What Would Gandhi Eat?

Every day, I think about how lucky I am to have been born a human being. By the time you finish reading this post, 1,463 turkeys and 44,294 chickens will have had their throats slit, many of the 619 pigs who were slaughtered will have been scalded to death, and 217 cows are killed, many … Read more »

Is There Such a Thing as ‘Humane’ Meat?

Many PETA members have contacted us to ask whether they should support so-called “humane” meat. It’s a question that we all should be asking.

Thank Dog, Turkeys May Be Spared

Do you know folks who eat turkey breasts? What about terrier breasts? A new billboard that PETA is working to place near public schools in Ottawa; Winnipeg, Manitoba; and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, asks children to consider why they call one animal “family” and another “dinner”: Turkey: ©iStockphoto.com/James Steidl | Dog: ©iStockphoto.com/Eric Isselee Like dogs, turkeys are … Read more »

Things You Might Have Missed (9-8-12)

PETA News on Tumblr Don’t miss a thing. Follow PETA on Tumblr. The end of summer means that pools close for people but open for dogs! Across the country, dogs are closing out the season with a splash. Randall, famous for his video of the “crazy” honey badger, is back and taking on something truly … Read more »

Victory: PETA Prompts Rabbits’ Rescue!

Update: On August 20, Carole Van Wie, the operator of Bunny Magic Wildlife & Rabbit Rescue, Inc., was charged with 13 counts of cruelty to animals. The charges follow an August 8 raid on the facility—prompted by a PETA complaint—in which law-enforcement officers seized 222 rabbits. Officials reportedly had to don masks to rescue the … Read more »

PETA Booth Kicked Out of Iowa State Fair

Update: The booth reopened on Saturday after fair officials relented and asked PETA to return. Once again, Iowa State Fair visitors were able to see farm workers’ callous behavior and unlawful cruelty to animals for themselves via the uncensored undercover video footage shown at the booth. Originally posted August 10: Fairgoers are used to seeing … Read more »

A Humane Response to Violence in Colorado

Everyone has heard of the horrifying shooting of moviegoers in Aurora, Colorado, which left 12 people dead and dozens more injured, and many people have debated how gun control or mental-health care might help stop future outbreaks of violence. But while there are many forms of random, senseless violence that we can do nothing about, … Read more »

AZ Abortion Debate Inspires PETA Ad

PETA wants to give parties on both sides of the debate over Arizona’s new law banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy some other food for thought as we get set to display a new billboard in the Phoenix area. We think that everyone should be able to agree about death on factory farms and … Read more »

Chickens Aren’t Gay at Chick-fil-A

Chick-fil-A, the house of the homophobic waffle fries, wants homosexual people just to accept not having equal rights and chickens just to accept having their throats slashed and being scalded to death.  But a flock of protesters crashed Chick-fil-A’s Appreciation Day to show that they don’t appreciate the fast-food chain’s efforts to keep people in … Read more »

Spam Turns 75, Still Gross

When pig abuser Hormel‘s notorious nonfood Spam turned 75, the company decided to celebrate its saturated fat, cholesterol, and pig abuse in a tin with a party. Never ones to let an opportunity to share animals’ side of things pass us by, PETA sent brave “piggies” into Hormel territory. As people lured by free food … Read more »

Albert Schweitzer Does Dublin

Nobel Prize–winning physician, theologian, and vegetarian Dr. Albert Schweitzer once said, “The man who has become a thinking being feels a compulsion to give every will-to-live the same reverence for life that he gives to his own.” It was Schweitzer’s “reverence for life” that inspired our pals at PETA U.K. not only to sponsor the … Read more »

Burn, Barn, Burn, Say Farmers

It happens that the smell of seared pork and cooked chicken doesn’t always come from a barbecue grill or oven. Sometimes it’s straight out of the barn. That’s because every year, hundreds of thousands of chickens, pigs, cows, and other animals are burned alive in barn fires. In March, hundreds of animals, mostly pigs and … Read more »

Could You Spend One Minute in a Hen’s World?

Have you ever gotten that “caged animal” feeling? Now everyone who uses the elevator at PETA’s Norfolk, Virginia office, and PETA’s office in Los Angeles, the Bob Barker Building, will have it, thanks to our new elevator experience that gives visitors the feeling of being chickens inside a battery cage on an egg factory farm.  … Read more »

Chicken Crashes Chick-fil-A’s Party

We’ve all seen the awesome YouTube videos of cows who were being lovey-dovey with dogs, cats, and all sorts of other animals. So it’s not surprising that a cow joined her chicken buddy at the opening of a Chick-fil-A food truck to ask people to be chicken champions and not eat either of them: On … Read more »

It’s Happening: Horse Slaughter Vote

You’ve got to act now because on Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on the agriculture appropriations bill for fiscal year 2013, meaning that it will have to decide whether to continue to use taxpayer dollars to fund equine slaughter inspections. Last year, horse slaughter once again became a possibility in the U.S. … Read more »

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