Maine Fair Trade Lobster Under Fire for Dismembering Conscious Lobsters

Workers at Maine Fair Trade Lobster tore conscious animals limb from limb. One worker said they were alive for hours after the dismemberment.

Firefighters Hear Screams As 1,200 Pigs Burn to Death in Barn Fire

These pigs didn’t have to die—they were trapped in a barn because humans still dine on animal flesh. But we can all do something about that.

PETA Exposes This Cage-Free ‘Chicken Disneyland’ as Hell for Hens

The only thing this egg farm has in common with Disneyland is the severe crowding. A PETA eyewitness video reveals that cage-free hens are still miserable.

5 Times You Probably Ate Animal Rectums and Didn’t Know It

Have you eaten an animal rectum recently? Read on to find out if your diet warrants its own Sir Mix-A-Lot song.

Why Real Feminists Should Stop Eating Eggs

What does it mean when women pay for another female’s eggs even if she was imprisoned, controlled, and forced to produce them?

A New PETA Video Knocks Down the Wall Between Animals We Love and Animals We Eat

This holiday season, watch the story of a girl who makes a friend in a pig, only to realize that her new friend is someone else’s food.

Knickers the Giant Steer Is Too Big to Eat, but All His Friends Will Die

Internet sensation Knickers has been spared slaughter—here’s how you can help save his brothers and sisters around the world.

PETA’s 2018 Company of the Year Made Boss Move by Banning Meat

Leave animal flesh and gristle out of the daily grind. PETA’s 2018 Company of the Year proves that any business can help save animals.

PETA Rescues Turkeys From Slaughterhouse Days Before Thanksgiving

These turkeys are on their way to sanctuaries where they’ll spend this Thanksgiving—and the rest of their lives—safe and sound.

The Presidential Turkey Pardon Is Fake News

Let’s clear up a misconception: Turkeys don’t need to be “pardoned.” They’re not serving five to 10 for armed robbery.

Taxpayers Fund Cleanup of Dead Farmed Animals After Hurricane Florence

Millions in taxpayers’ money will be used to clean up the massive health and environmental crisis the meat industry left in North Carolina.

Jo-Anne McArthur | We Animals
VIDEO: Meet Mayflower, the Turkey Changing Folks’ Minds About Thanksgiving

Mayflower was saved before he could end up as a sad Thanksgiving centerpiece. Watch his new video, and find out how you can help animals.

Prop 12 Fails Hens, Misleads Kind Consumers—Don’t Be Duped

Prop 12 allows farmers to continue cramming sensitive, thinking birds into sheds by the thousands. Don’t let the labels fool you.

Scared Cattlemen’s Group’s Desperate Ploy to Stop Cell-Based Meat

The U.S. Cattlemen’s Association wants to ban cell-based meat companies from using the word “meat”—even though that’s precisely what it is.

America’s Dairy Problem Overflows: Farmers Forced to Dump Unwanted Milk

Sales are declining for the dairy industry, but farmers refuse to slow production. The U.S. is up to its eyeballs in dairy “products” no one wants.

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