel delicacy. I have since become a passionate campaigner … Read more »

Bud Adams: Give McCruelty the Bird!

Last Sunday, Tennessee Titans owner Bud Adams ecstatically extended his middle fingers as he rejoiced in his team’s victory against the Buffalo Bills—and later paid a titanic fine of $250,000. Who knew that giving the bird could be so expensive?! Lucky for Adams, we’ve got a bird for him to give that costs nothing and … Read more »

Troops Get Bin Laden Bites

Update: You can now place your order for bin Laden Bites by clicking here. Orders will not ship until January. Proceeds from the chocolate sales will be used for our programs—such as our spay-and-neuter clinic—that help dogs. I’ve heard my fair share of oxymorons, but never one as (literally) delicious and biting as this one: … Read more »

A Pit Bull’s Merciful Death Ignites Controversy

The case of Oreo, a pit bull who inspired headlines and received an outpouring of public sympathy when her “owner” tossed her off a Brooklyn rooftop in June (she fell six stories and broke both of her front legs), has ignited a controversy. Oreo was nursed back to health by the American Society for the … Read more »

‘Concentration Camp for Animals’ Discovered

Sharon McDonough has been accused of running what her son calls “a concentration camp for animals” after officials found the bodies of 20 dogs buried in her backyard in Selden, New York, and discovered six living animals (who were reportedly confined to soiled cages) inside her house. McDonough allegedly forced her children to commit nightmarish … Read more »

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