Photo of the Month: McMergency 911

It looks like the Pearly Gates aren’t too far away from the Golden Arches. Snapped outside a McDonald’s near PETA’s headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia, this photo gives new meaning to the phrase “Big Mac attack”:   We’re guessing this McCustomer wasn’t lovin’ it.  Written by Jared Misner

Why Iowa Wants to Make Farm Photos Illegal

Update: Iowa’s general assembly adjourned for the year on Thursday without voting on HF 589, essentially killing the “ag gag” bill. New video footage shot during an undercover investigation on an Iowa pig factory farm should be enough to make anyone who isn’t profiting from the abuse of pigs swear off pork chops.  … Read more »

O’Hare Airport Won’t Let PETA’s Ad Fly

Chicago’s O’Hare said “Oh, no!” to PETA when we offered to buy one of the airport’s new high-tech mirror ads.  Our ad would have filled a bathroom mirror, then shrunk to the corner when someone approached, and it would have warned them about McDonald’s cruelty to chickens.   The airport rejected our ad on the grounds … Read more »

How Many Chicks Has This Guy Burned?

Remember season three of Dexter when the Miami P.D. is hunting a killer dubbed the “Skinner”? Our new “wanted” poster features another “Skinner”: Jim Skinner, the CEO of McDonald’s, a man who allows millions of chickens to be scalded to death by McDonald’s suppliers every year. PETA is used to having our “skin” ads rejected, … Read more »

Butter Sculptor’s Greasy Legacy

She was perhaps the only person to work with more saturated fat than Paula Deen. Norma “Duffy” Lyon, dubbed the “Queen of the Butter Sculpture,” died of a stroke this week. For more than four decades, Lyon sculpted cows and other figures from butter, often requiring 600 pounds of the fatty stuff for one sculpture. … Read more »

Investigation: Organic Farms Just as Cruel

When Dutch animal rights group Ongehoord (“Unheard” in English) secretly filmed 26 pig farms in the Netherlands, it found that cruelty was just as prevalent on organic farms—and on those that labeled their meat with the misleading “Better Life” stamp from the Dutch SPCA—as it was on factory farms.    Video taken on a farm … Read more »

Ravens Sign Offensive Colonel Sanders

What do you get when you cross a raven with a chicken? A whole lot of grief from PETA. After learning that KFC has been named the “Official Chicken of the Baltimore Ravens,” PETA dashed off a letter to team owner Steve Bisciotti, alerting him to KFC’s refusal to implement even basic animal welfare improvements—including … Read more »

Happy Cows? Hardly

You’ve no doubt seen the commercials with “happy” California dairy cows who chat and gossip in lush green fields. Obviously, the part in which the cows talk is fiction, but many viewers don’t realize that the rolling green fields are also figments of a marketing team’s vivid imagination. Cows in California are commonly raised ankle-deep … Read more »

‘Ag Gag’ Bill Fizzles in New York

Ding-dong, the wicked bill is dead—almost. A New York Senate bill—which, like similar bills in other states, aims to criminalize filming on farms—is dying on the vine because no one across the aisle on the Assembly side will cosponsor it. The good news comes after PETA Senior Vice President Dan Mathews spoke at a news conference … Read more »

Little Rock Tries to Silence PETA

In what appears to be a violation of PETA’s First Amendment right to free speech, the city of Little Rock, Arkansas, is denying our application for a permit to display our crippled-chicken statue near a McDonald’s restaurant. In a rejection letter, Little Rock City Attorney Thomas Carpenter blamed “public safety concerns.” But not only would our … Read more »

Can a Bus Save a Dog’s Life?

Soon, Greyhound might be driving home the message about the importance of spaying and neutering. PETA is asking Greyhound Lines, Inc., to temporarily switch its well-known moniker to “Spayhound” and/or to “fix” at least one of its buses with this dog-friendly message: Click image for larger version  One Greyhound bus takes an average of 19 … Read more »

Baloney Maker Full of…Baloney

“Lunchables” peddler Oscar Mayer tries to mislead consumers into thinking that its meat products are healthier than they are, alleges a lawsuit filed against the company this week. Oscar Mayer prominently displays the words “98% fat free” on the label next to the calories per serving, such as “98% fat free, 50 Calories per Serving.” … Read more »

Is That a Dog … or a Hog?

Which animals easily master skills such as “sit,” “fetch,” and “jump”? Which animals like to relax in the sun, play ball, and come when called by name? Which animals have saved humans’ lives on numerous occasions? If you answered “dogs” and/or “pigs” to each of these questions, congratulations—they’re both correct. Pigs have many personality traits that … Read more »

‘True American Original’ Murdered

Do you like to listen to music, sing, and be affectionate? So do turkeys. Do you exercise, worry about your appearance, and sometimes play favorites with people? So do turkeys. If you have children, do you love them and fiercely protect them from danger? So do turkeys. black_throated_green_warbler/cc by 2.0 But unlike us, turkeys raised … Read more »

‘They Die Piece by Piece’

If you wouldn’t brand a cat or cut off a dog’s legs, you should also think about putting down the hamburger for World Week for Abolition of Meat. Razvan Antonescu/cc by 2.0 Cows have personalities as distinct as those of cats, dogs, and humans. They develop social circles, form friendships, and even hold grudges. They grieve … Read more »

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