Herd of ‘Cows’ Sends Dairy Farmers Running

When PETA’s herd of “cows” stampeded down the sidewalk in front of the Vancouver Convention Center, where the British Columbia Dairy Conference was taking place, the cow abusers inside nervously looked out the windows. They sent the convention center manager outside to ask their worried questions: What were the cows planning to do? Come inside … Read more »

Horse Slaughter to Start Again in US

chedder | cc by 2.0 After a 5-year hiatus, Congress has restored funding for U.S. inspectors to oversee horse slaughter, opening the door for horses to be killed and butchered in the United States for the first time since 2006. No one wants to see any horse killed for meat or to turn a fast … Read more »

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Cow

Maybe being able to see the Hollywood sign from my living room makes everything remind me of a bad horror movie, but seeing the headline “New Strain of ‘Mad Cow’ Disease” is enough to make anyone (especially meat-eaters) shriek like a celluloid scream queen. That’s right—bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) has struck again! Mad cow disease … Read more »

‘We All Live Under the Same Sky’

When students at China’s Guangdong University of Foreign Studies bustled onto campus for open day, little did they know that their education would begin on the sidewalk. Armed with hundreds of leaflets and stickers courtesy of PETA Asia-Pacific, an enterprising group of students flooded the campus with messages about protecting animals and the environment using … Read more »

What the Cluck, Chick-fil-A?

In a David-and-Goliath fight against Big Chicken—i.e., Chick-fil-A—Vermont artist and local agriculture booster Bo Muller-Moore is fighting for his right to “eat more kale.” Chick-fil-A called “fowl” on Muller-Moore, claiming that consumers would be bamboozled into thinking that there is some affiliation with its trademarked phrase “Eat Mor Chikin” but Muller-Moore is standing firm in … Read more »

It’s Not Thanksgiving Without PETA

PETA Thanksgiving public service announcements provide helpful insight into why a cruelty-free feast is the way to go.

Everybody’s Somebody’s Baby

Philadelphia and Baltimore may be a little safer after PETA members worked tirelessly to get baby-killers off the streets—the killers of baby turkeys, that is. A baby doll bedecked with frills served as the centerpiece for this eerie Thanksgiving dinner, making the point that farmers drug and breed turkeys to grow so fast that most … Read more »

Give Turkeys a Reason to Purr

Some years ago, when I interned at a sanctuary for farmed animals, I’d sit in the barn, and a turkey named Fern would back up into my lap and demand to be petted. When I’d stop, she’d look over her shoulder imploringly as if to say, “More, please.” I always think of Fern at this … Read more »

McDonald’s Sneaky Little PR Move

McDonald’s has kicked its PR machine into high gear after a terrific undercover investigation by Mercy for Animals at Sparboe Farms, one of McDonald’s primary egg suppliers, revealed that workers grabbed hens by the throat and slammed them into cages, that an employee swung a hen by her feet, that male chicks were tossed into … Read more »

When Tofurkys Fly

You know what they say: The key to a man’s heart is through his … stomach. Our sexy pilgrims, who are touring New England this week, can attest to that and more. Obviously, they attract a crowd, largely because of the delicious, free Tofurkys they’re handing out. In fact, the Tofurkys flew off the table—with … Read more »

‘My Life as a Turkey’

A fascinating glimpse into the lives of animals who are often seen as little more than Thanksgiving centerpieces.

Cow Dragged, Dumped, Left for Dead

Downed cows—those who are too sick or injured to stand up—are of little use to callous cattle auctioneers. So when a cow collapsed at a Texas livestock auction company, what did the employees do? They simply wrapped a chain around her leg, attached the chain to a truck, dragged the cow into a dirt lot … Read more »

Could Your Birthday Suit Save the Planet?

This might make you blue, but red and white meat isn’t green. That’s just as true halfway around the Earth as it is here. That’s why these members of PETA Asia-Pacific went earthy from head to toe: to ask the folks in that part of the world to dump their Earth-wrecking addictions to meat. A … Read more »

Mad Cow Disease: We’re Not out of the Woods

Alarming new findings from Britain’s Health Protection Agency reveal that many people could still be infected with, and eventually die from, mad cow disease. In humans, it is referred to as “new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease,” or vCJD. As leading vCJD expert Professor John Collinge notes, “The incubation period, where there are no symptoms, can last … Read more »

Thanksgiving Billboard Serves Up Controversy

A new billboard should certainly give children and their parents not only the shivers but also some important food for thought.

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