PETA’s Most Attention-Grabbing Efforts to Save Turkeys

Every November, PETA gives turkeys something to be thankful for with our headline-grabbing actions. You’re welcome, free birds.

PETA Asks Obama to Cancel Annual Turkey ‘Pardon’

By participating in the turkey “pardon,” Obama is supporting an industry that slaughters animals, endangers the environment, and harms people’s health.

High-Tech Ad Contains Secret Thanksgiving Message Only Kids Can See

As if Free Birds didn’t give kids enough food for thought, PETA is hoping to kick things up a notch with a high-tech Thanksgiving ad that only kids can see.

Top 10 Completely Crazy Things You Never Knew About Chicken and Eggs

Halloween is over, but some truly scary things could still be lurking in your refrigerator.

Why It’s More Important Than Ever to Stop Eating Chickens

Think chicken slaughter can’t get any crueler? Think again.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
See the Movie That’s Changing How the World Sees Animals

Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Chicken Gets Star Billing in Quirky Short Film

A plucky chicken tells of life on a factory farm. Will she get out alive?

Chicken Industry Faces Challenge From Beyond Meat

Beyond Meat CEO Ethan Brown is taking Big Ag to task, and he’s naming names.

Would Canadians Eat Their Own Dogs?

Kids say the darnedest things. So what would they say about a Thanksgiving table with a Fido centerpiece?

Is Your Hurl Worth $50?

As cab drivers start to charge people $50 per lost lunch, PETA puts our wheels in motion.

A Little Bird Helps Bill Clinton Celebrate His Birthday

Former President Bill Clinton is marking his 67th birthday today, and PETA is helping him celebrate by adopting a chicken in his honor.

Moms: Do Your Sons a Favor and Let Chickens Keep Their Wings

Findings published by the Study for Future Families showed a significant link between eating chicken during pregnancy and smaller penis size in male infants.

Photo of the Day: I’m Leavin’ It

An alert reader spotted this image on Facebook, and we just had to share it.

Casey Affleck’s Must-See Film

The fact that calves are dehorned with instruments that look like medieval torture devices is just one of the reasons why Casey doesn’t do dairy.

What’s in Your Milk?

Ever wonder what’s really in a glass of milk?

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