Update: Meat Animal Research Center Ordered to Halt New Experiments

New experiments at the Meat Animal Research Center have been put on hold as the USDA and Congress continue to critique the cruel laboratory.

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Success! Cruel Worcestershire Chicken Farm Proposal Finally Rejected

Plans to build a horrific new chicken factory in Worcestershire were dismissed after almost 30,000 PETA supporters spoke out against the proposal.

Drones Open the Curtain on Smithfield’s Fetid Factories

Spy drones get footage of massive factory farm cesspools.

A Hanukkah Miracle: Guilt-Free Gelt!

Those attending the National Menorah Lighting in Washington, D.C., were greeted by a PETA “cow” bearing gifts.

Hens Get Homes for the Holidays … and Do a Little Painting, Too

Nearly 100 chickens head for their new homes after being rescued from an egg farm.

KFC Would Like This ‘Chicken’ to Fly the Coop

PETA’s founder shows where KFC’s breasts and wings come from.

PETA Tells Kids, ‘Let Everyone Be With Their Family This Thanksgiving’

PETA is heading to four cities with some of the highest populations of young kids to remind them that animals love their families, too, and want to be together.

PETA Wants to Turn Meat Truck Into What …?

Can a place of pain and suffering be turned into something better?

PETA Pig Farm Investigation Highlighted in Harrowing New Book

Acclaimed journalist Ted Genoways’ new book reveals the true price of cheap meat: abused animals, exploited workers, and a poisoned planet.

It’s Not ‘Humane’ to Grab and Throw Chickens

“Humane” label dupes consumers and does nothing to help chickens.

Filthy N.C. Dairy Farm Shuts Down Following PETA Investigation

After PETA exposes vile conditions at Osborne Farm, Inc., one of the dairy operation’s milk buyers stops purchasing from it.

10 PETA Members to Shower at New York City Climate Change March

PETA will be at the People’s Climate March with a display that will certainly turn heads.

PETA Goes to the ‘Execution Capital of the World’ to Ask for Clemency

With so much talk about botched executions, PETA wants to show people that death row inmates aren’t the only victims.

The Beheadings No One Is Talking About

Atrocities in faraway places can make us feel powerless to do anything about them—but there are still ways to help stop the violence.

FreeImages.com/Griszka Niewiadomski
New York Forces Laboring Mothers to Give Birth in Public

People who use animals for entertainment often justify it as “educational”—as organizers of a disturbing exhibit at New York’s state fair are doing.

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