Getting on Board Against McCruelty

Meet Feel Ideal. Practically every day that weather permits, he can be found outside his local McDonald’s in Honolulu handing out leaflets explaining how chickens killed for the fast-food giant suffer and how the company—as one of the biggest sellers of chicken meat—could reduce this abuse by requiring its suppliers to switch to a more … Read more »

A Pork Chop Stops a Beating Heart

Earlier this week, a federal appeals court ruled to uphold a Texas law that requires doctors to describe ultrasounds and play audio of the fetal heartbeat to women seeking abortions. No matter where you stand on abortion, we hope you’ll appreciate the billboard that we’ll be erecting in Austin, Texas. Pig: © Pethick After … Read more »

Fake Butcher Shocks Supermarket Shoppers

As it turns out, people are genuinely taken by surprise when they find out where sausage meat comes from, as evidenced by this amusing Portuguese video showing what happens when a fake butcher pretends to make sausage from scratch.

Canada’s Largest Chicken Producer Charged

Finally, a bit of justice for the most abused animal on the planet.

Bonobos Find Their Inner Martha Stewart

Bananas? We don’t need no stinkin’ bananas. At least Kanzi the bonobo doesn’t. He taught himself how to make fire and cook food. Chimpanzees have their own emergency broadcast system. They use special sounds to warn their unaware friends about danger, but they don’t send out a warning when the other chimpanzees already see it. … Read more »

Will an Animal’s Voice Help You Find Yours?

Animals have voices. They cry out when they are being skinned alive for their fur, being beaten and forced to perform painful tricks, or having their throats cut before being hacked apart for their flesh. Animals express their pain, but often, people don’t understand or they choose not to listen. As animal advocates, we must … Read more »

How Green Was My Veggie Burger

If your tofu has turned green, you’ll probably want to toss it. But the results of a recent study show that our tofu is so green that it’s a cause for celebration! The findings of this new study reveal how vegan foods, such as veggie dogs, tofu, and seitan, contribute little to climate change compared … Read more »

Internet Soup

It sounds like the plot of a Disney movie, but this video of a pig and dog who are best buds would warm even Walt’s cryogenically frozen heart. “Don’t mind me.” After committing the most adorable case of breaking and entering ever, a baby seal curled up on a New Zealand woman’s couch for a … Read more »

Butterball Raided by Law Enforcement

North Carolina law-enforcement officials raided a Butterball turkey factory farm after viewing disturbing video footage of workers who abused turkeys. The video, shot during an undercover investigation by Mercy For Animals, shows workers who kick and stomp on birds, smash them into the ground, and bash in their heads with metal rods. Mercy For Animals’ … Read more »

Support Bill to End Horse Slaughter & Export

Sparks flew recently after Congress restored funding for U.S. inspectors to oversee horse slaughter, opening the door for horses to be killed and butchered in the United States for the first time since 2006. But there is hope for a better bill: The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act of 2011 (S. 1176/H.R. 2966), which would … Read more »

The Cows Who Could Save Lives

We’ve all seen the ribbons tied around trees on the side of the road, crosses stuck in the ground, and signs asking us to drive carefully—all reminders of lives that were lost in traffic accidents. Certainly, humans aren’t the only casualties of reckless driving, so should they be the only ones honored? PETA doesn’t think … Read more »

Al Sharpton Does a Bill Clinton

What do Bill Clinton, former President George W. Bush speechwriter Matthew Scully, and the Rev. Al Sharpton have in common? They’re all political animals who don’t eat meat. Sharpton first got an idea of what happens to animals on factory farms when he appeared in PETA’s video exposing cruelty in slaughterhouses that supply KFC and … Read more »

McDonald’s Spent $1.1 Million on Lobbying

How do you convince lawmakers to turn a blind eye to the devastating effect that fast food has on our health? If you’re McDonald’s, you spend more than $1.1 million (in 2011 alone) lobbying political representatives. YUM! Brands, the owner of KFC, wasn’t far behind, at $845,000. The Center for Responsive Politics reports that the food … Read more »

Pigs Suffer While Smithfield Takes Its Time

Smithfield Foods, Inc., the world’s largest pig supplier, announced yesterday that it will phase out gestation crates for pregnant sows by 2017. Let’s hope it keeps its word this time. Smithfield has promised this before. Female pigs at Smithfield are forced into continuous cycles of pregnancy and birth, only to have their piglets ripped away … Read more »

Death in the Skies: Chicken to Blame?

A family is suing American Airlines after their loved one died on a flight, reportedly after consuming chicken contaminated with bacteria. Fluke? Not so much. The Food and Drug Administration reports that there are 48 million cases of foodborne illness in the U.S. every year, resulting in 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths. Consumer Reports found … Read more »

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