Animal Companions
Mouse Fight Club

“The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club.” If, however, the fight club involves forcing mice to battle one another in a stupid and barbaric experiment, you know we’re going to talk about it. Recently, vivisectors at the University of Wisconsin–Madison (sheep abuse ring a bell?) studied the effect … Read more »

Animal Companions
Vending Machine Surprise ‘Moo’-ve

Healthy, humane alternatives to cruelly produced dairy products continued to make headlines this week. An executive order signed earlier this year by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom has gone into effect requiring city vending machines to be stocked with soy and rice milks in an effort to curb obesity rates and improve consumers’ overall health. … Read more »

Animal Companions
Seven Injured in Pamplona

Of course, I’m not talking about the tormented bulls—I mean the intoxicated bullies who were trampled on the second day of Pamplona’s weeklong San Fermín festival. Reporters, who were apparently channeling their inner Hemingway, described the bulls as “angry,” “threatening” “hulking beasts.” I think those terms better describe the people who goad animals into a … Read more »

Animal Companions
Acid Rain Is Back

Nino Barbieri / CC by 3.0 For those of you who grew up in more recent decades, “acid rain” is not the name of a death-metal band. In the 70s and 80s, sulfur dioxide emitted by power plants was turning rain into sulfuric acid, threatening fish, trees, and, yes, even statues. After the Environmental Protection … Read more »

Animal Companions
Supersized Animal Abusers Promoting Vegetarian Superhero

Once again, the PETA Files goes to the movies. First up: Vegans are hitting the big time on big screens across America, courtesy of Rob Schneider’s vegan character in last week’s box-office hit, Grown Ups. Sure, the movie made fun of vegans, but it made fun of everything—besides, we at PETA have a good sense … Read more »

Animal Companions
Bill Maher’s Seal of Disapproval

The following is a Canada Day guest post from Bill Maher, the genius behind Politically Incorrect and HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher. Maher offered his wit for an op-ed, originally posted in today’s Daily News, in a humorous protest against a deadly serious issue: Canada’s annual slaughter of tens of thousands of seals—the largest … Read more »

Animal Companions
Animals Lose a Passionate Defender in the Senate

With the passing of Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia, animals and the people who care about them have lost a longstanding and true friend. The senior senator, who was a meat cutter in his youth, evolved into a tireless advocate for animals. Sen. Byrd’s soft spot for animals, fueled by his love for his … Read more »

Animal Companions
Former Agriprocessors Kosher Meat King Sentenced to 27 Years

Last fall, a jury found Sholom Rubashkin, former Agriprocessors CEO, guilty on 86 federal financial fraud charges. Now, a judge in the case has announced that Rubashkin will be sentenced to 27 years in prison and ordered to pay nearly $31 million in restitution! This is the culmination of a long, sordid history of financial … Read more »

Animal Companions
Clucky’s Back …

Live from the PETA Files, its SNL‘s “Clucky the Cluckin’ Chicken” commercial!     Hmm, I’m kind of lovin’ the idea of turning this into a spoof of McDonald’s. What do you think? Would you like to see Clucky take on the killer clown? Written by Amy Skylark Elizabeth

Animal Companions
WWJD … to Animals?

Anyone who’s ever wondered whether Christianity and compassion for animals are compatible should check out Oliver Thomas’ USA Today column “What’s the Godly Way to Treat Animals?” Thomas, a Baptist preacher, speaks out against chaining dogs and factory farming abuses, including “packing animals shoulder to shoulder in their own excrement” and “wiring them into cages … Read more »

Animal Companions
Why Did the Chicken Get Put Into Handcuffs?

If you participate in demonstrations, you might have experienced a bit of frustration at the occasional rude comments or less-than-perfect weather conditions. Next time that happens, spare a thought for Edward, a PETA Asia campaigner who was arrested as he got out of a cab dressed as a chicken for a Kentucky Fried Cruelty protest … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA’s ‘Perfect Pitch’ for Turkeys Named Best of the Best

Summer hasn’t even officially kicked off, but the folks at the Today show were talking Thanksgiving this morning—or, rather, discussing PETA’s Thanksgiving Day public service announcement (PSA), which was just named one of the “Best Commercials of the Year” by the Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP).     As AICP President and CEO Matt … Read more »

Animal Companions
McDonald’s Gives Jenna Jameson a Break(down)

PETA’s brand-new McCruelty PSA starring actor Jenna Jameson turned out fantastic, as we knew it would, but we had to shoot it several times. Jenna had to stop the action to regain her composure whenever she started talking about how chickens’ legs are often broken when workers slam them upside down into metal shackles, and … Read more »

Animal Companions
Fate of Horses Used in Racing: Not Pretty

PETA Files readers already know that few “retired” racehorses live out the remainder of their days frolicking in rolling green pastures. Now, Washington Post readers know it, too, thanks to a great article that was published over Memorial Day weekend. The article describes one of the many ugly sides of the horse-racing industry—the fact that … Read more »

Animal Companions
BP Isn’t the Only One Polluting Our Waterways

Humphrey Bolton / CC by 2.0 I have good news and, well, not-so-good news. The good news is that as a result of a lawsuit filed by environmental groups, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has agreed to pay closer attention to all the factory-farm manure that often spills into our waterways. The not-so-good news is … Read more »

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