Animal Companions
Pope Benedict XVI: Save the Earth

At a weekend religious youth rally in Italy, Pope Benedict XVI told the more than 500,000 attendees that young Catholics should take the lead in the fight to save the earth. Check out what he said, “Before it’s too late, we need to make courageous choices that will recreate a strong alliance between man and … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA to Gore: Too Chicken to Go Veg?

In case you thought we were just kidding when we wrote to Al Gore urging him to go vegetarian to help stop global warming, maybe this ad will clarify our position for you. The evidence is in, and though it may be a little inconvenient for Mr. Gore to hear, the facts don’t lie. This … Read more »

Animal Companions
Defend Animals From Environmental Defense

Sadly, this headline isn’t a joke. To say that our history with the so called environmental group Environmental Defense (ED) is sordid is a bit of an understatement. Let’s just say that it more than ruffles our feathers that ED reps sit on all sorts of gov’t panels and always advocate for more animal tests—and … Read more »

Animal Companions
Live Earth Concerts

Are you as psyched as I am for Live Earth this weekend? Mad props to the organizers of this amazing event, which is actually nine concerts rolled into one huge global event to draw attention to the global warming crisis facing the world. What an undertaking . . . Now don’t get me wrong, anytime … Read more »

Animal Companions
Letter to the Prez, re: Global Warming

Sometimes, when you have serious concerns about the way something’s being done, you just have to take it to the top. And PETA Vice President Bruce Friedrich, who takes in all the latest political happenings with his bran flakes and soymilk every morning, has no qualms about doing exactly that. Bruce just dashed off a … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA India Do Things Their Own Way

PETA India’s Campaign Coordinator, Rohini Kamath, just sent me some photos from a couple of protests that she and her colleagues held this week to draw attention to, respectively, the cruelty of the dairy industry, and the hypocrisy inherent in eating meat and trying to save the environment at the same time. Check ’em out: … Read more »

Animal Companions
Meet PETA’s New Executive Vice President

This will be an exciting announcement for those of you who are interested in PETA’s inner workings—and I’ve included plenty of cool pics for those of you that aren’t, so bear with me. Tracy Reiman, who has been a driving force behind PETA’s campaigns for 16 years, has just been promoted to Executive Vice President. … Read more »

Animal Companions
Senator Reid: Give Vegetarians a Break
Animal Companions
LSU Just Doesn’t Get It

Dmuth/Creative Commons It’s incredibly frustrating dealing with these people. The point is a relatively simple one: In captivity, big cats are denied everything that is natural and important to them—companionship for one, not to mention the opportunity to run, climb, hunt, and establish their territory. But officials at LSU, who have insisted on replacing their … Read more »

Animal Companions
A Complete Time Waster

Have you seen the Tom Jones inspired cat memory game that’s making its way around the interweb this week? I hate to even blog about it, but what can I say, I’m obsessed. If you have a spare minute or two, see if you can beat me; I got to level 12. But I warn … Read more »

Animal Companions
Chicago Tribune on the Animal Rights Movement

There was a fantastic feature article in The Chicago Tribune Magazine this weekend about the animal rights movement, with the premise that as times change, tactics change, but the message remains the same. It’s always great to see animal rights get thoughtful mainstream coverage that’s free of rhetoric, and this article will hopefully introduce a … Read more »

Animal Companions
Alicia Silverstone Rocks “The View”

What can I say, Alicia Silverstone is amazing. She never misses an opportunity to talk about veganism and animal rights. I think she might have just won my vote in our “World’s Sexiest Vegetarian” contest. Check it out here.

Animal Companions
Connecticut Prison Significantly Lowers Morale

This one’s just so depressing, I don’t even really know what to do with it. The story, so far, has gone a little bit like this: ROBINSON CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION: FYI, inmates—the woodchucks that frolic outside your cells will be exterminated this weekend. INMATES: But those woodchucks are the only things that bring us joy in … Read more »

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