Baby Food Made Out of … Babies?

This just in from an alert PETA member: Gerber is selling baby food made out of veal. For some reason, this struck us at the PETA Files as especially spit-up-inducing. Feeding babies to babies just seems sort of … I don’t know, cannibalistic? Want some puréed fava beans with that, Junior?                               Would you feed … Read more »

Streaming Factory Farm Abuse 24/7

One surprising item in the news today (h/t Treehugger) is a story about activists with the Israeli group Animals Now. For the last few years, Animals Now has been campaigning against the use of cruel battery cages on egg factory farms. Now, the group has put a hidden webcam inside a battery cage on an … Read more »

1,000 Pigs Starve to Death on PA Farm

It’s been an especially bad month for animals on factory farms. Thousands of animals died in fires over the past couple weeks, hens at a Nebraska egg farm were going to be ground up alive until PETA stepped in, and we now have word that nearly 1,000 pigs starved to death after apparently being abandoned on a … Read more »

Victory! Hens Spared Horrific Death in Grinder

Last week, we told you about TWJ Farms, an egg factory farm in Nebraska that planned to kill 70,000 unwanted chickens by placing them in an industrial machine and grinding them up—while still alive. According to a whistleblower, TWJ has killed hundreds of thousands of hens this way in recent years, and TWJ CEO Joe … Read more »

Jorge Garcia Gives a Cluck about Chickens

He’s been a favorite of mine from the start and now it’s official: I love Jorge Garcia! Jorge, who played “Hurley,” the owner of a Mr. Cluck’s Chicken Shack on Lost, has gone vegetarian! “It’s about the animals,” says Jorge, who gave meat the boot after learning how chickens, cows, pigs, and other animals are … Read more »

Demonstrators Detained at Seoul Summit

Putting on a demonstration can be challenging, but here in the U.S., we rarely run into the kinds of problems that protesters encounter in other parts of the world. Just ask our friends at PETA Asia about the difficulties that they sometimes face. Earlier this year, Edward, a PETA Asia campaigner, was arrested before a … Read more »

Fire Fails to Foil Cruelty Case

Animal abusers take note: your misdeeds may come to light even through the ashes. A Manitoba couple who owned a hog barn that burned in a “suspicious” fire in June—just days after investigators discovered hundreds of dead and dying animals at the facility—has been charged with 23 counts of cruelty to animals. Martin and Dolores … Read more »

Chickens to Be Pulverized … Alive

There’s been an update to this case. Please check here for the good news. Thanks to a courageous whistleblower, PETA has learned that Nebraska egg company TWJ Farms is allegedly planning to grind up approximately 70,000 chickens … while they are still alive. Brace yourself: This barbaric practice is reportedly standard operating procedure at the … Read more »

An Egg a Day Keeps the Doctor … Wealthy

Kai Hendry/CC by 2.0 If you had the same reaction that I did (i.e., violent retching) when you heard about KFC’s hideously unhealthy Double Down (you know, the sandwich that replaced bread with fried chicken and forced you to think about all those globules of deadly gunk gumming up people’s blood vessels), get this: A … Read more »

San Francisco Bans Happy Meals

San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors has voted to require restaurant kids’ meals that come with free toys to contain fewer than 600 calories, include fruits and veggies, and exclude fat- and sugar-laden beverages. And (surprise!) McDonald’s Happy Meal doesn’t make the cut. As a kid (before I went vegetarian “cold turkey” at age 10 after … Read more »

Vegetarian Wins ‘Miss World’ Title

On Saturday, Alexandria Mills of Louisville became the first American in two decades to win the Miss World crown. So what does that have to do with the PETA Files, dear reader? Well, proving that her beauty is far more than skin-deep, the new titleholder noted how ironic it was that the other contestants had … Read more »

Is McDonald’s Hatin’ It?

OK, we don’t have the powers of The Shadow to let us know what evil lurks in the heart of Ronald McDonald, but some recent stories shed some light on who McDonald’s might be hatin‘. 1.      Its Employees The manager of a McDonald’s in Brazil had to take the company to court to win compensation … Read more »

Artist Uses ‘Cooked’ Chickens

Artist Uses ‘Cooked’ Chickens

Little Nuggets vs. McCruelty in Big Apple

It wasn’t your average Chicken Dance: A pink stretch Mini Cooper delivered a troupe of little people dressed as dancing chickens to a PETA protest outside a McDonald’s in New York’s Times Square yesterday afternoon. “I Am Not a Nugget!” declared each of the little “chickens” with signs and dance. The “chickens” paraded in front of the … Read more »

PETA Prompts Innovation in U.S. Chicken Farming

benimoto/CC by 2.0 Yes, we wish everyone would just go vegan and be done with it, but we ain’t there yet. It’s a process (and you know that it’s gathering steam if you heard Bill Clinton describing his own dietary decisions on CNN: “No chicken!”). So while we sling vegan starter kits at people as … Read more »

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