Victory! New Mexico ‘Ag- Gag’ Bill Is Dead

Update: The New Mexico legislature adjourned without voting on the proposed “ag-gag” bill, effectively killing it for this year. Four other states are still considering making it a crime to record video on farms, so residents of Nebraska, Arkansas, Indiana, and Pennsylvania should let their legislators know that they oppose these unconstitutional bills.   The … Read more »

PETA Asks Pope Francis to Be a Saint to Animals

Newly elected Pope Francis is already making clear that his focus will be to embrace the disadvantaged. He chose his papal title in homage to St. Francis of Assisi, a renowned advocate for the poor and the patron saint of animals and the environment. PETA has written to His Holiness to congratulate him and to offer a … Read more »

PETA Parade Entry Would Show Philly Some Love

Christ’s chief lesson to his followers was that they should “love one another” (John 13:34). And in Philadelphia, “the city of brotherly love,” citizens are encouraged to embrace that sentiment. So as Philly prepares to kick off its huge annual Easter parade, PETA has asked permission to add some food for thought to the day, with a … Read more »

We’ve Got a Second Chance to End Horse Slaughter

The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act died last year when the congressional session ended and, along with it, our hope of permanently ending the slaughter of American horses for food in 2012. But we’re getting another chance. Senators and representatives from both sides of the aisle have come together to sponsor the Safeguard American Food … Read more »

Why Are These People Crying?

“If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian.” An intrepid group of animal advocates found a way to bring the slaughterhouse to the sidewalk.

© Serg Alexander/Eyeworks Production
‘Ag Gag’ Bill Draws Rock-Star Opponents

Update: Bob Barker has also written to Indiana legislators urging them to vote no on S.B. 373. The measure already has a strong Democratic opponent in Sen. Mark Stoops, so Barker, a lifelong Republican, hopes to unite lawmakers on both sides of the aisle against this unconstitutional bill. The following was originally published on March 4, … Read more »

Update: ‘Ag Gag’ Bill Stalls in New Hampshire

Update: Thanks to all of you who responded to PETA’s action alert, New Hampshire House Bill (H.B.) 110 has stalled in committee, meaning that investigators can continue to uncover cruelty on factory farms in the state. H.B. 110 is likely to come up again this fall, so please keep checking back here to learn how … Read more »

A National Pig Day Reminder: The ‘Humane Meat’ Myth

March 1 is National Pig Day, which has been set aside “to accord the pig its rightful, though generally unrecognized, place” as a smart and social animal.

©Jo-Anne McArthur | We Animals
Update: PETA Files Suit Seeking Information on Sanctioning of Cruel Dairy Farm

Update: PETA has filed a lawsuit against the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets under the state’s Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) seeking records relating to Adirondack Farms, LLC—the subject of last year’s undercover PETA investigation that revealed routine abuse and neglect of cows (see below for details). © Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Despite … Read more »

Victory: Wyoming Scraps Law to Hide Farmed Animal Abuse (Update)

Update: Another one bites the dust! Because of the public outcry following Bob Barker’s letter to lawmakers on PETA’s behalf (see below), Wyoming has become the latest state to shelve an “ag gag” bill designed to protect animal abusers on factory farms by preventing undercover investigations from being conducted. The irresponsible and dangerous legislation, House Bill … Read more »

Victory! Council Rejects Proposed Chicken Factory Farm

In a rousing victory for animals, a county planning commission in the U.K. has denied a notorious chicken factory farm a spot within its borders.  Harrison Farms had asked the Shropshire Council for permission to build an intensive factory farm in which 330,000 chickens at a time would be tightly crammed into dark sheds until … Read more »

Hens Say There’s No Such Thing as Humane Eggs!

Ever wonder what hens would say if they could describe their lives on egg factory farms? Wonder no more: “For as long as I can remember, I’ve been locked in this crowded, filthy cage,” says the “hen” in the video. “Day after day, month after month, this is my entire life.” Hens crammed into cages on … Read more »

Piglets Get a Christmas Feast Fit for a King

We know that there weren’t any pigs on your table this Christmas, but were there pigs at it? At a festive Christmas party in Goa, India, not only were pigs at the table, they were also the guests of honor. The Panjim Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) had intercepted a group of people who were illegally transporting about 100 pigs and who intended to slaughter and … Read more »

If You Give a Pig a Video Game …

The Black Friday shoppers who were standing in line at midnight to score deals on video games weren’t necessarily parents of teenage boys. Some of them might have been pig guardians. It’s true: Pigs love a good video game. Surprised? Then try this one on for size: Pigs can answer to their names within a … Read more »

Rescued Dogs Helped Jessica Chastain Through Tough Scenes in ‘Zero Dark Thirty’

As a vegan, Jessica Chastain has famously said, “I don’t want to torture anything in my life.” And shooting disturbing torture scenes for the upcoming film Zero Dark Thirty, which details the hunt for and takedown of Osama bin Laden, was understandably rough on the actor. But Jessica revealed how she and director Kathryn Bigelow … Read more »

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