Introducing ‘McDonald’s Mayhem’?

funpeak / CC Perez Hilton reported Monday that an Ohio woman got into a flap when she was told that McDonald’s was out of McNuggets—and was apparently arrested after she punched out the drive-thru window. This altercrazion* is just the latest in a recent rash of fights, stabbings, and shootings that have taken place at … Read more »

Plague of ‘Superbugs’ Is Super Scary

jonbarron / CC “Super Freak.” Super Target. Superbad. I’d say the wedding reception classic, shopper’s wonderland, and hit flick are all worth cheering. But “superbugs,” a la swine flu, salmonella, and E. coli? Not so much. These drug-resistant infections contaminate not only our air and waterways but also America’s meat supply, which is also greatly … Read more »

Chrissie Hynde’s McCruelty Billboard Rejected

When rock deity Chrissie Hynde says “I’ll Stand By You,” she really means it. When we told Hynde that we were resurrecting our McCruelty campaign, she pulled out all the stops, starting by unveiling her new “i’m hatin’ it” ad in Salt Lake City, where throngs of people were thrilled to see the powerful image. … Read more »

Inhaling Pig-Brain Mist: Occupational Hazard for Slaughterhouse Workers

When your full-time job is extracting brains from pigs’ heads, irreparable trauma and polyradiculoneuropathy are all in a day’s work. Polyradic … huh? Polyradiculoneuropathy is a painful nerve disorder that attacks the peripheral nerves and the spine nerve roots. Earlier this month, a study revealed that 24 slaughterhouse workers had developed the disease after inhaling … Read more »

This Calf Bears a Cross

x59.xanga / CC The only time I ever thought that I’d get the chance to say, “Holy cow,” and mean it literally is when I talk about PETA’s pope cow. Turns out I was wrong. Moses the calf was born with the pattern of a cross on his forehead, inspiring the awe-struck owners of the … Read more »

Ana Ortiz Says No More McCruelty

uglybettynews / CC   Ana Ortiz—the award-winning actor of Ugly Betty fame—is just as awesome in person as she is in character as Hilda Suarez. Case in point? She’s just written a letter to the National Council of La Raza (NCLR)—the largest national Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—urging the group … Read more »

Got Rabbit Milk?

parenting-our-kids / CC Think back to 1998, when Titanic spoofs were still topical and The Simpsons was only in its 10th season. Remember the Simpsons episode in which Homer discovers that Springfield’s milk is supplied by a mafia-run underground rat-milking operation? Yeah, it was pretty nasty. Fast-forward to 2009: Pharming, a Netherlands-based biotech firm, seems … Read more »

Pig Causes Gas Leak Scare

One Australian farmer could’ve used our swine flu mask recently, but not for the reason you might think. After smelling what he thought was a gas leak, he called emergency services, and two fire trucks rushed over to his farm. When the fire captain came in, he took one look at the man’s pig, and … Read more »

Obama’s Turkey Pardon: Malia and Sasha to the Rescue!

wikimedia / CC When President Obama received this year’s lucky turkey to be pardoned, he had some brow-raising reservations: “I’m told Presidents Eisenhower and Johnson actually ate their turkeys. You can’t fault them for that; that’s a good-looking bird,” he said. Malia and Sasha’s response? No. He. Couldn’t. “Thanks to the interventions of Malia and … Read more »

Appetizing Thanksgiving Roundup

cookinglight / CC Thanksgiving is all about the leftovers, but what about the things that come before the meal? This holiday is nothing without pre-shindig anticipation, so here are some tasty tidbits to hold you over before tomorrow’s cruelty-free feast: Not only is Thanksgiving turkey-eating cruel and unhealthy—it’s also boring. Who wants to eat the … Read more »

Send In the (Killer) Clown

Last year’s McDonald’s Thanksgiving Parade in Chicago was chock-full of behemoth balloon characters and live entertainment (was that the cast of Jersey Boys I saw serenading their way down State Street?), but something was missing … Wait, I know! Where was the killer clown? Considering that McDonald’s refuses to adopt controlled-atmosphere killing (CAK)—the less cruel … Read more »

NBC Nixes Family-Friendly Thanksgiving Day Parade Ad

Hey, NBC: We’d like to know … if a family-friendly announcement against abusing turkeys (who live in dark, ammonia-filled sheds where workers clip their beaks, break their legs and wings, and crush their heads) doesn’t meet your standards, then what does? When we first submitted our newest commercial to NBC in the hopes of running … Read more »

Obama: Make Your Turkey ‘Pardons’ Mean Something

Every year, a couple of days before Thanksgiving, our nation’s president “pardons” two of the 46 million turkeys who are set to be slaughtered for holiday meals. And every year, we write to the president asking him to ensure that the turkeys receive the care necessary to give them the lengthy, happy lives that they … Read more »

Oprah’s Best Animal-Friendly Episodes

athensboy / CC It’s official: Oprah will end her show in 2011. Feel that collective surge of sadness? We sure do. Oprah’s groundbreaking program has transcended the talk-show format and has paved the way for social and political change. In honor of PETA’s 2008 Person of the Year and her show’s long run, we’re revisiting … Read more »

Homeless Animals Receive Special Holiday Gift

This week Windsor, North Carolina, officials cut the red ribbon that wrapped PETA’s very special gift to animals in this small Southern town. For nearly a decade, PETA has been working with Windsor and other area towns to provide homeless animals in their care with better housing conditions and a peaceful end when euthanasia is … Read more »

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