Chrissie Hynde Rocks Philly Against McCruelty

No one—and I mean no one—rocks like Chrissie Hynde. Whether she’s fronting the Pretenders or backing a PETA campaign, the vegan Rock and Roll Hall of Famer is never in the “Middle of the Road.” In fact, she’s always willing to go the extra mile (or “2000 Miles“) to help animals. Case in point? After … Read more »

PETA Tries to Stop Amityville-Type Horrors

Lansbricae / CC by 3.0 Media outlets everywhere are reporting that a home on New York’s Long Island is for sale. Why all the buzz? This house is well known as the “Amityville Horror house,” the infamous site of alleged paranormal activity brought on by gruesome murders at the home as depicted in the horror … Read more »

Nuns Close Chicken Farm, Open Massage Parlor

Here’s something you won’t hear too often: Austrian nuns opened a health spa to raise money for their convent after their chicken farm “fell flat.” The nuns even use high-pressure hoses to spray chilled water at guests to stimulate their skin. The whole thing might not sound very conventional (there’s no buff masseuse in a … Read more »

Canadians: Seals Need You–Canada Is Their Home Too

Many Canadians are against their country’s annual seal slaughter—the biggest massacre of marine mammals in the world—but the Canadian government has yet to put a stop to it. Not only is the government supporting the barbaric acts of bludgeoning and shooting baby seals, it is also spending taxpayer dollars to do so. Canadians, it’s your … Read more »

Mike Myers and the Colonel

At PETA, we sometimes embrace things that others might call “bizarre,” like Andy Dick’s interview as Ronald McDonald with Jiminy Glick. So when people started ringing our phones wanting our reaction to the recent news that Mike Myers is “kind of obsessed” with painting KFC’s Colonel Sanders, we might have puzzled some callers who assumed … Read more »

Nicolas Cage’s X-Rated Diet Advice

Some people don’t eat animals because they don’t want to support factory farming. Others are worried about protecting their health or the environment. Nicolas Cage has a much more, shall we say, X-centric reason for why he leaves certain animals off his plate: They have undignified sex. No, I am not making this up. Here’s … Read more »

If We Build It, They Will Come …

Yassie / CC by 2.5 As a die-hard baseball fan (go Rockies!), I was bummed to hear that the iconic Field of Dreams has been put up for sale. But I broke out my foam finger when I heard about PETA’s proposal to temporarily lease the Iowa landmark for “The Field of Nightmares: Pig Empathy … Read more »

‘People’s Court’ Rules: ‘Don’t Wear Fur’

The verdict inside the courtroom on Friday’s People’s Court was against a consignment shop that donated a fur-wearer’s musty minks after they didn’t sell, but outside, the show’s host and legal analyst, Harvey Levin, announced his own judgment about wearing fur: “It’s just cruel. … The skin ought to stay on the animals.”     … Read more »

Good ‘Mews’ for Renters’ Animals / CC BY 2.0   Woot, woot—or should I say “woof, woof”?—to the California Assembly for passing a bill last week that would make it illegal for landlords to require tenants to declaw or devocalize their animal companions. A place that requires its residents to amputate their family members’ toes or cut out their … Read more »

Model Gets Inked for Animals

Check out sexy Austrian tattoo-model Sandy P. Peng’s awesome new tat.     That baby’s not photoshopped, it’s real. Sandy’s so supportive of PETA Germany’s anti-fur efforts that she sent them the pic of her “Ink, Not Mink” artwork to use as an advertisement, and she’s doing not one but five anti-fur demonstrations with a … Read more »

Who’s Been Shooting Down the KFC Double Down?

Just about everyone is badmouthing KFC’s vile new Double Down sandwich. (Gee, wonder why?) Guess which celebrity just called it the “double bypass” and said, “I just don’t see a need for it, it’s like handing people a gun”? Andy Dick Rachael Ray Lil Wayne Queen Latifah   Check out the CNN clip for the … Read more »

You’ll Run for the Bowl After You Eat From the Bucket

Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack today announced new regulations that are meant to curb the number of meat-eaters who are rushed to hospitals after being sickened by life-threatening foodborne illnesses. It’s believed that the “improvements” will keep 39,000 Americans from being infected with campylobacter and 26,000 from being sickened by salmonella-tainted chicken and turkey flesh—a … Read more »

Goldman Sachs Is Making a Killing

If you’re looking for a place to plant some cash, Goldman Sachs might not be a wise investment. That probably doesn’t surprise many of you, seeing as how the firm is facing fraud lawsuits for its questionable mortgage-trading activities. But did you know that Goldman is also involved in some shady factory-farm deals in China? … Read more »

Banksy Takes On the Colonel

The work of British guerrilla artist Banksy can’t be ignored. Indeed, Time just selected him as one of the year’s most influential people. Now the painting provocateur has cheekily twitted one of PETA’s frequent targets: Colonel Sanders, the very face of Kentucky Fried Cruelty.   Image from   Sure, art is subjective, but in … Read more »

PETA TV Spot Pulled

PETA just launched a TV public service announcement about the filth and cruelty that we exposed in our undercover investigation of a farm that supplies Land O’Lakes. Apparently, some Philadelphia-area viewers were so sickened by the ad that they complained to the TV station that aired it. (If only they’d complained to the perpetrators of … Read more »

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