What I Learned From Whole Foods Pigs Destined to Become Dinner

For the first time, PETA’s observer talks about her experience working at a pig farm that supplies Whole Foods.

Germany Says ‘Nein!’ to Grinding Up Live Chicks

The grinding up of live male chicks at the hands of the egg industry will be a thing of the past in Deutschland, but what about the hens?

PETA’s New Tactic to Combat Whole Foods’ Lies? Buy Its Stock!

It’s time for Whole Foods to stop marketing meat as “humane,” “humanely raised,” and “raised with care.” Here’s what we’re doing about it.

As a Breastfeeding Mother, My Heart Breaks for Cows

From mother cows to human mothers, a mother’s love knows no bounds.

© iStock.com/Tomas_Handfield
Victory! Idaho’s ‘Ag-Gag’ Law Declared Unconstitutional

In a landmark victory, the U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho strikes down Idaho’s “ag-gag” law, deeming it unconstitutional.

© iStock.com/imagedepotpro
Crippled ‘Chickens’ Cross the Road to Protest Poultry Group’s Meeting

PETA ‘birds’ descended on the Canadian Poultry and Egg Processors Council to expose the industry’s cruelty.

Food Fight: PETA Files False-Advertising Complaint Over Whole Foods’ ‘Humane Meat’

Shoppers are unaware that chickens, cows and pigs treated “humanely” may still be mutilated, starved and scalded alive. 

© iStock.com/LeNico
Meat and Dairy Eaters Anonymous Launched in Nation’s Capital

A new group called Meat and Dairy Eaters Anonymous is launched to help people kick the meat and dairy habit for good.

Pamela Anderson Visits Maricopa County Jail to Promote Meat-Free Program

PETA applauds Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s policy and calls for jails and prisons nationwide to drop meat.

‘Has Your Meat Been Molested?’ Billboard Cancelled

PETA’s pro-vegan campaign ad won’t run in the wake of teacher sex-abuse scandals.

General Mills Leads the Way in Opposing Cow Mutilations

Following discussions with PETA, one of the world’s largest food companies has moved to end the cruel dehorning of calves. 

Victory! Washington ‘Ag-Gag’ Bill Fails to Make It to the Floor

After being slammed with objections from all sides, Washington’s “ag-gag” bill “can’t move any further.”

Teaching Prisoners to Butcher Animals—Dumbest Idea Ever?

File under “What were they thinking?” A Minnesota state senator wants to give inmates a license to kill.

Pig Goes to Iowa Ag Summit with a Message for Governors, Senators, & Trump

Attendees at the first Iowa Ag Summit included politicians, presidential hopefuls, the governors of eight different states, Donald Trump, and a pig.

Another ‘Ag-Gag’ Bill Bites the Dust

Thanks to citizens who took action, including more than a thousand PETA supporters in the state, Colorado has become the 18th state to stop an “ag-gag” bill.

© iStock.com/Basmeelker
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