The 15 Most Awesome Photos of People Standing Up for Animals This Week

From being chained up at the Detroit Auto Show to having their “skin” ripped off in Times Square, there’s little that PETA supporters won’t do.

© Rachel Woolf
Exposed: Trucker in Latest Deadly Smithfield Crash Has Record of Driving Crimes

A 20-minute search was all it took to find the driver’s criminal records, yet someone put him behind the wheel. Ten pigs died as a result.

Twitter Roasts the Dairy Industry Over Its Lame #Februdairy Campaign

Folks have flooded social media with informative—and often downright hilarious—responses to the dairy industry’s propaganda.

The USDA’s ‘Organic’ Regulations Offered Animals Little-to-No Protection

The federal government’s recent ruling—that “USDA Organic” animals can be treated just as inhumanely as those who live and die on factory farms—simply made it official.

23 Cleverly Disguised Vegan Gifts for ‘Bacon People’

Some vegans love the taste of bacon, too, of course—we just prefer ours without the flayed pig stomach.

PETA’s 2017 Company of the Year Is …

We’re recognizing one company for promoting a kinder, more compassionate world. If you’re a movie buff, this year’s award recipient will come as no surprise.

See What Vice News Is Calling a Bovine Version of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’

Vice News is exposing a new depth to the physical and psychological abuse of cows on dairy farms.

Crash-Prone Turkey Producer Pledges to Improve Accident-Response Plan

A North Carolina turkey producer promises to put measures in place to keep turkeys from suffering and dying slowly on the side of the road.

Video: At World’s Largest Meat Co., Cows Inadequately Stunned

Photos and video footage from a slaughterhouse operated by the world’s largest meat producer show improperly stunned cows.

(VIDEO) Horrific Crash Sends Cows Flying Off Highway Overpass

Animals used for food are usually killed in slaughterhouses, out of humans’ sight. When transport trucks carrying them crash on highways, their suffering is harder to ignore.

Why We Oppose California’s Farmed-Animal Initiative and You Should, Too

The time has passed for supporting weak bills that consider improvements for animals in millimeters when they should be measured in miles.

Direct Action Everywhere Shows The Truth Behind “Humane” Turkey

This sick baby turkey went from dragging herself across the ground to playing with puppies at a sanctuary.

PETA Ads Remind Folks to Keep Compassion on Their Holiday Shopping Lists

Act compassionately this holiday season by keeping animals off your plates and out of your closets.

PETA Germany Heats Up the U.N. Climate Change Conference

If we’re serious about stopping climate change, it’s time to change what we put on our plates.

One Dairy Farm’s Manure Runoff Just Wiped Out 60,278 Fish

Iowa residents can thank a single dairy farm in New Vienna for spoiling miles of their waterways and killing more than 60,000 fish.

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