The Most Abused Animal on the Planet Is …

Do you know one of those people who says, “I’m a vegetarian, but I still eat chicken”? Considering that chickens are arguably the most abused animals on the planet, they should be one of the first animals we remove from our plates—and there’s no better time to do that than World Week for Abolition of Meat. … Read more »

10-Year-Old Takes McDonald’s Execs to Task

Most kids get butterflies in their stomachs when they have to read a book report aloud in class. This week, bright elementary student Rose McCoy spoke before hundreds of McDonald’s investors and executives at the company’s annual meeting. Armed with 20,000 of the nearly 125,000 signatures that PETA collected from young consumers, our superstar volunteer brilliantly … Read more »

Celebs Ask Oprah to Save Wild Horses

If there is one person who can command national attention for an issue, it is “queen of all media” Oprah Winfrey. That’s why Saving America’s Mustangs, a group run by PETA supporter Madeleine Pickens, has enlisted actors, musicians, and athletes to film an appeal to Oprah asking her to help them protect the few wild … Read more »

Are Ronald McDonald’s Days Numbered?

To combat the epidemic of kids who are shaped like McNuggets, more than 550 health organizations and professionals are demanding that McDonald’s stop marketing its fat-and-calorie bombs to children. The campaign was organized by Corporate Accountability International, which ran an open letter to McDonald’s in newspapers nationwide, stating, “[W]e know that reducing junk food marketing can … Read more »

Would You Eat Test-Tube Meat?

The current issue of The New Yorker explores an idea whose time has come: test-tube meat. An international network of stem-cell biologists and tissue engineers, cheered on by animal-rights advocates and environmentalists, are working on growing muscle tissue in vitro just as it is now grown inside the bodies of animals, but without all the … Read more »

Picture of the Month

“So a policeman and a chicken walk into a bar …” In our favorite photo this month, taken during a protest outside a KFC in Montrose, Colorado, a police officer confers with a chicken about … what? Maybe the proper spelling of “potato”? Share your thoughts about what these two could be discussing below. Written by … Read more »

Ronald’s McCruelty Has the Web A-Twitter

Here’s a riddle for you: What has red hair, no heart, and says, “Ba da da da daaa, I’m killin’ it”? McDonald’s creepy spokesclown, in PETA’s Evil Ronald twitter contest. Sadistic Ronalds have popped up all over the Twitterverse to tell people what’s really going on behind that white face paint. You can check out some … Read more »

Victory! Undercover Investigations Ban Fails

Lights, camera, justice for animals! A controversial Florida bill that would have made filming and photographing factory farms without the owner’s permission illegal—and which PETA Vice President Dan Mathews personally visited Florida to speak out against—has died in the House. This is a huge victory for animals, since the bill would have essentially banned the undercover … Read more »

McDonald’s Violence Goes Viral

Unless McDonald’s wants to be considered as a possible CGI backdrop for the new Mortal Kombat game, the chain might have a PR problem. Fights are breaking out at McDonalds locations across the country, including an attack on a woman in Baltimore that initiated a protest outside the restaurant when the video hit YouTube. Then there were folks … Read more »

The Best Way to Celebrate Earth Day

Happy Earth Day 2011! If you rode your bike to work today or planted a tree, that’s fantastic. But if you’re passing on meat and dairy products today to help the planet, that’s even better. For damage to the environment, meat takes the icky, Earth-destroying first-place prize. Consider the following: Producing a single pound of … Read more »

Where’s Evil Ronald?

With all the recent buzz about taking toys out of unhealthy kid’s meals, PETA has come up with a way for kids to still have some fun at McDonald’s expense. The new “Where’s Evil Ronald?” video game challenges people to find the creepy clown played by Andy Dick in a crowd. The rounds get harder as the … Read more »

Meat’s Not Greensboro

Meat’s not green, and it’s not Greensboro either. In light of Greensboro, North Carolina’s “Greensboro Goes Green” initiative, PETA is asking the town to really go green by helping residents dump meat. We’re asking Greensboro to change its moniker to “Meat’s Not Greensboro” for Earth Day, and we’ve already designed the perfect sticker for their signs.  … Read more »

Fire Kills Thousands of Pigs

As if their lives on an Iowa factory farm weren’t wretched enough, nearly 5,000 pigs perished when a fire broke out in what the media accurately calls a “confinement facility.” Locked in gestation crates with no possibility of escape, these mothers and babies could only watch as the flames and smoke approached.   Confined in tiny … Read more »

Could Eggs Endanger Your Baby?

Could Eggs Endanger Your Baby?”

Internet Soup

Have you ever wondered what an uncooked McNugget looks like? Or who were the first vegans? How about who an NFL blogger would rather not have on the “skins” team? It’s all here in our Friday afternoon helping of Internet Soup.  Can you say “McNausea?” A much happier meal: A 12-year-old pianist strikes a high … Read more »

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