PETA’s addition to this year’s “Everyone Wins” nominee gift bags will help today’s biggest stars make the connection between animal agriculture and climate change.
Deadly viruses, devastating forest fires, accelerating climate change: Eating meat isn’t just killing animals—it’s also threatening human health.
The connection between wool and climate change as well as other ecological devastation is real. But many on the internet weren’t ready for this truth bomb.
Everything about Australia’s current fate seems apocalyptic in scale. More than a billion charred, dead animals litter the land.
From Academy Award winners James Cameron and Louie Psihoyos comes a film that has turned the biggest and longest-held meat myth on its head.
The Amazon rainforest is burning. Are your shoes, car seats, or sofa to blame? Find out.
Brazil is the world’s biggest exporter of soybeans. But only a small fraction of those crops actually ends up on the dinner table.
There’s a new campaigner in town: PETA’s “climate change cow.” She took her “MOOving” message to New Hampshire ahead of the first primary for the 2020 presidential election.
These powerful works of art will show you how eating meat fuels the fires in the Amazon rainforest. If you care about the planet, it’s time to go vegan.
The Amazon isn’t burning by accident—it’s being burned to make way for more animal agriculture. But these Twitter users, celebrities, and others have a plan.
You don’t have to donate millions like Leo, and you don’t have to feel helpless watching the Amazon rainforest burn.
Stop crying over rainforest destruction if your mouth is full of meat—there’s no hope without action. Here’s how we can all act in the best way possible.
Experts say that the Brazilian Amazon fires are the work of humans, either deliberately or by accident. Who profits from the utter destruction?
Hundreds of opponents turned out to give a resounding NO to chicken killer Joseph Rosario, who had wanted to build a “live market” on Long Island.
When it comes to climate change, we may be royally “forked.” But will you “go gentle into that good night”—or will you fight for the health of our planet?