Larger Cages? We Don’t Want ANY Cages for Hens

The Egg Products Inspection Act Amendments of 2013, which Congress is currently considering, could keep hens used by the egg industry confined to cages forever. The legislation is spearheaded by the industry’s trade association, the United Egg Producers, and, if passed, may overturn existing bans on cages for hens and legitimize and engrain so-called “enriched” or … Read more »

Washington PTA Makes Deal With the Devil

A PETA member has sent a letter to the head of the state’s PTA regarding its announced partnership with McDonald’s to “promote healthy eating for kids.”

See the Alarming Ad PETA Is Showing Kentucky Derby Visitors

There is a certain kind of person, it seems, who enjoys dressing up like a deranged escapee from some historical theme park and swilling mint juleps just to watch horses run around a dirt track for a couple of minutes. But as a new PETA mobile billboard will remind visitors arriving at Churchill Downs to attend the … Read more »

Injured Pigs Suffer After Truck Crash

As if a life of suffering on a factory farm that ends with a terrifying death in a slaughterhouse weren’t enough, pigs killed for Smithfield Foods, Inc.’s, ham and bacon also face being injured or killed in a traffic accident on their way to slaughter. The latest wreck makes at least the 11th by pork … Read more »

Emmylou Harris Sings Out Against Bill to Protect Abusers

Will farmed animals forced into a life they didn’t choose lose their protections in the Volunteer State? Not if PETA and music legend Emmylou Harris have anything to say about it! weeklydig | cc by 2.0 Do Not Resuscitate With your help, PETA has been able to kill off six state “ag-gag” bills, designed to prevent … Read more »

Carrie Underwood Fires Back at Rude TN Lawmaker

Carrie Underwood isn’t hiding her disgust about Tennessee’s “ag-gag” bill—and and rightfully so. She strongly disagrees with making cruelty investigations on farms illegal and said she may just show up on the governor’s doorstep if he signs the bill into law. But state Rep. Andy Holt took it upon himself to insult Carrie for voicing … Read more »

Jillian Michaels Hits Capitol Hill to Keep Horses SAFE From Slaughter

Visiting Washington, D.C., to give a motivational speech, the dynamic Jillian Michaels—one of the nation’s top fitness gurus and star of NBC’s The Biggest Loser—gave another motivational speech, this one in behalf of horses. Jillian visited Capitol Hill while on her tour Maximize Your Life and secured pledges from Sens. Barbara Boxer (seen below, with Jillian) and Dianne … Read more »

Victory! California’s ‘Ag-Gag’ Bill Dies

Republican Jim Patterson introduced “ag-gag” Assembly Bill 343 to the California Assembly—if passed, the bill would have likely shut down undercover investigations on factory farms. As it turned out, the bill was what got shut down. There was so much opposition to Assembly Bill 343 that Patterson yanked it out of consideration himself after admitting … Read more »

PETA Horns In on Annual Meetings to End Dehorning

Big dairy better be wary. Casey Affleck and Ryan Gosling have helped us expose dairy farms’ cruel practice of dehorning calves to the public, and now PETA is appealing directly to dairy distributors’ shareholders. We bought stock in several dairy companies and businesses that have dairy farms in their supply chains so that we could … Read more »

Carrie Underwood Will Show Up at Gov.’s Door if He Signs ‘Ag-Gag’ Bill

Tennessee lawmakers passed the state’s proposed “ag-gag” bill, which would require video shot on factory farms in order to expose animal abuse to be turned over to law enforcement within 48 hours. The governor has 10 days to sign or veto the bill, and Tennessee resident Carrie Underwood is determined to stop the unconstitutional bill in … Read more »

President Obama Rides to Horses’ Rescue

Buried deep in President Barack Obama’s 244-page budget proposal is this gem: a reprieve for America’s horses. The new budget plan includes a request for Congress to reinstitute a prohibition on the funding of U.S. Department of Agriculture inspectors at horse slaughter plants, which would effectively put the kibosh on budding plans to resume slaughtering … Read more »

PETA’s Game of Drones

PETA has come up with a drone program that even Rand Paul might be able to get behind. Inspired by the increasing use of drones for nonmilitary purposes, such as fighting wildfires and conducting search-and-rescue missions, PETA is planning to acquire a drone of its own to spy on hunters and catch them in the act as … Read more »

PETA Set to Release Meat-Allergy–Inducing Ticks in Northeastern U.S.

We do get a little ticked off that some people are still eating animals, but we are not alone: Apparently, so does at least one breed of ticks. Scientists have discovered that the bite of the Lone Star tick causes people to develop an allergy to meat. Once a person has been bitten, if he or … Read more »

Matalin and Carville Agree: Don’t ‘Gag’ Investigators [Update: Ark. Bill Dies!]

Update: Well, that was fast! Shortly after Mary Matalin sent a personal appeal on PETA’s behalf urging lawmakers to shelve bills intended to prevent undercover investigations of factory farms, legislators in Arkansas have scrapped their proposed “ag-gag” measures. Now, let’s keep the momentum going—if you live in California, Indiana, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, or Vermont, please … Read more »

Texas and Oklahoma Investigate Horse ‘Kill Buyer’

Authorities in Texas and Oklahoma are acting on complaints from PETA that a “kill buyer”—someone who purchases horses and transports them to slaughterhouses or feedlots—falsified forms certifying that horses who were being transported to slaughter were free of a deadly equine disease. Twice last year, a PETA investigator rode along with the kill buyer as he moved dozens … Read more »

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