Tired of High Gas Prices? Get a Free Fill-Up

Record high gas prices have motorists feeling low, but PETA’s Petrol Pin-Ups are easing the pain at the pump.

Hawaii May Purchase Failing Slaughterhouse

A controversial new bill in Hawaii may have taxpayers footing the bill to bail out a financially troubled slaughterhouse, no matter how they may feel about its harm to the environment and animals or how unprofitable it is.   Animals killed for food are often scalded, skinned, and dismembered while still conscious.  Senate Bill 249, which … Read more »

A New Tax We Can All Live With

We know that there are two certainties in life: death and taxes. What if you could cheat both? In an opinion piece he wrote for The Huffington Post, PETA Vice President Bruce Friedrich proposes that we can do just that by imposing a “sin tax” on meat and dairy products, much like the ones currently levied … Read more »

Germans Go Green

After an unprecedented victory by the Green Party in Germany’s elections, Green candidate Winfried Kretschmann is preparing to be the party’s first appointed governor in the state of Baden-Württemberg. One newspaper called it “the start of a new political era in Germany.” The Green era could be the animal-friendly era, too, if the party opts … Read more »

Go Green on St. Pat’s by Going Vegan

Green shirt? Check. Green flashing shamrock pin? Check. Green diet? Check. If you want to be really green this St. Patrick’s Day, consider test-driving a planet-healthy vegan diet. According to Environmental Defense, if every American skipped just one meal of chicken per week and substituted vegetarian foods instead, the carbon-dioxide savings would be the same … Read more »

Save Starving Children: Go Vegan

People should be encouraged to dump meat just as smokers are encouraged to give up tobacco, according to The Future of Food and Farming, a British report featuring contributions from 400 researchers around the world. With the global population expected to jump from 6.8 billion to more than 9 billion by 2050, the report predicts that … Read more »

Taiwan to ‘Potty Train’ Pigs

Potty-training factory-farmed animals in an effort to curb pollution? That’s what Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration is proposing. Last week, the government agency said that it wants to train free-range pigs to urinate and defecate in certain areas in order to prevent them from relieving themselves in (and thereby polluting) rivers and streams. The problem is, the … Read more »

Mapping America’s Factory Farms

I’m such a map geek that I study the road atlas for fun. But I was equal parts intrigued and disturbed by the latest map that I laid eyes on: Food & Water Watch’s Factory Farm Map. This interactive online map shows which areas of the U.S. have the most animal factories, and it also … Read more »

‘Mad Men’ Star Is a Vegetarian

One of the best things about the fourth season of Mad Men—which has caused me to suffer major withdrawal symptoms since its conclusion a few weeks ago—was watching as spoiled rich kid Pete Campbell showed signs of a new maturity in the face of his new responsibilities as a partner and a parent. But actor … Read more »

PETA Urges Enviro Do-Gooders to Do Better …

… by going vegan. Sure, we at PETA sing the praises of electric cars, but hybrid car owners who load bags of revolting meat and dairy products into their trunks need to start humming a different tune. That’s why PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman has written a letter to James Hunt, chief of Boston’s … Read more »

The Meat Industry Wastes Water

AZRainman/CC by 2.0 Today we’re joining thousands of bloggers from around the world who are participating in Blog Action Day, an annual event in which bloggers post about a common worthy cause—such as preserving water. So let’s dive right into the deep end by taking stock of how much water is wasted when animals are … Read more »

‘NASCAR’s Hottest Woman’ Is Vegetarian

Leilani Münter is fast, hot, and compassionate. She recently revealed to readers of The Huffington Post that her love for animals inspired her to go vegetarian years ago. Now we know why this red-hot racecar enthusiast went vegetarian—and why sexy actor Michael Dorn went vegan (unlike his Star Trek character, Worf, a spaceship-steering, raw meat–eating … Read more »

Mario Batali to Reveal Joy of (Vegetarian) Cooking

  Not long ago, we told you that celebrity chef Mario Batali was introducing special “Meatless Mondays” options at all of his 14 restaurants. Well, thanks to, we get to meat meet up with Mario for a progress report: He says that he feels better as his diet becomes increasingly veggie-heavy. And he predicts … Read more »

Internet Soup

It’s so hot in the city, you’d think I’d be making another batch of lemonade—but I’ve got a hankering for some Internet Soup. It’s been a while since the last batch, so dig in! Scientists know that pigs prefer a life like Arnold Ziffel’s—full of Green Acres and some “luxuries” … … but this pug … Read more »

The Time to Help Animals Used in Chemical Testing Is Now

Congress is considering a bill to reform the way that this country tests and manages toxic chemicals, and PETA has submitted testimony. Because the legislation seeks to require more chemical testing, it will lead to vastly increased suffering of animals in laboratories if it’s passed. That’s why it’s vitally important that you tell your congressional … Read more »

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