What do Jack Daniel’s, IBM, Gucci, and Forever 21 have in common? PETA’s top news for July

These victories—which our supporters made possible—were huge. Can you believe they’re just a taste of all that we accomplished in July?

Woman Somehow Shocked That Her Salmon Carcass Contains Parasites

A woman was shaken up after finding a squirming worm in some salmon flesh that she bought from Costco. Oh boy, do we have some news for her.

Salmon Parasite
Here’s a Shocker: Meat and Dairy Hurt Animals AND the Environment

Meat and dairy companies ruin our land, water, and air. The good news is there’s a simple solution to taking down these dirty polluters.

Interpret This! 10 of the Most Deliberately Misleading Terms Used by Animal Abusers

These 10 terms are among animal abusers’ favorites—only they might not mean what you think they mean. So we’re interpreting them for you.

Hey, Toronto, ‘I’m ME, Not MEAT!’ Proclaims Pro-Vegan Ad Blitz

We want millions of people to know that just like us, animals feel pain and fear, have unique personalities, and value their own lives.

Photo by Julius Sandor
Over 3,000 Pigs Burned to Death at Infamous #PigTrial Van Boekel Farm

It’s heartbreaking that these pigs died, but in death, they’ve escaped a horrid reality filled only with filth and pain.

©Jo-Anne McArthur | We Animals
Eau de Slaughterhouse? PETA Has an Answer to Meat Candles

Sorry, A.1., but people don’t want their homes to smell like rotting animal carcasses. Here’s PETA’s response to meat-scented candles.

PETA Urges Derby Owners to Donate $15,000 to Save Horses from Slaughter

The audiobooks company has donated a 2nd time to save Thoroughbreds from slaughter. PETA is asking all owners of the horses running in the Kentucky Derby to pony up.

Watch: PETA Parody Shows Why ‘the Caveman Diet’ Should Go Extinct

In a world…where people are still eating like cave dwellers, it’s up to one parody video to save the planet.

PETA Honors Two Law Professors Helping Us Defeat ‘Ag-Gag’

In PETA’s hard-won victories against “ag-gag” laws, animals have had two of the country’s foremost constitutional lawyers in their corner.

Exposé Finds Cows Shocked, Hung to Bleed Out at McDonald’s Supplier

After the footage was leaked to the media, the slaughterhouse shut down operations—and an investigation is now underway.

Kentucky Fried Chicken Sells Death by the Bucket—Here’s What You Can Do

We’ve beaten KFC before, and we can do it again. Help PETA save chickens around the world.

Chickens Crammed Inside Shed on ‘Free-Range’ Farm

A PETA eyewitness exposé reveals that “free-range” eggs are anything but.

Are You Eating Donkey Skin? Here’s How to Tell

Are you ingesting donkey skin? Or rubbing it on your face? The answer may surprise you.

© iStock.com/Cecilie Arcurs
A Year After Blackout, Still No Data on AWA Enforcement

We’re still in the dark about how the USDA is enforcing our nation’s most important animal protection law.

© iStock.com/Bosca78
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