Janet Jackson’s New Ad Campaign for Blackglama Fur Is …

No! Say it isn’t so. Doesn’t Janet Jackson know that … Animals suffer miserable lives and agonizing deaths to become fur cuffs and collars? Surely she considered the “fan fallout” from this unwise, uncaring decision, which is supremely … Tacky, cruel, inexcusable—help me out, people, are … You as disappointed by her decision as I … Read more »

Payback Is Hell

Pleple2000 / CC by 2.0 Earlier this week, we told you the cautionary tale of a pork rind–munching trucker who nearly choked to death. Now we turn your attention to a report about a man who, after shooting and butchering a domestic pig, took a bullet himself after his dog stepped on the loaded rifle … Read more »

Montreal Bans Pam’s New Ad Unveiling

Our honorary director, Pamela “Bombshell” Anderson, dazzled her Québécois admirers as she hit Montréal today to launch her latest global ad campaign for PETA. Order the Poster One small snag: City officials suddenly decided to prohibit the unveiling at its original location, claiming that the ad is sexist. It sounds like they’re confusing “sexist,” with … Read more »

Canada’s Carnage Continues

Resolute / CC by 3.0 Update: Six horses died during this year’s Calgary Stampede. Please take action and ask the Stampede sponsors to disassociate themselves from the event. As if Canada’s annual seal massacre isn’t enough, the Calgary Stampede adds to the country’s annual death toll. This year it’s rodeo business as usual—five horses have … Read more »

Prisoners Make a Break for It

Animals across Japan are making a bid for freedom (hopefully, captive animals everywhere are taking notes). First, a dolphin who was being forced to perform stupid tricks for loud, obnoxious audiences day in and day out at Japan’s Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium decided that he’d had enough. During a performance, he leaped over the side of … Read more »

Cleavage Cavaliers’ Open Letter to Cleveland

Dear Cleveland, We know that it’s hard to let go of LeBron James. Our hearts melted for you when we heard that he signed with the Miami Heat, so we thought we’d cruise around Cleveland today, doing something really cool to lift your spirits: handing out free Tofutti Cuties in outfits that would make most … Read more »

The Few. The Proud. The Kitten Rescuers.

Life can be treacherous for everyone living in a war zone. Homeless dogs have been gunned down in Baghdad, and there are even rumors that the Taliban are training monkeys to use guns. (Hey, I said that it’s a rumor.) But thanks to a few big-hearted Marines, two lucky cats, now named Kiki and Keykey, … Read more »

Olivia’s Munntastic Circus Protest

munn∙tas∙tic (mun tas′ tik) adj. Tremendously great; extraordinarily good {e.g., “Actor and Daily Show correspondent Olivia Munn is munntastic for posing for an anti-circus billboard and leading yesterday’s PETA protest against Ringling Bros. Circus at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.”} Christian Serratos, Pink, and Jillian Michaels are also pretty darn munntastic for tweeting about … Read more »

Modern Tests Spare Animals From Oil Leak Fallout

The following posting originally appeared in The Sacramento Bee. If anyone out there is still wondering about the superiority of alternatives to animal tests, look no further than what is happening right now in the Gulf of Mexico. In its efforts to assist the devastated region, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is saving time, … Read more »

‘Retired’ Chimpanzees in Danger

Thomas Lersch / CC by 3.0 Update: New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson has written to National Institutes of Health Director Francis S. Collins urging him to scrap plans to transfer more than 200 “retired” chimpanzees from the Alamogordo Primate Facility in New Mexico to the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research laboratory in Texas. He has … Read more »

Lousy Treatment of Animals in Lab Costs U. of Kansas 62,500 Dollars

Animals in laboratories are often kept in barren cages. This monkey was observed during PETA’s investigation into Covance. Business as usual at the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC) has just cost the university a whopping $62,500. That’s what KUMC has agreed to pay in fines after the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) found 160 … Read more »

Sexy Senoritas Storm Capitol Hill

It’s that time again! Every summer, our Lettuce Ladies station themselves at the U.S. Capitol to serve a free lunch in honor of National Veggie Dog Day. This year, our leafy lovelies were joined by model and smokin’-hot vegetarian Vida Guerra, who spiced up the event by wearing a red chili-pepper bikini as she handed … Read more »

McCartney’s McDonald’s McVictory

  After finding out that a McDonald’s restaurant in his hometown of Liverpool had plastered the walls with photos of him and the rest of the Fab Four, Sir Paul McCartney—who is known by all (except maybe the marooned fighter pilot on Gilligan’s Island) as being a longtime and outspoken vegetarian—was less than glad all … Read more »

Trucker Has Near-Death Experience After Eating Pork Rinds

jere-me / CC by 2.0 Show me a bag of pork rinds and two things will happen. First, images like this and that will race through my mind. Then I’ll get choked up. The revolting* “snack” made a truck driver named Edward Sutherland get choked up too—only his reaction was apparently not prompted by thoughts … Read more »

Eggs, Kids, and Arsenic

BrokenSphere / CC by 1.0 Here’s a toxic tidbit from the “Gross Meat Facts” files: Chickens who are raised for their flesh are routinely given feed laced with Roxarsone, an additive that contains—are you ready for this—arsenic. May we suggest a new slogan for the nugget bucket? “Potent poison in every piece!” The fact is, … Read more »

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