PETA VP Takes on Video Ban Bill

PETA Senior Vice President Dan Mathews was in Tampa this week to speak at the University of South Florida about a proposed bill that would make filming and photographing farms without the express consent of the owner a felony. Dan invited Senator Jim Norman from Tampa, who proposed the bill, to join him onstage to present his … Read more »

Turkey Burgers Contaminated With Superbug

If fever, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and dehydration aren’t your idea of ‘healthy,’ step away from the turkey burgers. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service recalled nearly 55,000 pounds of Jennie-O All-Natural turkey burgers when the meat was found to be infected with salmonella hadar, which is resistant to antibiotics. So … Read more »

Artist Goes Naked for (and With) Pigs

The first thing you notice when looking at artist Miru Kim‘s  portraits of her own bare flesh as it touches pigs’ skin is how similar they look. The curving lines, the freckles, and the dusting of hair could easily be human or porcine. The New York City–based artist visited factory hog farms and snapped photos … Read more »

Germans Go Green

After an unprecedented victory by the Green Party in Germany’s elections, Green candidate Winfried Kretschmann is preparing to be the party’s first appointed governor in the state of Baden-Württemberg. One newspaper called it “the start of a new political era in Germany.” The Green era could be the animal-friendly era, too, if the party opts … Read more »

‘Martha Stewart’ Goes Vegan

Considering how much Martha Stewart loves animals, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that the domestic diva is dedicating an entire show to vegan living. She’ll be cooking a vegan entrée with Twitter’s vegan co-founder, Biz Stone, and learning about a cruelty-free lifestyle with Kathy Freston, best-selling author of Veganist and Quantum Wellness.   © By showing her fans … Read more »

‘E’ Is for Eeeeeew

the delicious life/cc by 2.0 Creekstone Farms, a large U.S. distributor of beef, is recalling 14,000 pounds of meat because of possible E. coli contamination. An inspector found bacteria in the beef, prompting the USDA to warn of a “reasonable probability that the use of the product will cause serious, adverse health consequences or death.” Where … Read more »

Create a New Slogan for the Pork Board

Stephen & Claire Farnsworth/cc by 2.0 The National Pork Board, in an attempt to change the image of pork, is dropping its 25-year-old slogan, “Pork: The Other White Meat,” for its new propaganda theme, “Pork: Be Inspired.” The only thing this campaign is inspiring in me is my gag reflex. So considering the way that … Read more »

6,600 Turkeys Never Stood a Chance

cyanocorax/cc by2.0 A fire that destroyed a single barn on a turkey farm in Richlands, North Carolina, killed 6,600 animals. The owners think that the electricity in the old building started the fire, which swept through the entire barn, burning to death every bird crammed inside it. The owners dug a mass grave for the … Read more »

South Korea Burying Pigs Alive

We recently told you about South Korean officials who buried more than 1 million pigs alive in an ill-conceived effort to control foot-and-mouth disease. PETA has recently obtained video footage of the killings, which shows workers as they toss live pigs on top of one another in a mass grave. Pigs are pushed out of trucks … Read more »

PETA’s McCruelty Statue—People Are Lovin’ It

You can’t keep a good bird down. PETA’s crippled-chicken statue was shut out of Louisville and Denver, but it has finally come home to roost in Raleigh.  PETA unveiled the new anti-McDonald’s statue, which was designed by New Yorker cover artist Harry Bliss, to a receptive parade of passersby, who took home more than 400 … Read more »

Internet Soup

It’s Friday afternoon, and we’re betting that you’re getting a rumbling in your tummy thinking about dinner out, popcorn at the movies, or a pretzel at the mall. Well, to tide you over, have a hearty, heaping helping of Internet Soup:  Oscar cohost James Franco catches a cat nap. This thirsty cow doesn’t waste any … Read more »

PETA Germany Saves 100 Animals

Dozens of animals were rescued from a ramshackle farm in Arnsberg-Hüsten, Germany, after a whistleblower alerted PETA Germany that the animals were being kept in filthy, dilapidated sheds or were enclosed in broken wire fences—exposed to the elements, predators, and the beer-bottle-littered ground. Upon investigation, staffers found 59 chickens, 34 rabbits, 25 ducks, and six … Read more »

Lady Antebellum: Chickens Need You Now

Chrissie Hynde is telling Lady Antebellum “I’ll stand by you” to support less cruel slaughter methods for KFC’s chickens. The Grammy-winning country group is set to perform at the KFC annual meeting in San Diego, and Chrissie isn’t pretending—she thinks it’s a great opportunity to remind the chain that chickens don’t have to be scalded … Read more »

Victory! Plans for Mega-Dairy Dumped

After nearly a year of campaigning by PETA U.K. and massive opposition from U.K. residents who care about the Earth and animals, Nocton Dairies has withdrawn its application to build a 3,770-cow mega-dairy, which would have been the largest dairy factory farm in the U.K. More than 6,000 of the 14,000 registered objections received by … Read more »

More Trouble for Turkey Abusers

cyanocorax/cc by 2.0 German company Lohmann Tierzucht (LTZ)—the parent company of Aviagen Turkeys, Inc.—is facing cruelty-to-animals charges as a result of evidence gathered by PETA Germany. Authorities have issued warrants for alleged violations of Germany’s Animal Welfare Act (including amputating the toes and crests of millions of chickens in order to distinguish their breeds and … Read more »

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