Body Cam Video Exposes Pigs’ Torment Following Fatal Wreck: ‘That’s Probably … a Broke Pig … Laying There’

Body-cam video obtained by PETA shows what officers saw at the scene of a slaughterhouse-bound truck wreck: “That’s probably … a broke pig … laying there,” one observed.

‘Humane’? ‘Stress-Free’? New PETA Billboard Shoots Holes in Turkey Company’s Flimsy Attempts at Humane Washing

Does a farmworker’s simulation of masturbation with a dying female bird sound “humane” to you? PETA’s new billboard invites folks to see the undercover footage and decide for themselves.

A Potential ‘Catastrophe’: PETA Comes for Butterball Over Whistleblower Revelations

“Super tom” turkeys, “catastrophes,” and pointless prayers—a whistleblower report has PETA urging Butterball not to pile more pain on top of the systemic abuse already inflicted on birds.

Historic Progress! 300 Million Animals to Benefit From Plans to Ban Cages in the EU

This could be the end of the “cage age” for over 300 million animals, and although raising and killing animals for food is always inhumane, this is a step in the right direction! See how PETA affiliates helped set these plans in motion.

Baby Chicks’ Dead Bodies Cover Floor of Filthy Shed (Eyewitness Video)

Severe injuries, dead and dying chicks, rotting bodies scattered on the feces-covered floor of dank, dark sheds: THIS is what you’re supporting when you buy chicken.

Are Parasites in Your Meal? Ditch Fish Before Your Food Feasts on You!

Dangerous parasites may worm their way into fish flesh. Catch kindness, not worms, by eating only vegan seafood.

These Food Scientists Keep Fish Alive and Oceans Thriving—Here’s How

The end of fishing? These food scientists are making it happen. Here’s how vegan fish and cell-based shrimp keep fish alive and help oceans thrive.

PETA Ad Blasts Virginia Tech: Release Ailing ‘Pardoned’ Turkeys to Proper Sanctuary

PETA’s new ad in The Roanoke Times spotlights the plight of four ailing turkeys once “pardoned” by President Donald Trump and now languishing at Virginia Tech.

PETA Video: What Happens When a Boy Trades Places With a Turkey?

Follow one boy on his harrowing misadventure alongside a group of turkeys in PETA’s animated Thanksgiving video.

Here’s How ‘I Am Greta’ Is a Call to Save Our Planet AND Animals

Greta Thunberg—climate activist, devoted vegan, and agitator to science deniers everywhere—is now the star of her own riveting documentary.

I Am Greta
Smithfield-Bound Truck Runs off the Road, Kills Pigs

A truck taking more than 160 pigs to a Smithfield Foods slaughterhouse was involved in a wreck just before delivering the animals.

USDA Says Sick Chickens Could Be Sold; PETA Says Time to Go Vegan Is Now

This new rule from the Trump administration is anything but safe. Here’s why the USDA must stop allowing the sale of diseased chicken flesh.

‘There Was a Killing’: A Look Into Regan Russell’s Death

From the filmmaker who brought you “Earthlings,” “There Was a Killing” exposes the tensions that exist between the animal agriculture industries, their truckers, and animal activists.

VIDEO: ‘You’re Required to Hang 28 Birds a Minute,’ Tyson Whistleblower Says

When you’re made to slaughter more than 12,000 birds per shift—knowing that if your kill rate comes up short you’ll be reprimanded—social distancing tends to be “impossible.”

Still Eat Chicken? Hear What This Former Tyson Chicken Farmer Has to Say

Chickens freezing to death on transport trucks, dead birds lining the road like a twisted version of Hansel and Gretel’s breadcrumbs—if you eat chicken, THIS is what you support.

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