KFC’s Double Down: Quadruple the Cruelty

The saturated fat and cholesterol in KFC’s Double Down begins clogging arteries and potentially decreasing life expectancies nationwide in just a few days. The sandwich “vilest food product created by man,” consists of bacon and cheese sandwiched between two fried chicken breasts, and according to KFC, is only 540 calories—and 32 g of fat, and … Read more »

If It Was Good Enough for Jesus

Got breast milk? In the wake of a recent report that says the nation could save billions on healthcare costs if more mothers breastfed their babies, we’re running a billboard in Lexington, Kentucky, that encourages people to DLJD (Do Like Jesus Did):     Kentucky has one of the lowest percentages of women who breastfeed … Read more »

How About Some Jewish Reggae Rock Hip-Hop?

Looking for a way to rebel against a Debbie Friedman–saturated childhood this Passover? OK, as the daughter of a Hebrew school principal/music director, maybe it’s just me, but everyone should check out Jewish-vegan-reggae-rock-hip-hop artist Matisyahu, whose video for “One Day” was rated one of the 10 most inspiring videos on the Web.     In … Read more »

Chickens Stop Traffic to Stop McCruelty

  Nothing says “all-American” quite like the mass slaughter of animals, right? Um, yeah—didn’t think so. These chic-with-a-beak supporters and several other friends to chickens hit the streets outside the McCruelty-sponsored All American Basketball Games during rush hour in Columbus, Ohio, yesterday. They were urging passersby to boycott McDonald’s fowl fouls and petition the company … Read more »

School Days Aren’t McCruel Days

The recent theft of bleachers from Chicago’s Orr High School has left students without seating and robbed them of their school spirit. “It felt good to be out there beating on the drum, rooting the team on. All the people from the community coming to support us and everything. And now you wake up and … Read more »

Quarter of a Million Dead After Fire

In a recent fire on an Ohio egg farm, 250,000 hens died after they were left in two sheds that had the electricity knocked out in order to battle the fire. Once the fire was squelched, all the birds were “euthanized” (we don’t know how they were killed) because, according to a spokeswoman for Ohio … Read more »

Animals Served So Fresh That They Breathe

Apparently, some people have gotten so impatient when it comes to satisfying their hunger that they can no longer wait for someone to kill their food for them. “Exotic eaters” are resorting to eating live octopi, and it has sparked a lively PETA HQ debate, which I need your help to win. Which is worse … Read more »

No Justice for Cows in Pennsylvania

Despite overwhelmingly sad video and photographic evidence of lame, thin, and downed cows left to suffer and die and a cow whose teat was banded and left to decay and fall off—not to mention expert testimony that all this constituted cruelty—a judge whose courtroom was packed with dairy farmers today found the owners of Reitz … Read more »

The Human Side of Slaughterhouse Abuse

The findings of a new report from Britain’s Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) should come as no surprise to anyone with an ounce of sense: Abuse and exploitation run rampant in meat factories, no matter the victim’s species. / CC BY 2.0   One in three workers interviewed by the EHRC claimed … Read more »

The Other White Meat?

David Luciano—winner of the Toronto Film School’s Best Director Award—turns the tables on humans in “Dirty Pig,” a new short film that’s sure to result in lots of forsaken bacon:     The scariest part of “Dirty Pig”? Considering that a pig is smarter than a 3-year-old child, Luciano’s bloody role reversal isn’t so far … Read more »

Ryan Gosling to McCruelty: ‘What’s Your Excuse?’

Ryan Gosling is the heartthrob with a heart of gold—and now he’s got a message for the Golden Arches: Stop scalding chickens to death in defeathering tanks. The Oscar-nominated actor just fired off a letter on PETA’s behalf to McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner asking him to adopt a less cruel slaughter method. Controlled-atmosphere killing (CAK), … Read more »

European Union vs. Battery Cages

Thanks to the quick action taken by more than 5,000 PETA U.K. supporters, the European Union (E.U.) has just rejected Poland’s proposal to delay a historic ban on battery cages for hens! In 1999, the E.U. passed the Laying Hens Directive—legislation that requires an end to the use of battery cages by 2012. Polish officials … Read more »

Victory! KFC Closes for Cruelty

What do you call it when a KFC is “closed for cruelty”? A goreclosure!     For more than a year, dedicated animal advocates have been holding monthly demonstrations outside a KFC in North Carolina to spread the word about KFC’s tormented chickens—and watching the restaurant’s business dwindle. Now, so many people have washed their … Read more »

‘Happiness Is a Dead Animal’?!

Ask a million different people what happiness is, and you might get a million different answers. Happiness is … a warm dog. A choice. A girls’ night out. Now animal agriculture proponents are talking about launching an ad campaign boasting, “Happiness is a dead animal.” That’s right—the communications “whiz” who proposed the slogan has got … Read more »

What President Obama’s Tan Tax Might Mean for Cows

wmlinfospot / CC President Obama’s new proposal to help pay for the healthcare revamp by taxing tanning salons is almost as brilliant as that tanning-bed afterglow. Obama’s tan tax—which some proposals have put as high as 10 percent—attaches a monetary price to the health risk that tanners take when they expose themselves to radiation. Now, … Read more »

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