Ducks Kicked, Slammed Against Walls for Meat and Down

A PETA video exposé of Culver Duck Farms, Inc.—the second-largest duck slaughterer in the U.S.—reveals that ducks were kicked, thrown, slammed against walls, and kept in isolation for weeks.

Dozens of Pigs Killed in Crash as Pig Defender Goes on Trial

A truck carrying 160 pigs crashes in Ontario near the very spot where a woman gave water to thirsty pigs on a slaughterhouse-bound truck and ended up charged with a crime.

PETA Raises Question About Meat and Climate Change for Next Debate

Our question points to the role that animal agriculture plays in poisoning the planet and asks whether the candidates will promote a plant-based lifestyle.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Lamb Running From Slaughter Proves No One Wants to Die for Food

This lamb ran because slaughterhouses are the stuff of nightmares.

PETA Turns Out to Support Woman on Trial for Helping Thirsty Pigs

The Toronto woman was charged after she gave water to hot, dehydrated pigs who were bound for the slaughterhouse.

How PETA, Ryan Gosling, and Casey Affleck Saved Calves from Suffering

In a victory five years in the making, the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) is forcing dairy farms to begin addressing the dehorning of calves.

Opinion: This Election Season, Let’s Cut the Pork

Blue or red, all Americans should agree on this one issue.

Protesting ‘Animals’: ‘Enough Exposés, Stop Eating Us Already!’

After yet another exposé of meat-industry animal abuse, PETA animals converge on The Purple Pig to demand change.

Life as a Chicken in the Egg Industry: Hell Starts at the Hatchery

What these chicks experienced in the first (and last) hours of their lives is beyond heartbreaking.

Photo of the Day: Nuns Go ‘Mano a Mano’ at the DNC

See what happens when PETA’s “nuns” run into some real nuns at the Democratic National Convention.

Nuns on Stilts Call for a ‘Sin Tax’ on Meat at Republican National Convention

These PETA ‘Sisters’ pointed out the high health cost of eating animals.

Victory! North Carolina ‘Ag-Gag’ Law Struck Down as Unconstitutional

A federal judge agrees with PETA: North Carolina’s “ag-gag” law—an attempt to bully and threaten those working for transparency, free speech, and public good—is unconstitutional.

72 Piglets Dead After Farm Workers Jump on Them for ‘Fun’

“One worker began diving on the tightly packed piglets, as though at a children’s ball pit.”

Larry French/PETA
Horrific Slaughterhouse Footage: Cattle’s Heads Smashed In With Sledgehammers

“Nobody can claim they didn’t know this was happening—the exporters knew, the department knew and the minister knew.”

Schindler’s List Star: What the World Would Look Like if Everyone Went Vegan

See the beautiful PETA Germany spot “Hope” that has already been viewed almost 600,000 times in that country alone.

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