Frosh Rep Says ‘Neigh’ to Race Track

Saratoga Race Course has been denied. Well, at least it would have been if freshman Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) had had his way. Chaffetz is fed up with all the “fluff” bills that Congress votes on every week—bills like those honoring National Pollinator Week, National Dairy Month, and National Train Day, just to name a … Read more »

Golfers Aren’t the Only Athletes Who Value Birdies

Joe Mabel / CC by 2.0 The term “football hero” has become a standard part of the American lexicon, but many players prove to be anything but heroic. (I’m glaring at you, Michael Vick.) So we’re delighted to see some football players in Hawaii doing right by animals. The lights at Vidinha Stadium on Kauai … Read more »

Chelsea Clinton Says ‘I Do’ … to Vegan Food

  Chelsea Clinton is getting married this Saturday, and while everyone seems to be fascinated with the luxury porta-potties that are being rented for the occasion, I was more excited to hear about what’s going to be on the menu at the reception. We’ve always known Chelsea to be a vegetarian, but Life & Style … Read more »

Stop the Spread of Zoo Zombies

This film educates its audience about polar bears—and the animals don’t seem to mind that they’re being spied on. Not so in the case of the video below: Shot by a giggling zoo visitor, it shows how polar bears suffer in captivity (so much so that some animals are given mood-altering drugs) and how naïve … Read more »

Victory! Dodge Dumps Chimpanzee Footage From Ad Campaign

As they say in showbiz, “It’s a wrap.” I’m referring to the efforts of PETA and Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest to convince Dodge officials to show that they care about animal “actors” like Suzie, a young chimpanzee who appears in the company’s recent ad. As soon as we learned about the ad, we contacted Dodge’s president … Read more »

‘Money May’ Is a Big Chicken …

A big chicken exploiter, that is. While boxing fans debate whether undefeated welterweight Floyd Mayweather Jr. is too yellow to step into the ring with Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao, there’s no question that PETA members are seeing red after a video surfaced of Mayweather cheering at a bloody cockfight in Puerto Rico. Cheering! After watching this … Read more »

PETA Gives K-9 Units the 4-1-1

111 Emergency / CC by 2.0 All K-9 officers have an inherently dangerous job, but when you’re a canine K-9 officer, being cooked to death shouldn’t be among the perils you face. Yet dogs—including police dogs—die every year after being left alone in cars on scorching summer days. An officer may enter a building to … Read more »

No Need to Thank Us

Obesity rates are climbing across the country, with one exception: Washington, D.C., is the only area in the U.S. to see a decline in the adult obesity rate. Some people may cite Michelle Obama’s healthy eating challenges for D.C.’s flab-less makeover, but it seems that PETA’s work to encourage the city’s residents and visitors to … Read more »

Pamela Anderson Is On the Clock

Speaking up for animals is a full-time, 24/7 job. Just ask Pamela Anderson. As we told you earlier this month, when Montréal officials blocked the launch of Pamela Anderson’s sexy new vegetarian ad campaign for PETA, she instead unveiled the ad during her previously planned news conference for the Just for Laughs festival. Pam and … Read more »

Katie Holmes Is a Vegan …

… in her latest movie, The Extra Man. Sure, she’s had lots of meaty movie roles, but it’s Katie’s latest nonmeaty (it’s not a word but it should be) casting as a dedicated vegan that has us jumping up and down on the couch. The quirky indie flick revolves around the relationship between Holmes’ character, … Read more »

JYay! JWoww’s Clothing Line Is Skins-Free

Here’s “The Situation”: Sexy Jenni “JWoww” Farley of Jersey Shore fame has launched her new clothing line, Filthy Couture. No word yet on whether or not it’ll include Snookits, but PETA members everywhere united in a resounding fist pump when JWoww’s camp confirmed that Filthy Couture is free of fur and exotic skins. Perhaps this … Read more »

Help PETA and the Danville Area Humane Society Collar a Killer

The folks in PETA’s Cruelty Investigations Department are looking for the cruel, cowardly individual who apparently forced this dog to fight, beat her, shot her in the chest, and left her tied to a tree by an extension cord earlier this week—and they need everyone’s help!     PETA is adding up to $3,000 to … Read more »

House Crushes Cruelty Videos

chadmiller / CC by 2.0 Just three months after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down as “overly broad” a law intended to ban the distribution of videos depicting illegal cruelty to animals, a new bill aimed at stopping these vile videos has passed the House of Representatives in a landslide. This bill, called the Prevention … Read more »

Elephant Fights Back

Bullhooks are heavy batons with a sharp metal hook and point on the end. If someone routinely smacked you with one, wouldn’t you eventually fight back? Video footage taken at the Toledo Zoo shows that a young elephant named Louie did just that: He charged his bullhook-wielding keeper, leaving him hospitalized with serious injuries. In … Read more »

Unbearable Cruelty Coming to an End?

The list of celebrities who have been spotted wearing Stella McCartney’s luxe animal-friendly fashions reads like a Hollywood who’s who: Jada Pinkett Smith. Kate Winslet. Charlize Theron. Could the Queen’s Guards be next? We hope so. After a faux-fur prototype of a Queen’s Guard’s bearskin cap was presented during a meeting earlier this week with … Read more »

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