Hundreds of Pigs Burned to Death

Hundreds of pigs were burned alive when an electrical fire destroyed the barn in which they were crammed at a factory farm in Utah operated by Murphy-Brown, LLC, a subsidiary of notorious pig abuser Smithfield Foods, Inc. Gruesome pictures taken by a news crew on the scene show a mass of charred bodies piled on … Read more »

Will the Supreme Court Protect Pigs?

Just how greedy are pork producers? The National Meat Association (NMA) is challenging a California law that requires the euthanasia of pigs who are too weak or sick to stand when they arrive at slaughterhouses. A lawyer representing the NMA noted that this means that many slaughterhouses would have to euthanize up to 300 pigs … Read more »

Would You Eat a Dog Disguised as a Chicken?

Washington, D.C.’s Woof Walk dog event turned into a squawk stroll when a little dog named Mongo dressed as a chicken challenged dog lovers to ask themselves why they call one animal “family” and another animal “dinner.” While Mongo’s assistants explained to Woof Walkers that chickens are as smart and social as dogs, one former … Read more »

Saved From Being Thrown to Their Deaths

For the past 65 years during Yellville, Arkansas’ annual “Turkey Trot Festival,” residents have hurled live turkeys out of airplanes at high altitudes for the “pleasure” of watching the wild birds—who naturally only fly short distances at low altitudes—drop to the Earth. Many are badly injured or killed, and others are tackled and taken home … Read more »

Smithfield Slaughter-Bound Pigs Killed in Crash

About 195 live pigs were hurled to the ground—killing or leaving at least 47 so badly injured that even industry workers knew that they had to be killed—after a slaughterhouse-bound transport truck ran off the road, flipped onto its side, and crashed into a pole in Suffolk, Virginia, early this morning. This crash, which happened … Read more »

Victory! University Ends Pig Lab

Friday marked an inspiring victory for pigs, who were routinely being cut apart, surgically mutilated, and killed as part of an elective medical training course at Germany’s University of Ulm. Just two hours after PETA Germany asked supporters to contact university officials, the university announced that it would be permanently ending the pig lab! Medical … Read more »

Six Scary DIY Halloween Costume Ideas

Tired of going through racks of Halloween costumes and seeing the same old hockey masks and sexy nurse uniforms? Here are six scary DIY costumes guaranteed to make the most fearless revelers do a double-take—and then think twice about eating meat, wearing fur, or going to the circus. Steal an idea from PETA Vice President … Read more »

Animals Join Occupy Wall Street Protest

No animals were arrested in the making of this protest, but yesterday in Zuccotti Park Liberty Square, a “pig,” “cow,” and “chicken” joined the Occupy Wall Street protesters to push for more corporate accountability. Our animals were at the center of a whirlwind of police, photographers, protesters, and intrigued passersby who stopped to read the … Read more »

Why Cheese Could Make You Heave

After reading these cheese facts, you won’t smile when someone says, “Say cheese!” In fact, the thought of cheese might make your stomach turn. Speaking of stomachs, let’s jump right into why eating cheese could make you heave: Many cheeses are made with rennet, an enzyme that comes from calves’ stomach lining. That’s right—the pre-cheese … Read more »

McDonald’s TiKs Off Ke$ha

© StarmaxInc When pop sensation Ke$ha learned that McDonald’s McCruelty is spending more than $1 billion on renovating its restaurants while still refusing to require its suppliers to upgrade to a less cruel method of slaughtering chickens, she fired off a letter to McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner calling out the company for its “Sleazy” behavior. … Read more »

Pig Producer Allegedly Ignored Abuse—of Women

The meat industry thrives on the abuse of animals, so it comes as no surprise that former pig factory-farm workers are alleging that the management of Murphy-Brown—a subsidiary of the world’s largest pig producer, Smithfield Foods—turned a blind eye to sexual harassment of female employees. In a case that went before a federal jury this … Read more »

The Cure for Breast Cancer—Don’t Think Pink

© Robyn Mackenzie/ “If shopping could cure breast cancer, it would be cured by now,” says Think Before You Pink, an organization dedicated to ending “pinkwashing”—slapping pink ribbons on products in order to convince consumers that they can end breast cancer by buying pink products. In truth, reports Forbes, corporations seek to profit off … Read more »

A Rooster on the Couch

The latest issue of PETA’s Animal Times magazine just rolled off the presses, and the PETA Files is offering you a sneak peak inside. In addition to campaign news and updates, investigative reports, and tasty recipes, this issue includes an exclusive excerpt from PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk’s latest book, The PETA Practical Guide to … Read more »

Sexy ‘Pilgrims’ Take Toronto by Storm

To encourage Canadians to celebrate a cruelty-free Thanksgiving, sexy PETA “pilgrims” landed at Toronto’s Old City Hall for a festive Tofurky giveaway. Thankful Torontonians gobbled up the demonstration—literally. The pilgrims handed out 50 delicious, meat-free Tofurky roasts in less than five minutes! Turkeys are intelligent, affectionate animals, so please have the “grace” to leave them … Read more »

‘Star’ Staffers Take on Hollywood McDonald’s

It was just another evening in Hollywood—the sun was sinking in a gold-and-orange blaze, throngs of tourists were posing for photos on the Walk of Fame, and some of my PETA colleagues and I gathered to spread the message that McDonald’s suppliers mutilate conscious chickens. Although a couple of teenagers who hovered around Ozzy Osbourne’s star … Read more »

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