Honor Earth Day 2022 by streaming “Eating Our Way to Extinction,” available globally on Amazon Prime Video today! Read more to find out how to watch it.
Join 25 of the world’s most trusted experts for the free online 10th Annual Food Revolution Summit! Get the latest insights on vegan health while supporting PETA’s vital work for animals. It’s a win-win! Register today.
Eating vegan—even for just a single day—is an effective way to help the planet. Here are PETA’s tips and resources to help you go vegan on Earth Day and beyond.
Check out these restaurants and companies that are helping PETA for “Go Vegan for the Earth” Day this year!
Greta Thunberg—climate activist, devoted vegan, and agitator to science deniers everywhere—is now the star of her own riveting documentary.
When it comes to solving climate change, there’s no time machine to go back and fix the damage humans have done—unless the world goes vegan.
Unregulated dumping of waste, expansion of chicken farms—North Carolina’s meat industry is a major part of the state’s environmental racism problem.
The Amazon rainforest is shrinking every year because companies like JBS S.A.—which has been linked to illegal deforestation of the Amazon—want more space to raise and kill cows.
Upset over rising numbers of COVID-19 cases and mandatory masks? With a towering billboard, PETA reminds people that eating animals got us into this mess.
While it’s no shocker that a country with vegetation on its flag would support living vegan, it’s nice to see Canada investing in a meat-free future.
If you think you’re eating “humane meat,” think again. Your meat is almost certainly from a factory farm, and it’s risking another deadly pandemic.
COVID-19 and other deadly diseases have a major impact on the pig- and bird-flesh supply. What better time to overhaul this filthy industry?
PETA has been calling for a ban on live-animal markets from the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. Every government body should be doing the same.
If spring breakers in Florida were somehow still looking for a sign that the coronavirus pandemic should be taken seriously, PETA just gave it to them.
On one of the biggest nights of his life, PETA Person of the Year Joaquin Phoenix wasn’t thinking about himself. He was thinking about what else he could do to help end speciesism.