What? Indy 500 Celebrates 100th Race by Taking Babies From Their Moms

The Indy 500 race will celebrate 100 years by tearing babies away from their mothers. Not because the moms are bad—it’s not personal. It’s just a business deal.

These Videos May Prove Animals Know When They’re Next in Line to Die

Would you risk your life if you knew it was on the line?

VIDEO: Dead Piglets Left to Rot on British Pig Factory Farms

Activists visited UK pig farms to see for themselves how the animals were treated. This heartbreaking video shows what they found.

Video: Emma’s Story—a Revealing Look Inside a ‘Humane’ Egg Shed

California’s Proposition 2 was supposed to help hens, but a recent investigation shows that little has changed.

Report Shows That Chicken Producers Pollute Our Water More Than Big Oil Co.

An Environment America report indicates that Tyson Foods and other big chicken producers have dumped more pollution into U.S. waterways than ExxonMobil.

© iStock.com/suriyasilsaksom
Shocking Video Shows Live, Struggling Cow Dropped Into Dump Truck

PETA is calling for an investigation after this disturbing video surfaced.

Israel Orders Slaughterhouses to Install Cameras

Israel makes positive strides to combat the most egregious cruelty to animals in slaughterhouses.

PETA Feeds Law Enforcement Officers at Malheur Wildlife Refuge

In the midst of chilly air and chillier sentiments, PETA delivers some hot vegan food to law enforcement officials, Native Americans, and other people involved in the stand-off.

Lettuce Clarify: Bacon Isn’t Good for the Planet or Pigs

The empirical evidence is clear and overwhelming: Vegan eating is far, far better for the planet.

Video: Millions Meet PETA Online for #30DaysOfVegan

Eating vegan is healthy, satisfying, and fun, but how do you show people that? PETA found 30 ways in 30 days during World Vegan Month in November.

Off to London? You Might Catch PETA UK’s ‘Moving’ Ad

Shopping at Harrods? Clicking selfies in Trafalgar Square? Then prepare to see PETA UK’s latest ad rolling by.

What They Won’t Tell You About Chicken—but We Will

Here’s a startling fact you probably didn’t know about what happens to one out of three chickens.

Nude Protestors on Giant Cutting Boards Call for Turkey-Free Thanksgiving

How would you feel if a human being were stuffed, roasted, and served for Thanksgiving dinner?

More Trouble at Whole Foods: PETA Exposes ‘Humane Pork’ Slaughterhouse

At a filthy slaughterhouse that kills pigs for Whole Foods’ “humane” pork, disabled pigs struggled, unable to access water.

PETA Asks Slaughterhouse Truck Toy Manufacturer to Make It Realistic

Some retailers are selling a toy version of a transport truck that hauls animals to slaughter. And PETA has some suggestions for improving it.

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