Photo: ‘Pig’ Has a Gig at Bacon Festival

Photo of the Day Fresh off a stint asking politicians to “cut the pork” out of the federal budget, PETA’s plucky “pig” asked attendees of Iowa’s Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival not to cut the pork off pigs’ bodies. When the “pig” implored, “I am not bacon,” the fans of fried fat stopped to listen and … Read more »

The Week in PETA (Feb. 17, 2012)

Poignant words on when animals die, sticking it to Ringling and its torture sticks, and a treat for extreme couponers: It’s everything you might have missed this week. PETA News on Tumblr PETA’s Tumblr page keeps you up to date on all the latest animal news. What new honor did Charlotte’s Web snag? A charity … Read more »

PETA Weekly (2/10/12)

Google goes gaga for vegan food, learn how to show bunnies some love this Valentine’s Day, and help us ask Florida not to change its slogan to “The Hoarder State.” Here’s everything in PETA’s world that you might have missed this week. PETA News on Tumblr Don’t miss any breaking animal rights stories. Hop on … Read more »

Thoroughbreds to Be Saved From Slaughter

Remember those stomach-churning scenes from PETA’s undercover investigation at a horse slaughterhouse? Horses, discarded by the racing industry, were slaughtered and hacked into pieces.  On the heels of that horrific case, we went to the one organization that deals with every thoroughbred breeder in this country—The Jockey Club, which handles all foal registrations—and asked why … Read more »

Photo: Everybody Is Somebody’s Baby

PHOTO OF THE DAY Mooove away from leather, baby. Cows don’t wear our babies, so why should we wear theirs?

PETA Weekly

A lot has been happening this week at PETA: victories, anniversaries, and celebrations! We’re after CareerBuilder, we stopped shipments of monkeys to laboratories, and we’ve done much more! Check out the latest news and victories: PETA News on Tumblr What a busy week it’s been in the PETAsphere! Just in case you missed any of … Read more »

Horse Slaughter: Setting the Record Straight AGAIN!

ingo.ronner | cc by 2.0 Television news pieces airing today are advertised in such a way as to again misrepresent our stance on horse slaughter—just as some legislators also seem to have been misusing and misstating our position. Let’s set the record straight once more, shall we? Please cut and paste this to your computer … Read more »

A Little Relief, Finally, for Hormel Pigs

When PETA went public with the findings of an undercover investigation at a pig-breeding farm that supplies Hormel in Iowa, we called on the company to ban gestation crates—pens so small that the pregnant sows who are confined to them can’t turn around or even lie down comfortably—and then introduced a shareholder resolution to that … Read more »

Video Shows Pigs Mutilated, Beaten, Duct-Taped

A disturbing new undercover investigation inside two pig farms in Goodwell, Oklahoma, one owned by Seaboard Foods, shows injured piglets with their legs duct-taped to their bodies as well as pigs suffering from abscesses, torn body parts, and bacterial infections without being given veterinary care. Workers are seen chopping off pigs’ tails and testicles with … Read more »

Run Away, Train—From KFC Cruelty

Courtesy of USDA Hey, Soul Sister! PETA has sent an urgent letter to the rock band Train urging the group to cancel their performance at KFC’s franchisee convention in San Antonio—or else face the music from PETA supporters—because of KFC’s refusal to stop its suppliers’ cruelty to chickens. Many of the top names in music … Read more »

Pigs Spared Deadly Ordeal After PETA Plea

Less than two weeks after receiving appeals from PETA and PETA Germany, RWTH Aachen University, a top German college, has announced that it will no longer perform invasive and deadly training exercises on live pigs in its advanced surgical course, effective immediately! Truly ‘Advanced’ Training Earlier this month, PETA and PETA Germany sent university officials … Read more »

See PETA’s Latest Super Bowl Ad (Warning: Fowl Language)

The TV networks have been notably, um, unenthusiastic about running PETA’s Super Bowl ads, so this year PETA is planning to take its message directly to the players and fans by placing billboards in the teams’ hometowns of New York and Boston as well as Indianapolis, which is hosting the game, making an irreverent plea … Read more »

Photo: ‘Pigs’ Booted from BBQ

Photo of the Day It’s a brave pig who can crash a barbecue hosted by a group of hunters. But that’s exactly what two PETA “pigs” did at a campaign stop for Newt Gingrich in South Carolina. The “pigs” were protesting taxpayer subsidies of cruel factory farms. Although they were quickly shown the door, the … Read more »

Photo: You May Have Eaten This

The picture has been circulating around the Internet for a while, but it’s still creating buzz because it shows something we rarely see.

Could an App Change the Way We See Pigs?

You’ve played Words With Friends, but what about lights with pigs? A new app called “Pig Chase” puts players finger-to-snout with real pigs on farms. A player moves a ball of light on the screen, and the light is displayed on a large touch-sensitive panel in the pig’s pen. The human player can see the … Read more »

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