In Vitro Meat Prize Deadline Extended

In 2008, when PETA offered a $1 million incentive to anyone who could develop a marketable in vitro (lab-grown) meat, there were some who scoffed. Since then, research into in vitro meat has exploded—the  research, that is, not the labs—and the idea (along with PETA’s offer) has shown up in The New Yorker and on … Read more »

Chicks Dig This Adoption Fair

Birds of a feather flocked to PETA’s L.A. office this weekend for what was quite possibly the world’s cluckiest adoption fair. Seventy-eight hens made themselves a comfortable roost in the Bob Barker Building while adopters listened to the hens’ story and snacked on vegan egg-salad sandwiches. The hens had been used by egg producer A&L … Read more »

A Chicken Walks into a Baptist Convention

Southern Baptists attending a convention in New Orleans probably expected to be communing with God … just not with his son on the street corner. And not with a giant chicken. Nevertheless, they loved PETA’s divine duo, who asked the faithful to remember that Jesus’ message was one of compassion, not killing. While the Southern … Read more »

North Dakota Not Ready for Angela Simmons

With all due respect to the Piano Man, I don’t really agree that the sinners have more fun than the saints. Most North Dakotans don’t either—their state boasts the second-highest percentage of Christians in the nation.  When PETA saw that statistic, we had an epiphany (if you’ll pardon the pun) and decided that we should … Read more »

Senator Confronts Cheese Maker Over Cruelty

On Dairy Day in Albany—when dairy industry representatives flood the New York capitol—State Sen. Tony Avella, a friend to animals and member of the Agriculture Committee, joined PETA in calling on Agri-Mark, Inc., maker of Cabot and McCadam cheeses, to end animal abuse on its suppliers’ farms. Cow Care Inaction Three months have passed since … Read more »

This Little Piggy Never Went to Market

This is what Olivia looked like when she was found: The little piglet, who had sustained a fractured pelvis, cuts, and scrapes, was found on the side of the road after apparently falling off a transport truck. The Good Samaritan who found her called PETA for help, and PETA’s Emergency Response Team called a wonderful … Read more »

Memorializing Cows Killed in Kansas Crash

Last month, a truck hauling more than 30 cows to a slaughterhouse crashed on a Kansas City highway, skidding down an embankment onto the street below. Some of the cows were killed in the accident, while other animals wandered away with broken limbs and other injuries before finally being caught and euthanized. To ensure that … Read more »

A Vegan Walks Into a McDonald’s Meeting …

Here’s something that you might not know about PETA: We hold stock in companies whose policies we’re trying to change so that we can attend annual meetings and propose shareholder resolutions to try to push companies to stop cruel practices. McDonald’s had one such meeting today, so, of course, we were there with bells on. … Read more »

PETA Crashes KFC’s Investor Pep Rally

PETA made sure that attendees at this week’s annual meeting of KFC’s parent company, Yum! Brands, in Louisville, Kentucky, would have something to chew on besides their cruelly obtained drumsticks and wings. Taking Stock—of KFC Cruelty As shareholders of Yum! Brands stock, PETA can attend the company’s annual meeting and ask a question during the … Read more »

Top 10 Reasons Cows Are Mad

With the discovery of mad cow disease in a cow from a California dairy farm and in potentially more cows as the U.S. Department of Agriculture searches for her former herdmates, PETA presents the top 10 reasons why cows are so darn mad: How Many Kids and Counting?Unless you’re Michelle Duggar, you probably have no … Read more »

Where Are Mad Cow’s Offspring, Mother, and Siblings?

After happening upon a case of mad cow disease at a California rendering plant during its testing of less than 0.5 percent of cows, the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) is now searching for the infected animal’s offspring, where her mother ended up, and her mother’s other offspring, as all of them could potentially be … Read more »

Schools Display Mutilated Cows as Cheap Thrill

It shouldn’t happen to intelligent, sensitive cows, but it does: With holes cut into their sides, they are used as sideshow-like attractions to lure children and prospective students to university events and fundraisers. Distraught attendees at some of these recent events sent PETA these disturbing photographs: The cows are part of common experiments that involve … Read more »

PETA Takes On California’s Mad Cow Scare

As a result of the latest case of mad cow disease on a dairy farm, PETA is placing a billboard near the Hanford, California, testing facility that found the disease. The billboard is a parody of the ludicrous “real milk comes from cows” ads that the California Milk Processor Board pushes. No one who eats … Read more »

Pippy the Pig Happy at Long Last

For the first few years of her life, Pippy the Vietnamese potbellied pig was as happy as … well, a pig in mud. She had a home with an older couple and the run of a large yard and was well cared for. But as her guardians’ health began to decline, so did their care … Read more »

Jillian Michaels Saves Horse from Meat Buyer

Through her work on The Biggest Loser, Jillian Michaels is accustomed to saving lives. But for one horse, her help arrived just hours before he would have been sent on a journey to become hamburger. From the Winner’s Circle to the Kill Pen During a PETA investigation of horse slaughter, in which horses are taken … Read more »

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