Tyson Plant Closed After Outbreak

Muhammad Mahdi Karim/CC by 3.0 It seems like only yesterday I was writing about the nationwide salmonella outbreak and massive egg recall. But now it’s time to move on to the latest food safety scare: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) just shut down a Tyson Foods meat-processing plant in Buffalo, N.Y., after food safety … Read more »

The Flaming Lips and Chickens’ Vital Fluids

When graffiti king Banksy’s “coyote” took on Colonel Sanders, we interpreted the work to be pro-chicken. But there’s no question that artist Wayne Coyne, lead singer for The Flaming Lips, is speaking out against cruelty to birds with his new work. He assured fans that the blood used in the creation of a new poster … Read more »

Town Throws a Party for Cruel Factory Farm

This month marks the 15th anniversary of Seaboard Foods in the Guymon, Oklahoma, area. Seaboard operates a pig factory farm where a PETA investigator documented that pigs were routinely kicked, beaten, and slammed against concrete floors. As a result of PETA’s investigation, a Seaboard manager pleaded guilty to three counts of felony cruelty to animals. But … Read more »

The Actions for Animals Never Stop

And here are a few recent ones: PETA Germany’s “shoebox demo” was a startling reminder that a shoebox can be considered a coffin if its contents are made from animal skins. The action sparked a flurry of media attention—Teddy Hilton called it “creative” and “chic.” PETA’s Lettuce Ladies could barely keep up with demand during their veggie … Read more »

Ten Tips to Help Animals on 10/10/10

dougwoods/CC by 2.0 In honor of 10/10/10, here are 10 easy ways to get active for animals this weekend and beyond: Buy a house—a doghouse, that is. Every year, PETA builds and delivers hundreds of straw-filled doghouses for dogs who are chained outdoors in the cold, all winter long—dogs who might otherwise have only a … Read more »

Drumsticks, Wings, and a Side of Bedbugs

When I was a kid, my parents would tuck me in at night, saying, “Don’t let the bedbugs bite.” But what had been a cute little saying has become a real nightmare for people facing a surge in bedbug populations. And like so many other problems, this one has a link to factory farming, as … Read more »

PETA Wants Pig-Truck Driver Charged

elbragon/CC by 2.0   Being shipped over great distances to slaughter with no food or water is agonizing enough, but a reckless driver recently overturned a transport truck carrying 235 pigs, killing 74 of them outright and leaving seven others so severely mangled that police and workers killed them on-site to put them out of … Read more »

PETA’s Celebrity Supporters: ‘We’re Hatin’ It!’

Dozens of celebrities, including Oscar-winner Anjelica Huston, Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Iggy Pop, and comedic improv genius Fred Willard—all of whom were in attendance at PETA’s 30th Anniversary Gala—signed our petition calling on McDonald’s to reduce cruelty to chickens. Check it out. All these celebrities join countless caring folks who’ve taken action against the … Read more »

Beef to Be as Costly as Caviar?

 misteraitch/CC by 2.0 The United Nations’ foremost agriculture expert recently predicted that only rich people will be able to afford beef in 2050 because the production costs of raising cows will make it as costly as caviar. Let’s hope that it’s not too late to save the environment by then. Of course, since animals pay … Read more »

Egg Industry Broken Wide Open

If anyone still believes that “organic” eggs are a humane choice, please look at these gut-wrenching photos from the Organic Valley farm in Wisconsin: They show birds in stinking, stifling, windowless warehouses, crammed so tightly together that they’re barely able to move—much less spread their wings, scratch in the dirt, or interact normally in any … Read more »

60,000 Chickens Dead—Just Business as Usual?

As many as 60,000 chickens died recently at Greenway Farms in Cleveland County, North Carolina, after a generator failure caused a fan to stop working in one of the chicken houses, leaving the smart, sensitive birds to suffer an excruciating death in the suffocating heat under intensive confinement.    Aleutia/CC by 2.0   We’d like … Read more »

Cheese Factory Pollutes Water

Two decades of dumping wastewater from Hilmar Cheese Co. onto surrounding fields has polluted the groundwater in Hilmar, California, according to a report by consultants hired by the company. Eighteen wells in and around Hilmar are so contaminated with nitrates, arsenic, barium, and salts that the water is undrinkable, forcing some people to abandon their homes. … Read more »

Mayhem II: Revenge of the Nuggets

Earlier this year, we shared a selection of the bad behavior that seems to crop up frequently at McDonald’s restaurants, prompted by the story of a woman who went berserk at the drive-through window when she was denied McNuggets. But her nugget-driven nastiness was just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Consider the following incidents, … Read more »

Sexual Abuse of Animals: A Recurring Theme on Factory Farms

Unfortunately, sexual violence against farmed animals is not an unusual occurrence.

Larry French/PETA
MTV Host Poses Naked for ‘Ink, Not Mink’ Ad

MTV Denmark host and FHM cover model Anne Lindfjeld stripped down to her trademark tattoos for PETA’s first Scandinavian “Ink, Not Mink” ad, which was unveiled just before the start of the Kopenhagen Fur auction in Denmark, the country that produces the most mink furs. Lindfjeld joins a long list of tattooed celebrities—including Linkin Park’s … Read more »

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