The Trashy Toxicity of Pollution

Litter isn’t just ugly and dirty—it kills. Artist Chris Jordan took a series of photographs of albatross chicks, and the photos are so surreal that I thought they were part of some strange pop-art installation meant to shock and disturb the viewer. The genuine shock, though, came when I found out that these are unaltered … Read more »

Glenn Beck to Al Gore: Listen to PETA

Fox News host Glenn Beck may not be ready to sign PETA’s “Pledge to Be Veg” just yet, but that didn’t stop him from dishing up some choice words about Al Gore’s continued, convenient omission of any mention of the meat industry’s devastating impact on the environment.   thepulseofrevolution / CC   “… I am … Read more »

Million Baby Crawl–What Does It Mean for Animals? / CC There’s a lot of buzz right now about proposed legislation designed to revise decades-old regulations of toxic chemicals, which could be wonderful news. Unfortunately, language in the proposed bill—known as the “Kid Safe Chemicals Act”—would protect neither children nor the environment, and it would spell death via poisoning for a staggering number … Read more »

Sea Kittens Are Smart Cookies

Those of you who still need convincing that fish sea kittens are smarter than a 5-year-old should check out today’s New York Times. Molecular biologist and geneticist Sean B. Carroll writes about recent studies indicating that fish who inhabit coral reefs can learn to differentiate between targets marked with different designs and colors in order … Read more »

Bevy of Beauties (and Plenty of Brawn) in D.C.

This weekend, D.C. residents were lucky enough to have the chance to catch PETA’s hardworking campaigners showering for a cause—not once, but twice! On Friday, two PETA ladies decided to clean their consciences on the corner of Seventh Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. Our squeaky-clean lasses wanted to let people know that the amount of water … Read more »

It’s a Win-Win for PETA and the EPA

Several years ago, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decided to tackle the issue of determining the safety of nanomaterials—teeny-tiny particles that measure less than one-tenth of a micrometer (even smaller than the brain of the average Michael Vick fan) As soon as we learned about this initiative, our staff scientists began communicating with the EPA, … Read more »

Moby vs. Al Gore / CC I got my first vegan pancake recipe from Moby when his berry flapjacks were featured way back when in Seventeen magazine. He could have stopped there, but it seems like Moby keeps coming up with ways to win my animal-loving heart. In a recent blog entry, Moby goes the extra mile for … Read more »

Meet the Sandy LEGO Beachbots

The following is a guest post from peta2’s Marta.   Can a group of 11- to 14-year-olds from San Diego get people to eat less meat? The Sandy LEGO Beachbots can! The Beachbots build LEGO robots for competitions (where they sometimes give out vegan pizza), and they’ve also launched an initiative called Kids Keep the … Read more »

Cash for Cluckers

famouschicken / CC The day after the Senate votes on an extension of the Cash for Clunkers program, we’re launching our new environmentally friendly program, “Cash for Cluckers.” Because a lot of nonvegetarian Americans are buy-curious about faux-meat products—and because factory farms wreak havoc on the environment—we’ve decided to offer consumers a rebate on their … Read more »

Staying Upwind of Stephen Harper

businessreport / CC In an effort to clean up its act before the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver, the city of Victoria is building four new waste-treatment plants to handle the tens of millions of gallons of raw sewage that are currently being pumped into Puget Sound every day. Processing sewage isn’t the only … Read more »

Ghent, Belgium, Announces Weekly ‘Vegetarian Day’

  igougo / CC In an attempt to shrink its carbon footprint, the charming town of Ghent, Belgium, just took one gigantic, progressive step by deciding to go vegetarian for one day each week. Instead of just feeling bad that meat production leads to more greenhouse-gas emissions than all the vehicles with engines in the … Read more »

SPAM Versus Spam

  stuffthathappens / CC Without spam e-mail, there could be no “Who got the funniest spam today?” (I won today with “You can look fancy even if you are a simple taxi driver.”) But is spam destroying the Earth? It turns out that spam has a heck of a carbon footprint. According to a recently … Read more »

New EPA Report Recommends Moving Away from Animal Testing

kyecha / CC Finally. After PETA has spent the past 10 years hammering away at the Environmental Protection Agency over its absurdly archaic, repetitive, and wasteful—not to mention cruel—chemical-toxicity tests on animals, the agency has at last released a strategic plan for improving toxicity testing that basically says, “Yeah, what PETA said.” OK, that’s not … Read more »

Pupils to Be Peppered With Free PETA Paper?

When public school systems fall on hard times, they know they can count on PETA to pitch in. Remember when we sent message toilet paper to a struggling Detroit school? So, of course, we jumped into action when we heard about a cash-strapped school in Idaho that’s limiting how much writing paper teachers can use. … Read more »

PETA Supports Al Gore’s Internet Initiative

politicsonline / CC Well … kind of. The former veep, unsatisfied with having invented the Internet itself, is now attempting to create a new domain-name suffix “.eco” for use by individuals, organizations, and companies that promote environmentally friendly causes. We think this is such a great idea that we plan to be first in line … Read more »

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