Cruelty, Interrupted

Speaking of interruptions, check out this footage from last night, when a PETA member took the podium during a speech by McDonald’s bigwig Mary Dillon at a Marquette University alumni event to give attendees an earful about the company’s cruelty to chickens:   Share on Facebook | Viewing OptionsEmbed<embed src=”” _mce_src=”” quality=”high” pluginspage=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”335″ … Read more »

Land O’Lakes TV Spot Plops Into Philly

We’re betting the dairy farm that the people of Philadelphia will be swapping out their 2 percent milk for deliciously nutritious soy milk (or rice or almond milk) after seeing this PETA public service announcement (PSA), which began airing in the Philly area yesterday:   Share on Facebook | Viewing OptionsEmbed<embed src=”” _mce_src=”” quality=”high” pluginspage=”” … Read more »

An ‘Inconvenient Toot’ / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Be proud, California: Thanks to your meat and dairy industries’ “Happy Cows,” you’re number one … on the EPA’s “fart chart.” And you thought the Golden State was known only for its Hollywood beauties and killer vegan food. Rounding out the top five in the bovine emissions sweepstakes are Wisconsin, … Read more »

Meat-Loving Chef Mario Batali’s Confession

  Foodies everywhere are buzzing about Mario Batali’s declaration that he is a “big believer in the Meatless Monday movement” and his announcement that all 14 of his restaurants will offer at least two vegetarian options each and every Monday. Batali believes that “most people in the U.S. eat way more meat than is good … Read more »

She Went in Like a Lamb …

PETA supporter Mimi wasn’t on the agenda—or even the guest list—for the International Wool Textile Organisation’s recent conference in France, but when an Australian farming representative started to tell attendees that the barbaric practice of lamb mulesing is necessary, she became the featured speaker. Mimi borrowed the microphone to inform the crowd that mulesing is … Read more »

U.S. Global Exotics Defunct, Former Owner a Federal Fugitive, New Footage Released!

Here’s a beautiful—and lifesaving!—sight for the millions of animals who suffered at the hands of owners and employees of the international animal dealer warehouse formerly known as U.S. Global Exotics, Inc. (USGE):     © Don Feare   Yep, that’s right—just months after the PETA Files first gave readers a tiny glimpse into PETA’s investigation … Read more »

Aaron’s Kicking the Bucket–Are You Next?

We can only hope so—and we mean that in the nicest possible way! When PETA learned that Springfield, Oregon, comedian Aaron Jamison, who has terminal cancer, is selling ad space on his urns to offset his bills, we were dying to help. Aaron must be a great guy because he took us up on our … Read more »

This Little Piggy Cried, ‘Wii, Wii, Wii!’ / CC BY 2.0 Regular readers already know that we at the PETA Files think that pigs are appealing even when they’re squealing. But it’s thanks to the work of professor Stanley Curtis, who passed away on Sunday, that we know that no matter how beguiling pigs may be, you shouldn’t let them hustle … Read more »

Nice to Tweet You, Rick Wion

Ronald’s busy peddling dead, dismembered chickens to children, so McDonald’s hired Rick Wion to promote its cruel products on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. So let’s welcome Rick to our big, happy online family and politely let him know why we’re not eating at McDonald’s. PETA has more than 60,000 followers on … Read more »

Cancer-Linked Food in Pretty Pink Buckets

© Joshua Katcher Just so you know how low KFC will stoop to make a sale, the company has started selling its cancer-linked chicken in pink buckets to raise money for breast cancer research. This is almost beyond belief, considering that among the secret ingredients in KFC’s Kentucky Grilled Chicken are PhIP and other chemicals … Read more »

We’ve Got Your Cheat Codes Right Here

Just in time for Friday afternoon’s behind-the-boss’s-back video-game break, the creator of our popular New Super Chick Sisters is taking us on a walk through the game, showing us where the secret tofu blocks are stashed and demonstrating the proper technique for butt-stomping doomburgers on the way to save Princess Pamela Anderson from the clutches … Read more »

Take THAT, Al Gore!

Finally! Someone who fights factory farm pollution has received some serious recognition. Lynn Henning, a Michigan corn and soybean farmer, has just been presented with the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize (known worldwide as the “Green Nobel”) and the accompanying $150,000 award for her efforts to expose factory farms for the pollution-spewing cesspools they are. She … Read more »

No-Nonsense Message From Bea-yond the Grave

Honorary PETA director Bea Arthur had no intention of letting a little thing like, say, death stop her from speaking out against cruelty to animals. The Golden Girl is taking on the Golden Arches’ chicken abuse in a full-page PETA ad in Thursday’s Chicago Tribune—paid for by Bea herself through a gift in her will. … Read more »

This ‘Chicken’ Won’t Take McCruelty Sitting Down

  This clever PETA supporter gave the term “armchair activism” a whole new meaning by sitting down in order to stand up for chickens who have their throats cut open and are scalded alive by McDonald’s suppliers.

Want Flies With That?

As if cutting off chickens’ beaks and scalding birds alive weren’t dirty enough, KFC has broken some pretty foul food-hygiene rules at one of its busiest branches in the U.K. In 2008, health inspectors found mice, flies, and cockroaches during an inspection of the carry-out restaurant. Originally denying this and other violations (including failure to … Read more »

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