I Scream, You Scream … Why Do Cows Scream for Ice Cream?

Our artsy new ad reminds Windy City residents that every scoop of dairy-based ice cream contains screams of pain.

Tricked Into Buying ‘Humane’ Meat? Tell Us Your Story!

As people learn how factory farms hurt animals, meat producers are making improvements―to their labels. If you were misled by the labels, PETA wants to know.

Mother Cows Search for Missing Babies at Cheese Conference

Five grieving “cows”—and other concerned PETA members—went to the American Cheese Society Conference to search for their missing babies.

Ever Wonder Where Cows on Dairy Farms Come From? Watch This to See.

Disturbing video footage shows calves dragged by their ears and tails and slammed into transport trucks. Please help us identify where this cruelty occurred.

“Environmentalists” Called Out in Cowspiracy

“Cowspiracy” could just do to the meat and dairy industries what “Blackfish” is doing to SeaWorld.

Victory! More ‘Ag-Gag’ Bills Defeated

Big Agriculture keeps pushing investigation-stifling “ag-gag” bills in numerous states, but animal advocates and others keep knocking them down.

© Susan Riley Photography
Victory! Sordid Slaughterhouse to Shut Its Doors

Soon, pigs will no longer be electro-shocked at a Mississippi slaughterhouse that PETA exposed last year.

© Kencredible
PETA, ACLU, Many Others Sue Idaho Over ‘Ag-Gag’ Law

Idaho’s new “ag-gag” law endangers animals, workers, and the First Amendment. So the ACLU, PETA, and numerous other groups are banding together to stop it.

FreeImages.com/Griszka Niewiadomski
PETA Germany Investigation Uncovers Turkey Torture

From artificial insemination to antibiotics, an investigation by PETA Germany uncovers the twisted process of getting turkeys from egg to plate.

PETA’s Bipartisan News Conference Packs Arizona State Capitol

It’s not often you hear about Republican strategists putting their heads together with Democratic senators, but that’s exactly what happened in Arizona today.

Pig Farmer Agrees, ‘No Such Thing as Humane Meat’

A pasture-based pig farmer recently did something extraordinary: He decided that how he’s been making his living is unethical, and he quit and went vegetarian.

© Susan Riley Photography
Photos of the Day: ‘Try Vegan’ Ad Campaign Rolls Through D.C.

After having handed out vegan ribs, “cows,” “chickens,” and “pigs” boarded the D.C. Metro to kick off PETA’s new ad campaign asking people to try vegan.

With Roadside Memorial, PETA Offers Food for Thought in ‘Poultry Capital’

A PETA member is applying for a roadside memorial in the “poultry capital of the world” to commemorate the chickens who were recently killed in a truck crash.

Tombstone: ©iStock.com/ChiyaCat
Chicken: ©PhotodiscAnimal Attraction /Getty Images
The Ham That Barked

PETA pitches its provocative holiday “puplet” billboard to remind kids that it’s as cruel to eat hogs as it is to eat dogs.

Dog: © iStock.com/Angelika Schwarz
Pig: © iStock.com/Clint Scholz
Photo of the Day: Young ‘Calf’ Says, ‘I Miss My Mom!’

A very cute “calf” has an important message for you.

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